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  indianbrit said:
According to wikipedia, the BNP received an impressive 0.7% of the national vote.
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Sorry to tell you mate. You must be the last to know this as everyone else knows that Wikepedia is full of inaccurate nonsense. Quoting it in a political discussion is a joke 1luv


Here is a link to the real BNP website and its nothing like Wikepedia states. BTW, dont put us down as BNP supporters just because we think they shouldnt be banned or people get sacked because of wearing a badge. Or for thinking the UK was a better place pre mass immigration. And did yoy know that recoerd numbers of indigent Brits are leaving this now fucked up country?



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  Obsession said:


Sorry to tell you mate. You must be the last to know this as everyone else knows that Wikepedia is full of inaccurate nonsense. Quoting it in a political discussion is a joke :party


Here is a link to the real BNP website and its nothing like Wikepedia states. BTW, dont put us down as BNP supporters just because we think they shouldnt be banned or people get sacked because of wearing a badge. Or for thinking the UK was a better place pre mass immigration. And did yoy know that recoerd numbers of indigent Brits are leaving this now fucked up country?



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"Indigent" brits, as you put it, may be making a sound economic move by going overseas if they are indeed indigent. But I object to you labelling my country, Britain, as fucked up. Britain is a vibrant, pluralistic democracy and is hardly fucked up. Britain is a wonderful country which decent values and a commitment to freedom of speech, multiculturalism and equal rights for all.


I take it that you actually meant "indigenous" though ?


I do not think that the best source of a credible and objective overview of the BNP is the BNP website !! But. if you are unhappy with my use of Wikipedia (which I believe to be objective because of how it is constructed), then by all means direct the overseas users of this forum to the BNP website at http://www.bnp.org.uk . I will simply sit back and trust our overseas friends to make an intelligent decision about the BNP, as 99.3% of the British population did at the last general election, by not voting for it !


God Save the Queen and God Bless Great Britain and all its citizens: indigenous, immigrant, 2nd/3rd generation immigrant.


All British citizens are all equal under our commendable British constitution, and success in Britain is directly related to ability and hard work, whether you like it or not.

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  indianbrit said:
"Indigent" brits, as you put it, may be making a sound economic move by going overseas if they are indeed indigent. But I object to you labelling my country, Britain, as fucked up. Britain is a vibrant, pluralistic democracy and is hardly fucked up. Britain is a wonderful country which decent values and a commitment to freedom of speech, multiculturalism and equal rights for all.



All British citizens are all equal under our commendable British constitution, and success in Britain is directly related to ability and hard work, whether you like it or not.

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No, people are moving overseas because they dont like the way the UK is heading. And I dont know anyone who thinks that mass immigration is a good idea and most dont think multiculturism works.


Wrong. All citizens arent equal. Ethnics are to be given preference in the jobs market. There are dozens of racist organisations like " The Black Police Officers Association" etc. What about the race card. White people can be accused and are charged with a criminal offence on the say so of any ethnic, that they uttered a racial slur. There isnt such a charge that white people can be slurred.


The UK is fucked.

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Sorry mate, I am nearer Obsession than you on this one. I am currently 'retired' over in Thailand. When I go to the UK many of my friends aim to do similar, retire overseas, or have done so already.

It is not only the financial benefits, (I would be heavily taxed in the UK)

Where I grew up, as a kid enjoying life, is a scruffy, litter strewn ghetto now.


Indianbrit, it is early and I do not recall where you actually live in the UK, probably not East London though.

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  jacko said:
Sorry mate, I am nearer Obsession than you on this one. I am currently 'retired' over in Thailand. When I go to the UK many of my friends aim to do similar, retire overseas, or have done so already.

It is not only the financial benefits, (I would be heavily taxed in the UK)

Where I grew up, as a kid enjoying life, is a scruffy, litter strewn ghetto now.


Indianbrit, it is early and I do not recall where you actually live in the UK, probably not East London though.

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Well, to be fair, I also have invested in an overseas property portfolio, including properties in Delhi and a couple of East European properties. The idea is to ultimately run my affairs from multiple locations around the world. I love London and Londoners, but my problem is actually the weather -- hence my travels.


