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Dental prices in the States

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Guest DeadMike68

Thought I would apprise the board members of the totally outrageous prices for dental care in the States. I have a tooth that started bothering me. So I got a examination from the local dentist, I should hve greased my ass first ! the exam cost me $ 84.00 One tooth x-rayed, dentist looked at the x-ray and put his little mirror in my mouth to look at the tooth. Total time 7 minutes... not bad wages ! Then came the diagnonsis talk about financial Rape !


Root canal/Anterior Time: 30 min, cost: $490.00

Core/crown build up.... $260.00

Porcelain?noble metal crown... $725.00

Total cost.... $1497


So booked a flight for Bangkok to get a Pattay dentist to do the work, my plane fare was cheaper than my Dentist... so I will get a nice vacation and great dental treatment. Sorry assed dentists here are FCUKIN CROOKS>>>>>>>>>>>>>

ps: the dentist I saw also have their own credit company and only charge 19% such a deal !!

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I am in the middle of a 'dental implant'.


Had to have one molar pulled. By the time the implant is finished with a new tooth:


$3,850 !!!!!!


Problem is it must be done in two month apart stages. No choice but to do it here, unless I was to travel to LOS 3 times over the next 6 months.

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Root canal/Anterior Time: 30 min, cost: $490.00

Core/crown build up.... $260.00

Porcelain?noble metal crown... $725.00

Total cost.... $1497


Sorry assed dentists here are FCUKIN CROOKS>>>>>>>>>>>>>

ps: the dentist I saw also have their own credit company and only charge 19% such a deal !!


those prices seem reasonable to me. You didn't take care of your teeth that's why instead of getting a simple filling in it years ago you now need more extesive Tx.


it's like not putting oil in your car engine. Cheap n the short run, but costly long term.


if you think dentists make too much money,go spend the 8+ years and at least $300,000 to become one and get in on the action.

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yes as american dental prices go that is pretty good. I just went to mine and for basicly 4 small fillings he wants over $700. I know they go to school ect but the prices are really prohivitive. I will be getting a fair lot of work done next trip to LOS. I need about 4k worh of work done, and yes I have taken care of my teeth fairly well just that time is catching up with me I think.

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I've been lucky. The last time I had a cavity filled was 1963. My parents made sure I had fluoride treatments when I was a kid. It must have worked. Still, I have about three or four fillings from way back then. The last dentist I saw wanted to replace them, but I figured he just wanted to make money, so I passed.


Maybe the next time I'm in Thailand I'll look into it. I wonder what it would cost, per filling, for replacements?



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You didn't take care of your teeth that's why instead of getting a simple filling in it years ago you now need more extesive Tx.


A bit presumptive on your part, maybe he just had a bad dentist earlier in life. In my case it is combination of that, playing sports like hockey and wrestling, age and genes. You maybe a very good dentist but you have to realize other peoples dim views may be very valid based on the their experience. Things that were done or should have been done in my late teens are now causing me problems in my late-30's. Problem is that poor dental work takes time to reveal itself.

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Problem is that poor dental work takes time to reveal itself.


it is absolutely true that dental pathology develops over time, and is often pain free in its development.


that means that regular evaluations by a dentist can intercept most pathologies in a nascent and relatively low cost manner.


this of course doesn't pertain to traumatic events which can result in a lot of damage rapidly.

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it is absolutely true that dental pathology develops over time, and is often pain free in its development.


that means that regular evaluations by a dentist can intercept most pathologies in a nascent and relatively low cost manner.


this of course doesn't pertain to traumatic events which can result in a lot of damage rapidly.

Was that free or do we all have to send $84 someplace?
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I always had small teeth compaired to my huge watahead. Also have an underbite so my teeth didn't wear down even.

After years of breaking off went to a dentist in Bangkok. Had all but two teeth in my head crowned or capped. Cost was around 5K US. Took two trips to LOS to complete. Best investment I have made. Teeth are straight, no gaps.

Instead of the glowing white like most people get had a slight stain put on them close to the gums, looks natural and have yet to meet a person who can tell they are crowns and caps right away.

