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Discrete entertainment -mickey phims

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Anyone know of a private ahem "enertainment" house near Soi Nernplubwan on the other side of Sukhumvit?

Think it was called Mickey Phims-sort of private bar(with rooms)

Was told by a guy about it ,he said well recommended for us with thai girlfriends with tracking devices for our extra marital activities!!!!!!!!! :thumbup

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I am well aware of this place and have visited on several occasions...of late the girls have started to leave one by one, I think he has 3 now. For me, there is nothing special about this place apart from its novelty of being a small single floor town house with a few seats/girls and bar...many other bars on the 'Darkside' of town.




Follow all the way up Nern Plab Wern (maybe4/5 miles) until you see a Honda Motorcycle dealership on the right, take your next left and the bar is about 100 yards on the right.

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