I will agree with you that East London is not the best place to live; it has been taken over by the Somalians and Bangladeshis. I am all for multiculturalism, but I would prefer communities to integrate. Like you, gentlemen, I have a huge problem with ghettoisation. I have noticed that the Muslim communities in particular have a disproportionate propensity to live in ghettos and to dismiss the British way of life. The Indian and Jewish communities, on the other hand, are more likely to assimilate from my observations; something that I support.

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  indianbrit said:
Well, to be fair, I also have invested in an overseas property portfolio, including properties in Delhi and a couple of East European properties. The idea is to ultimately run my affairs from multiple locations around the world. I love London and Londoners, but my problem is actually the weather -- hence my travels.


I will agree with you that East London is not the best place to live; it has been taken over by the Somalians and Bangladeshis. I am all for multiculturalism, but I would prefer communities to integrate. Like you, gentlemen, I have a huge problem with ghettoisation. I have noticed that the Muslim communities in particular have a disproportionate propensity to live in ghettos and to dismiss the British way of life. The Indian and Jewish communities, on the other hand, are more likely to assimilate from my observations; something that I support.

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Even the politicians are saying that the UK is a "broken society" and a fragmented society. Sorry, but none of the immigrants seem to mix in Glasgow and other nationalities have said so too. imho, multicuturism doesnt work for now. Maybe in the future when all the kids have grown up in such a society. But for older Brits, its ruined the place.

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  Obsession said:
Even the politicians are saying that the UK is a "broken society" and a fragmented society. Sorry, but none of the immigrants seem to mix in Glasgow and other nationalities have said so too. imho, multicuturism doesnt work for now. Maybe in the future when all the kids have grown up in such a society. But for older Brits, its ruined the place.
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My knowledge on Scotland is highly limited but, if the ghetto problems in Glasgow are anything like those in East London, then I will share your sentiments and I will agree with you. I have been down to East London on several occasions and I will admit that I would hate to live there; it is grotty and it is ghetto-based. It is like a foreign land in the heart of our capital city.


But where I live, we have indigenous Brits, Indians, Japanese, Europeans, Blacks etc etc living together in a very harmonious and neighbourly spirit. We drink together, party together and celebrate not only Christmas but eachothers' religious festivals TOGETHER.


Our views our shaped by our life experiences, and I am fully able to empathise with those of you whose life experiences have led to you leaving the UK for Thailand. I will concede that I have been lucky in my life experiences.

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  Arno said:
Strange!....you can't make a post saying that you find some FLB service girl called Alice unattractive without it being immediately deleted....but on the other hand board members are allowed to get up on their soap box shamelessly banging the drum for some obscure British fascist political party that promotes views that wouldn't be tolerated not even in free thinking Holland. :rolleyes:


What a world we live in...

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Cough cough, WTF is that the same Holland that was trying to bring in a ban on wearing the veil for muslims?


BNP is NOT an obscure British Facist political party. They do hold certain seats within local and national Government, hardly obscure.


Many of their policies are very well thought out, some not so well thought out. They also have a very racist and violent back ground which does them no favours.


On a serious note however. If this party did not have the violent roots and racist back ground, they could very well have numerous more seats, such is the distrust and under current within the UK. Unfortunately, many of those who follow the party are also racists, however, many are not and are normal hard working decent people, only seeking security and the UK back in their own hands.


If you cast your mind back 70 years, south Germany had a very similar styled party, called the Nazi party, who came to power due to various circumstances, some of these being the immigration policies. The fact immigrants were taking jobs from the national population. Very similar to what is and has happened in the UK. These days we all believe we are better educated with history being our biggest ally. That being the case, why would a party with such roots even gain 1 seat let alone all those they have?


I would say the UK is at a point where there is either equal rights or the likes of the BNP will continue to gain many more votes. You need only look at these 'wankers' displaying utter hatred to our troops return from war zones a few weeks back. They were allowed to continue and completely ruin what should have been a joyful home coming. In return, some weeks later, a large group of white UK citizens then marched to display unity for our troops and to disown these muslims. Guess what, they were stopped and not permitted to continue! THAT is why parties such as the Nazi's and now the BNP gain huge numbers of votes! It actually is not the ethnic minorities but the white indigenous population of the UK who are causing this!


Yes ok, The ethnics go running every time they have the chance holding of the racist cards, but why? BECAUSE these idiots in Government have permitted this to happen and bow to their wishes.