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Dentists are rapacious in England as well. The work I've had done in Los has been better than my Russian dentist done here in England and that cost a lot more.

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Dentists are probably the biggest legal thieves in the US. And they know it - I have a few dentist friends who admit it.

I have been in a dentist's chair, overhearing a meetiing of the dentist's staff in a room next door, where they were all urged to use all manner of methods to increase revenue.

If you can do it, then going with a DMO - dental HMO- is the best way of fighting them. Those big organizations force them to fixed prices. Problem is, dentists then come up with their own ways of stealing. They will suggest unnecessary procedures to you and charge extra - refuse them all.

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Funny that this topic has just come up due to the fact that I have been looking into having dental implants done as well, they have a new procedure called "All on 4" my dentist here in the States gave me a price of $19,000.00!!!!.....Checked the price in LOS.....$7,000.00!!......Pretty big difference. Only problem now is that I can't afford either one!! 2guns

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I wonder if an attempt tp get "Thai" prices won't make a difference?

That $7000 figure looks very large. How to get Thai prices is a question - going to a dentist in a less tourist oriented town might be a way. Or a recommendation from someone.

Problem is dental implants are a lengthy procedure and require regular monitoring. Sometimes they don't "take" according to my regular dentist. All those factors have to be taken into account in any decision.

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Was that free or do we all have to send $84 someplace? :D


555 Merry Christmas.



I wonder if an attempt tp get "Thai" prices won't make a difference?

That $7000 figure looks very large. How to get Thai prices is a question - going to a dentist in a less tourist oriented town might be a way. Or a recommendation from someone.

Problem is dental implants are a lengthy procedure and require regular monitoring. Sometimes they don't "take" according to my regular dentist. All those factors have to be taken into account in any decision.



first the implants have to be placed (drilled) into the jaw, then 3-6 months to heal and integrate with the bone. The upper jaw has bone that is more "porous" so the failure rate can be higher here than with the lower jaw. then the implants are uncovered and the prosthedontic (false toot/teeth) is done. for $19K/7K it sounds like full arch rehabs (all new teeth, which are attached to the jaw) are being considered.

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Thought I would apprise the board members of the totally outrageous prices for dental care in the States. I have a tooth that started bothering me. So I got a examination from the local dentist, I should hve greased my ass first ! the exam cost me $ 84.00 One tooth x-rayed, dentist looked at the x-ray and put his little mirror in my mouth to look at the tooth. Total time 7 minutes... not bad wages ! Then came the diagnonsis talk about financial Rape !


Root canal/Anterior Time: 30 min, cost: $490.00

Core/crown build up.... $260.00

Porcelain?noble metal crown... $725.00

Total cost.... $1497


So booked a flight for Bangkok to get a Pattay dentist to do the work, my plane fare was cheaper than my Dentist... so I will get a nice vacation and great dental treatment. Sorry assed dentists here are FCUKIN CROOKS>>>>>>>>>>>>>

ps: the dentist I saw also have their own credit company and only charge 19% such a deal !!


not sure where in the states you are. Those are some very competitive prices by usa standards.

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Just for fun, Lets compare apples to apples..

Last year I had my teeth cleaned in the USA by a dental hygentist for $85.00 at the dentist office that I trust and have been going to for 20 years .. ie.. Not a dental clinic. I paid for it.

This year I had my teeth cleaned in Pattaya by a DDS (Doctor of Dentistry) for $20.00 (700 baht), not a hygentist.. BTW. She had a gentle touch and was educated in the USA.

I dont know about fees for fillings and extractions... Thankfully..

These are just my experiences...

Chase your dream..



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And those same dentists you go to in the usa pay 50+ percent of their income in insurance. They then have constant training and other requirements to keep up to date on current studies. The office has to follow codes to keep you and your hygenist from infections, yadda yadda. Not to mention mind numbing forms and procedures for insurance.


Yes, definitely more expensive, and probably more expensive than it should be. If you go to thailand and something goes wrong.. then what? Are you covered? Not saying it is likely, but its a numbers game and eventually your number comes up.


Simple cleaning sure, but insurance covers that anyway. Full implant with surgery? Not a chance.

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