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Bob's BBQ & Grill Enter Record Books Finally

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Well we missed the entry deadline to get in last years book and I figured someone would beat the record by the time the next book came out but I was wrong. Today while walking by a bookstore I noticed the new Guinness World Record book 2008 on display. I decided to give it a look and I was very happy to see they featured my record with a photo in the book. While they got the details wrong I won't complain too much. :bigsmile: I think they just updated the holder of the record and left all the other text as it was, because my burger definitely is not $23.00.


All in all it is a great feeling of accomplishment and my cook is a word wide celebrity. :)


We have a copy of the book in the restaurant so next time you drop in ask to take a look. We may also have a few books for sale, 1000 bt if interested.



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