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Internet Service Providers

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I've recently bought a condo in Pattaya and will want to set up my lap top to use the internet at home. Can anyone recommend an internet service provider in Thailand and are there any particular problems in getting set up. I have not chosen my phone company yet, I understand there are two main choices, any benefit with either one.


Thanks for the help

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I've recently bought a condo in Pattaya and will want to set up my lap top to use the internet at home. Can anyone recommend an internet service provider in Thailand and are there any particular problems in getting set up. I have not chosen my phone company yet, I understand there are two main choices, any benefit with either one.


Thanks for the help

When I lived in Jomtiem, I did not have a choice - TOT was the only one with broadband in the Condo. Unfortunately, after 2-3 months, I still could not get it to work, and ended up moving.


I understand that TTT is far better with customer service, as they actually have English speakers on the help desk. Be aware that your speed will be pretty slow at times, with a lot of outages, sometimes lasting for days.

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