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I am in need of a major surgery, nothing life threatening. As this surgery is pretty expensive in my home country, I am exploring the option of having it done in Thailand. I have done the costing research, and read all the testimonials in the brochures. So I have done my home work so to say.


What I am looking for is some first hand data, from some people that have actually had a surgery performed in Thailand. There is nothing better than first hand experiences.


Thank you all in advance. Great site by the way.

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Letting people know what kind of surgery you are talking about would help them make suggestions and tell you their experiences. Just saying surgery is far too broad a generalization and you may not get as good a response as you will if you are more specific. :D

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I have chronic piles, hemroids to some people. What my doctors in the States have told me, they need to remove the bottom portion of my sphincter, or area where the fecal matter comes out, and then use some of my large intestines to re-connect and build a new sphincter.


I know, sounds funny, but I have been battling hemroids since I was a teenager.

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No it's not funny and this is actually a problem that is a lot more common than many might suspect. I had this problem several years ago when I was still in the military. Luckily my surgery was not extensive and was quickly and easily repaired in Canada at no cost to me through the military.


Unfortunately I cannot help with recommendations regarding this surgery in Thailand as I have no experience with it there. I suspect that some other BMs may have a bit more knowledge regarding this though.

Edited by Braveheart
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A mate of mine just had a hip replacement on sunday,he was quoted $30,000 OZZIE,in OZ,here he is having it done for 11.000 OZ with rehab,when i spoke to him he was stoned,and the old hip was on the table beside him.

he went on the weds before to check hospitals and prices ,and went in on sat, for the op,

so far everything is fine with him.,and he saved 20,000 dollars and did not have to wait.

so get over here and check the hospitals,and the girls out,either way you will be happy.

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I am looking at a Hospital in Bangkok, Burhamgrad, not sure of the spelling as I do not have my notes with me. I am also looking at one in Chonburi City that is ultra cheap, and seems to have doctors educated from the West. Last, but not least, the hospital in Pattaya.


I am leaning away from the one in Pattaya, as I will be too tempted. Even with a cut up ass, I would want to get out there and get in the action.


Also, Bangkok is just not my favorite city, and that is the highest priced one that I have looked at in Thailand. Most of Bangkok is just not "Thailand" to me. Call me nastalgic (again spelling not my forte), but give me a trip out in the sticks any day over that parking lot they call Bangkok.


Chonburi City seems a nice quiet place, with not so many distractions. I have a friend that lives there also, and he highly recommends the hospital.


So, I am leaning towards Chonburi City for price and for the tranquility. I am open to discussion though.

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My good friend had a full face lift there

I was there as they wheeled him up

and thru out the 2 day stay

on and off during the 10 day rehab at apt across street


Private room

very attentive 3 nurses


doctor spoke great english


i toured the place and had

a consult for lazer face resurface and hair transplant

when i do the deed, i will go there



i certainly want good doctors and follow up

if they are going to cut on me


fyi - they even reccomend you have a TG take care you


best of luck


pm if you want more details

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May I make a suggestion?


When you go for a bowel movement - only squat for say 30 secs - wait until you feel the big push and then drop your trousers.


DON'T even bother sitting on the seat, as this encourages straining - it's pointless trying to empty the bowel completely, as it soon fills up again.


RESIST the temptation to pass the extra - I don't know if you have tried this but jsut squat for 30 secs, then wipe and go.


I had a lot of blood about 5 years ago and I cured it by resorting to the above technique. I even had injections but they grew back.


One Christmas, it was so bad, I couldnot go out, due to the blood and smell....but now it's all gone, due to the above method.


I've had no problems for along time apart from the very occasion spot, which is nothing.


If you've not done so, please try the above, it worked for me. I appreciate your condition may be far worse. Good luck.


All the very best :rolleyes:

Edited by ben99
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The mrs had a boob job at Bumrungrad and I have to say the service and facilities are fantastic. www.bumrungrad.com. It is more expensive than most thai hospitals but it is first rate.

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A mate of mine just had a hip replacement on sunday,he was quoted $30,000 OZZIE,in OZ,here he is having it done for 11.000 OZ with rehab,when i spoke to him he was stoned,and the old hip was on the table beside him.

he went on the weds before to check hospitals and prices ,and went in on sat, for the op,

so far everything is fine with him.,and he saved 20,000 dollars and did not have to wait.

so get over here and check the hospitals,and the girls out,either way you will be happy.

The hospital my mate is in is burhamgrad soi4 hes out friday and alls good

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g 'day playmate


while in Pattaya a a few trips back i had the misfortune of a burst appendics , i finished up in the BANGKOK PATTAYA HOSPITAL , after the surgery and 6 days later they let me loose again , i must say the hospital and staff were faultless , luckily i had insurance so i finished up with the VIP room , on my return to AUSTRALIA my doctor checked me out ,he said the job the THAI doctor did was exellent . i would recommend this hospital to anyone . ps the thai girl that i had at the time stayed in my room at the hospital all the time mrbill2

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This subject interests me greatly also. I asked a similar question on another board and for the most part was told to have the ops done in Europe (assuming money was not the issue and quality/skill of the hospital was)....


That said I have also heard good thing about some Bangkok hospitals, the one I was considering was BNH due to their specialist spinal unit....some of the ops I will need to consider in the future include knee replacements, wrist fusions and spine/neck surgery...so would be good to get some/all done in Bangkok but only if the standard is top notch! Only thing I would suggest is read up your Drs background and try and get someone who has trained for a period of time in Europe, USA, Aus etc...