The BNP policies are actually VERY similar to that of Australia. It is however their background and history that prevents them progressing. But rest assured, one day, if things continue as they are, this small party will start to make ground and will one day be in a position of power. That is providing the indigenous population are not over taken by immigrants of course. Which in my book is the more likely outcome.


I for one would not welcome the BNP. I have a Thai GF and she would face the brunt of their harsh policies. However, I accept with the way things are moving this may one day be the case! I for one will leave the UK as soon as I can. I have had enough of all the political correctness, bullshit and wining ethnic minorities!


IMO the Government need to grow a set of bollocks and protect our heritage. At present it is a joke.


Indianbrit has put some very valid points over and shows a very thick skinned attitude, tolerance and understanding of many of the points. If a guy like this can react as he has on a forum I seriously doubt he will have any problem what so ever within Pattaya. He will let the racism/bigotry bounce off him :)


I respect the Thai's attitude. They protect their heritage and customs without fear and god help anybody trying to change that. Whether or not you accept that is your call. If the UK had followed the Australian's or the Thai's we would not be in the damn mess we are now. Times are changing in the UK, just not fast enough to have any effect. If the main political parties do not recognise the under current and the anger that is growing within its indigenous citizens, they will, one day have terrible problems on their hands. Best address a problem, rather than trying to suppress it by idiotic laws and political correctness.


Indianbrit, have a ball in Thailand, with your attitude mate, I am sure you will enjoy every minute :)

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Jock Bomb,

You mention equal rights. My gripe in the UK right now is that I don't feel that I have them. As a middle-aged white straight male I'm back of the queue when it comes to rights.


In Thailand I understand that and, while there are some things I'd like to change, it's their country and I'll have to accept their policies or not come here. I've got the same option in the UK, but why should I leave for that reason - I'm an "ethnic Brit" for gods sake, why am I the one discriminated against.


I never thought that I'd say this, but if the BNP could divorce themselves from the "skinhead thug" element I would consider voting for them. The big parties are just not addressing many of my concerns these days.

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  Big_Brian said:
Jock Bomb,

You mention equal rights. My gripe in the UK right now is that I don't feel that I have them. As a middle-aged white straight male I'm back of the queue when it comes to rights.


In Thailand I understand that and, while there are some things I'd like to change, it's their country and I'll have to accept their policies or not come here. I've got the same option in the UK, but why should I leave for that reason - I'm an "ethnic Brit" for gods sake, why am I the one discriminated against.


I never thought that I'd say this, but if the BNP could divorce themselves from the "skinhead thug" element I would consider voting for them. The big parties are just not addressing many of my concerns these days.

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Mate, I 100% agree with your post other than the 'skinhead thug' bit. Just because their head is shaved doesn't mean they are racist. I have had a skinhead for nearly 30 years! There are just as many non skinhead racist thugs.


I hate the UK and all the bullshit and unequal rights that go with this stinking shit hole of an island. The UK is, to put it simply, F-U-C-K-E-D and it is quite literally due to the assholes that lead this country and have previously led this country.


There is a vast under current who also support these views and this is exactly why I said about the BNP. In time it will become a case that divorcing themsleves from the racist element will no longer be important, just as it was for the Nazi's in the 1930's. In the end, these current rules are breeding new racists every minute of the day and the ethnic idiots who keep claiming unfair treatment cannot even see how much disdane and hatred they themselves are causing. They will in time however!


The last election, I actually left my house to vote BNP. I was sick to the back teeth of these completely unfair ethnic laws. In the end I voted SNP, but it is time that something was done about equal rights. If they move to this country, they accept or laws and rules and customs or fuck off. Not a racist view but a patriots view. I will always love Scotland, but I no longer want to be here. Thanks to the Government, they have completely ruined our countries and it is literally beyond repair now. We are the easiest target for immigrants as they know how easy it is for them when here. Sad but true.


Do you blame the Thai's for being strict on immigration? Or for their openly bigotted or even racist views? I don't and I would never want that to change, even if it means I am the ethnic and also the target of some of that hatred. Maybe the Indians, Pakistanis, Africans, etc. who moved to the UK had half of the white mans ability to accept they are an ethnic and accept what comes their way we may now have a far healthier UK! But these immigrants, on the whole have been moaning, selffish idiots. Who want want want and many of which have given very little back other to try and better themselves! They want their culture, their temples, their way. That IMO is total bollocks. You come to our country ACCEPT or culture and way of life or fuck off back to where you came from. I believe strongly in the Thai way of thinking and also the Australian way of thinking!

