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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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hi all i am new to the forum but not to thailand, have been many times and had some great times,just a simple question being a smoker(leper,ha ha)i was wandering how the recent ban was effecting the bars ie the irish pubs etc .is it being enforced or in typical thai way only if it suits?would be interested on anyones feedback cheers


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Here's a quick summary of what we've learned in person and on this and other forums:


Some bars are trying out the smoking ban (either by choice or by suggestion of the cops).


However in both bars that openly permit smoking and those that have no ashtrays or smokers visible you have a choice: you can hold off smoking (imagine you're on the plane to the LOS), you can walk outside and smoke, or you can be a selfish asshole and ask for an ashtray and smoke anyway, showing your total disregard for the others in the bar.


So for the good guys things have changed, for the assholes it's business as usual and nothing will have changed.


I think that's a fair summary.

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  • 4 weeks later...
or you can be a selfish asshole and ask for an ashtray and smoke anyway, showing your total disregard for the others in the bar.


I suppose that makes me an arsehole except that I dont have to ask for an ash tray as I am given one if it is not there already which in most bars it is now.


When the law becomes the law, if ever it does, then I and others will abide by it. Until then I will be an arsehole.




Edited by HILLY
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When the law becomes the law, if ever it does, then I and others will abide by it. Until then I will be an arsehole.


Arsehole sounds too refined. Asshole is more appropriate.


Do you really need there to be a law to prevent you from showing bad manners? There are many ways I could bother you (if I were seated near you) that are perfectly legal. Would I do so? No, of course not. I don't need a law to tell me to respect other people, including strangers.


I guess that I was just raised better then you.

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