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The mrs had a boob job at Bumrungrad and I have to say the service and facilities are fantastic. www.bumrungrad.com. It is more expensive than most thai hospitals but it is first rate.



How much did yor mrs pay for her boob job? my mrs is also looking to get hers done the next time were in thailand.

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This subject interests me greatly also. I asked a similar question on another board and for the most part was told to have the ops done in Europe (assuming money was not the issue and quality/skill of the hospital was)....


That said I have also heard good thing about some Bangkok hospitals, the one I was considering was BNH due to their specialist spinal unit....some of the ops I will need to consider in the future include knee replacements, wrist fusions and spine/neck surgery...so would be good to get some/all done in Bangkok but only if the standard is top notch! Only thing I would suggest is read up your Drs background and try and get someone who has trained for a period of time in Europe, USA, Aus etc...




—"Baby, you're the greatest" (Jackie Gleason as Ralph Kramden, "The Honeymooners")

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This subject interests me greatly also. I asked a similar question on another board and for the most part was told to have the ops done in Europe (assuming money was not the issue and quality/skill of the hospital was)....


That said I have also heard good thing about some Bangkok hospitals, the one I was considering was BNH due to their specialist spinal unit....some of the ops I will need to consider in the future include knee replacements, wrist fusions and spine/neck surgery...so would be good to get some/all done in Bangkok but only if the standard is top notch! Only thing I would suggest is read up your Drs background and try and get someone who has trained for a period of time in Europe, USA, Aus etc...

Hi Dirk, can't give you any info, but just wanted to say good luck with your operations when you have them

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May I make a suggestion?


When you go for a bowel movement - only squat for say 30 secs - wait until you feel the big push and then drop your trousers.


DON'T even bother sitting on the seat, as this encourages straining - it's pointless trying to empty the bowel completely, as it soon fills up again.


RESIST the temptation to pass the extra - I don't know if you have tried this but jsut squat for 30 secs, then wipe and go.


I had a lot of blood about 5 years ago and I cured it by resorting to the above technique. I even had injections but they grew back.


One Christmas, it was so bad, I couldnot go out, due to the blood and smell....but now it's all gone, due to the above method.


I've had no problems for along time apart from the very occasion spot, which is nothing.


If you've not done so, please try the above, it worked for me. I appreciate your condition may be far worse. Good luck.


All the very best :bow





This is great. A piss taker taking the piss out of a piss taker. O sweet irony.


What I think you should do is get a moto taxi driver to cut those piles out with a single edge razor blade.

Then take your colostomy bag & eat the contents.


Who are the dumb fucks who are still resonding to this dipstick?


Please reread MM's post.

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My son was born in bumrungrad in 1982,fantastic service I thought at the time.

I have read of the recent experiences of patients there and i think that you could not go wrong with them.

I had my appendix out in 1980 at another bangkok hospital which we called the heroin general as it was built by a heroin general,it was a multi story ediface on sukumvit road.

The thais are good at the medical stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had eye surgery at Bangkok Hospital and have had dental work done at Bumrungard Hospital in Bangkok. Both will treat you a hell of a lot better than hospitals in the USA and prices are much better as well.

Edited by jballstate
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I hope this helps...


About 6 months ago I had surgery on my hand in Bumrungrad, but I do not know if they specialise in the surgery you need.The hospital itself looks more like a hotel than a hospital whn you first go in.


Made an appointment ot see the doctor on the Tuesday, he booked me in for the surgery on the Wednesday.

The doctor I used had very good English, also he was the one doing the consulting and the surgery, which is helpful.


They gave me a full medical check on the Tuesday - this seems to be mandatory.

Operation on the Wednesday was done using an anaesthetic to the neck - not something I had seen before, a cross between a local and a general anaesthetic. Fell asleep during part of the surgery, but recovered very quickly after it.


looking at the result 6 months later, was very well done, if a little over-enthusiastic about the amount of stiches used (about 40 for one hand/finger).


Was better than a similar operation in the UK 3 years earlier.


Went back 1 week later to see the same doctor, who took out the stiches himself and applied the dressing - he did ask me to come again in 3 weeks time, but I was already leaving Thailand - this is the part that you may want to consider - you will not be able to follow up so easily if there are any later problems.


I did not stay overnight, but they did show me the accomodation book, which has various standards from shared wards, to private rooms which go up to the 3 star hotel standard.

The cost was more than an equivalent hotel in Bangkok, but not outrageously so.


Cost for the operation but no overnight stay was about 60,000 baht, which is about 2000 US, including medicines and prescriptions.


As my surgery is for a congenital condition which reoccurs, I would (will) use them again.


Hope this helps

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I find it hard to believe that this was taken serious by some BM's. I off coarse accept that the BM's took it in good faith & and tried to assist, but fuck me, the clown can't even spell haemorrhoids.



What my question is if he does this type of shit to a friendly, welcoming Pattaya info board out boredom to pass time, what does he really do for kicks??


Has he been in Ipswich in the last month???


Regards to all,


I quickly put this PS on to say thank you for posting but the arsehole that started this thread did so for other reasons.

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Yes, this thread was a windup by Big Chief, using a new handle.


There was some good info posted in response, however.


It's about time this thread got closed, simply because the subject was a hoax and puts me off my meals (apologies to any hemorrhoid suffers).

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