Edited by The Jock Bomb
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  indianbrit said:
According to wikipedia, the BNP received an impressive 0.7% of the national vote.


According to wikipedia the ideologies of the BNP comprise

a) white nationalism

:clueless british nationalism

c) right wing populism

d) facism


According to academic research from the University of Oxford, the majority of BNP supporters have the following socioeconomic make-up:

a) C2, D and E bands

(where A1 = upper class, AB = upper middle class, C1 = lower middle class, C2 = skilled working class, DE = unskilled working class)

:clueless are poorly educated

(the statistical correlation between BNP voters and 'no qualifications' is a whopping 0.624, where 1 would be a perfect correlation. For those mathematicians amongst you, I would assume for simplicity that the person product-moment correlation coefficient that you learned at high school is being used)

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Under The first past the post system the labour party govern on 21% of the vote, the other 79 % hung out to dry.


Hardly a democratic system of voting


I am not a member of the BNP and I have a black wife, but some of there pollicise are very attractive to the average down trodden brit.

And I will be voting for them the next time, if their is a candidate in my area


The members and supporters of the BNP cannot be that bad a lot, if they where so public spirited enough to help the research department at University Oxford by sitting there intelligence tests, good on them there probably blood and Organ donors to .


And I would think that the voting majority would be in ,C2, D and E. bands.

Good job they do not have a vote under PR, and they are to thick to understand, as it’s this group that are suffering the most from mass immigration




But enjoy Thailand it’s a nationalist country and they do not discriminate they hate all foreigners


Ps. This site is becoming a bit more interesting but we do need some more tits and bums and vids



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  bibzo said:
Under The first past the post system the labour party govern on 21% of the vote, the other 79 % hung out to dry.


Hardly a democratic system of voting


I am not a member of the BNP and I have a black wife, but some of there pollicise are very attractive to the average down trodden brit.

And I will be voting for them the next time, if their is a candidate in my area


The members and supporters of the BNP cannot be that bad a lot, if they where so public spirited enough to help the research department at University Oxford by sitting there intelligence tests, good on them there probably blood and argon donors to .


And I would think that the voting majority would be in ,C2, D and E. bands.

Good job they do not have a vote under PR, and they are to thick to understand, as it’s this group that are suffering the most from mass immigration




But enjoy Thailand it’s a nationalist country and they do not discriminate they hate all foreigners


Ps. This site is becoming a bit more interesting but we do need some more tits and bums and vids



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Mate, you are probably correct. The BNP attract a huge amount of bad publicity, partly due to their past but also I am a strong believer that the current government ENSURE there is bad press to try and keep them down! They are a dangerous party for the likes of Cons and Labour because they are now beginning to attract A LOT of interest from those totally pissed off with immigration, unfair balances between ethnics and white but more importantly they have a system to deal with this and get Britain back to the way it should really be.


Who gives a fuck if we are tolerant if we display great futures for immigrants, FUCK ALL THAT, what about the indigenous population who are being shafted up the dung hole every day by unequal rights and bullshit laws.


I have never been a believer in racism or bigotry but rest assured, over the past 5 years the more I see and read about these immigrants coming here then crying to the authorities the more I get a hatred. The more I begin to realise, WHAT ABOUT MY RIGHTS.


I have experienced this bullshit 1st hand in my previous job. Most Immigrants are the leeches of society, moaning and constantly complaining. Because I never bent over backwards and treated them as I would the white man I GOT SHIT!


I promise you, if this continues it will go 1 of 2 ways. Either the ethnic minority (as they were) will rule this country OR the indigenous population will rise up and the future is going to be something similar to South USA in the bad old days with gangs running about in pillow cases. I for one have had enough and the 1st chance I get I am out of here. I am not staying in a country where I have very few rights over immigrants!


Their loss, they lose an educated, skilled and experienced tradesman and technician. Who earns a fair old wedge and pays a large amount of tax. I am only 1 but as this continues so will the number of people leaving. I am fortunate in so much, the oil and gas industry is worldwide and one of the few jobs that where ever you go it is similar.

