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Check your passport your responsible!!!!!!!

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Just a little story which happend to me.About 6 months a go I made my normal 90 day tourist visa in another country two hours flight from Thai.i just looked at the stamp in my passport when i returned here,did not take much notice just took a mental note of the date in my head.i went to imigration office 1 day before the stamp in my passport expired paid my money 1900 baht for the extra 30 days.I returned the next day to collect my passport and was told that I had overstayed 10 days ,I was surprised :banana they told me that in the airport they had stamped my passport for 70 days(everday the same for me here i don't count days),not my mistake i said ,i was thrown back my passport and money and told to go to BKK imigration as it was not there fault.This ment another 1 day overstay plus travel and greif.In the end no apology was given I just landed up paying 5000 baht for ten days overstay and filling in paper work saying I should have checked my passport in the airport and it was not their fault. <grin


When i departed i ask imigration in the airport and showed them my ammended passport ,they said nothing to do with them :D


So Guys and girls check your passport for mistakes your responsible :ang2

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they are right ,the visa is granted by the immigration officer at point of entry and it is up to you to check. after reading your post i know i will as by your post it is both costly in both time and money. thanks for letting us know

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Thanks for the warning but this situation was your own doing. Even though you have a visa it does not guarantee that you will be allowed to enter a country by an immigration officer. If they believe that there is a valid reason they may not allow you to enter or allow you to enter for a period less than what the visa states. Always check what they stamp in your passport.

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Always check your dates......Just because they work in immigration does not mean they have a fuckiing clue.


I did a border run a while ago for my 90 day stamp, I am on a 1 year non B visa and when I reentred through Ma Sai they only stamped my for 30 days. I noticed this and told him and he said it was my fault as I should have shown him the 1 year visa..........The "intelligent Thai man" looked at it on the next page before he stamped my passport. I just looked at him saying nothing while thinking how much of a thick twat he was and to my suprise he just crossed out the 30 day stamp date and then entered the 90 day stamp date.


When I left the country through BKK airport to go to china they noticed this and I had to sit there for 1 hour trying to explain what had happened. They eventually let me go though.

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I like the above posters could also tell a story of a 30 day stamp on a 90 day visa. But why bother. It really is up to you to check your passport every time you go through Immigration. If you don't then you are the dumb twat!



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