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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

VOIP Phone Service

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Yes I agree, totaly unbeatable. There has been some talk about this on a Icelandic bord.


Taken from the FAQ section.


-How long can I use my credit to make calls outside the VoipStunt network?


Credit in your VoipStunt balance remains active for 120 days after your last purchase. Credit balances on accounts with no activity during a 120 day period will be lost.



However some reports that their balance remains unmoved after the 120 days. As it is still only Beta that could explain it.

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Yes I agree, totaly unbeatable. There has been some talk about this on a Icelandic bord.


Taken from the FAQ section.


-How long can I use my credit to make calls outside the VoipStunt network?


Credit in your VoipStunt balance remains active for 120 days after your last purchase. Credit balances on accounts with no activity during a 120 day period will be lost.



However some reports that their balance remains unmoved after the 120 days. As it is still only Beta that could explain it.

The way I read this is> if there is no activity on the account then you lose the cash, but if you're making calls>you are keeping your account active. I would think that as long as you're making calls even for free, you are good, any solid word?



travlling....... :nod

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As I have posted, I am still awaiting Broadband in my apartment, so I took my Vonage ATA and telephone to the local Internet shop in Jomtien Beach. No problems with plugging it in to the Internet, and then I proceeded to make 30 minutes of calls to the U.S.


All of a sudden the owner rushes in and demands that I stop! He insists that I am using his phone line to make long distance calls. After showing that I am plugged in to his Internet router and not his telephone system, he still demands that I stop!


Some people are so Th Century....

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  • 2 weeks later...
I like to use Skype to talk with family back in the US crystal clear with my ADSL 512 line. Only downside is the people on the other end have to have a computer too but this is usually not a problem.



You must know that you can call land lines with Skype, price depending where to, and the U.S. and most civilised (!!!) places are cheap cheap. Just sign up to Skype out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, I use VOIP Cheap and it works great. I live in England and my wife is Thai. Made a £10 credit on VOIP Cheap to get the free calls. and since then my wife has been talking to her sisters for about 3 bours every day! my balance is still £10.


Another great hidden feature of VOIP Cheap is the redirect function. VOIP Cheap also gives you a free virtual landline number. We picked one in the town we live now (Birmingham, UK). Now my wife loves talking on the phone BUT she likes a real phone and not a headset and mike, also she is useless at using the mouse to dial. To solve this problem after VOIP Cheap is installed on the first page is a redirection box. In this box you can put a number to redirect any call people make to your virtual landline to any number you want. Well, in this box I put the landline number of her sister in Chaing Mai and then closed the programme down. Now all my wife does is use our normal house phone (Which we get free local calls on) and dials our local virtual number, this rings for a few secs then is transfered to her sister's phone in Chaing Mai. So now she can call her sister from any UK phone by just dialing a local number. So the whole call is FREE.


Have to say that if you do this then the line drops automaticaly after 1 hour of talking, but then my wife just redials!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I use Packet8 as my VOIP carried here in the states.$19.95 unlimited US and Canada $0.06 Thailand cell phone for USA. I brought it with me as well as a wireless router on my last trop to LOS. In BKK I stayed at the Grand President which has DSL and the whole deal worked flawlessly

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Another new Free service to Thailand, but this time not just landlines but also Mobiles! It's called VOIP Discount http://www.voipdiscount.com/en/index.html


This service also has a free Virtual landline number and free call redirecting so you can have a UK landline number and next time you go holiday to Thailand get a Thai Sim and redirect all your calls to that mobile! All your friends can keep in touch for Free!


I remember the days when a friend of mine almost went bankrupt because the only way for his true love to stay in touch was for her to call him with transfer charge from Thailand to UK. This cost him almost £5 per minute! The telecom scene has changed a lot since then.



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Living in Thailand Skype is brilliant for keeping in touch with other around the world. Computer to computer the Skype used on ADSL or above and a computer operating on XP you use a camera as well as voice over internet and the delay factor is shorter than a normal telephone call. My wife uses it to speak often with her friends that are abroad and even with the Thai habit of speaking and listening at the same time Skype keeps up with the conversation. The most we have had on one conversation is eight people and that was a mixture of Thai and English all taking together it was quite interesting to say the least, more like talking in a pub with a group of friends. Regarding phoning land lines all of our friends have got a computer so it is usually a SMS to tell them to switch on the computer and Skype

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