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Good news for Glaswegians. Its just been announced that the Black Music awards are to be held in Glasgow this year :allright In the UK now, youre not allowed to say "blackboard" and many other such innoccent terms as they may be rascist. In fact, its best to avoid the word black altogether, or you may lose your job. But its ok to have a Black only award. :allright


Equality doesnt exist for white people in the UK.


Disclaimer- I was seeing a dark skinned muslim TGF. Im not anti muslim or rascist. But the laws are going against whites in the UK and imho, muslims have a history that would suggest they never settle peacefully with others. The tensions are rising in the UK.

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  Obsession said:
imho, muslims have a history that would suggest they never settle peacefully with others. The tensions are rising in the UK.
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Muslims do themselves few favours by their terror plots and obscene protests. They are not only a problem in the West, but their activities are causing major concern in India too, which could well result in the election of the right-wing Hindu Nationalist Party, the BJP.

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  indianbrit said:


Muslims do themselves few favours by their terror plots and obscene protests. They are not only a problem in the West, but their activities are causing major concern in India too, which could well result in the election of the right-wing Hindu Nationalist Party, the BJP.

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I would add that some British Hindus are equally concerned about the rise of Islamist Fascism in the UK and have worked with the BNP on its Ethnic Liaison Committee.

Edited by indianbrit
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  • 2 weeks later...

Am I the only one to notice that indianbrit, is only active on this post ? I admit I have not read them all, but his absence speaks volumes. :bigsmile:

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  nidnoyham said:
Am I the only one to notice that indianbrit, is only active on this post ? I admit I have not read them all, but his absence speaks volumes. :bigsmile:
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His posts summed up a couple of things regarding immigrants. The most obvious is that its only really immigrants that like the UK now. Everyone else thinks its fucked. They think its great because the government throws money at them, housing, business grants and they jump waiting lists for anything and are given a "race card" that gives them the upper hand in all dealings.


The other is that they expect every other country to treat them just as well as in the Uk. They cant accept that maybe in Thailand, they can discriminate and theres nobody they can go bleating to and get given compensation. Theres places in los / Japan etc that wont let foreigners in. All foreigners. Its their country, up to them.

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  nidnoyham said:
Am I the only one to notice that indianbrit, is only active on this post ? I admit I have not read them all, but his absence speaks volumes. :nod
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Simply not true.... he posted in a thread on curries.... the once.
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Racism is alive and kicking in Thailand.


This is a direct quote from the ATSIAM hotel booking webiste (corrected for spelling) for a Pattaya hotel.



•All rooms are non - smoking.

•The hotel does not accept customer from these countries; China, Israel, Russia and all Arab Countries.


Guess the hotel !

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  Obsession said:
His posts summed up a couple of things regarding immigrants. The most obvious is that its only really immigrants that like the UK now. Everyone else thinks its fucked. They think its great because the government throws money at them, housing, business grants and they jump waiting lists for anything and are given a "race card" that gives them the upper hand in all dealings.


The other is that they expect every other country to treat them just as well as in the Uk. They cant accept that maybe in Thailand, they can discriminate and theres nobody they can go bleating to and get given compensation. Theres places in los / Japan etc that wont let foreigners in. All foreigners. Its their country, up to them.

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I agree. The UK is f....d. It gives equal rights to all people, irrespective of race or creed and rewards ability and intelligence instead.


It is disgusting that those overqualified Indians are earning more than the indigenous Brits. How dare Indians, Jews and other races go to the best universities and earn multiples of what we earn ?


Indians and Jews, who together are the highest earners in the UK, must not be allowed to scrounge off the state... hang on? they DON'T scrounge off the state ! In fact, their businesses give indigenous Brits jobs.... indigenous Brits who, otherwise, would scrounge off the state, and whose benefits would be funded by, you guessed it: Indians and Jews.


Dammit, we'd better stop having a go at those Indians and Jews, cos if they leave the UK economy will be f....d.


Oh screw it... get rid of them all !! Vote BNP !! White is right.... right ?


The bottomline, gentlemen, is that if you are intelligent and able you will make it in the UK... if you are not you are f...d. God, I love capitalism.


Please don't confuse the UK with your personal negative situation. This is a rather childish way of thinking and it is the kind of thinking which gave rise to Nazism, something which Britain thankfully defeated.


God Save the Queen.

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