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Chat Tewi Language School (CTLS) would like to invite all Foreign Nationals to our school for a no obligation chat about just how easy it really is to obtain an Education Visa (ED-VISA). By attending a simple and fun Thai Language Course just a 4 hours a week can get you a 15 month Visa that can be extended for up to 10 years.


Some of the immediate benefits of an ED-VISA are:

- Obtaining a Thai Drivers License

- Medical Insurance

- 100% approval

- Easy to maintain visa status

- And very low cost to obtain!!


You can contact us at CTLS via e-mail tina@tlslanguageschool.com, info@tlslanguageschool.com

or the main office 038-416891-2 (English and Thai).

Should you need special assistance you can contact one of our friendly directors Chris at 081-755-1958 (English) or Tewi 081-171-9265 (Thai).

or via self help at www.tlslanguageschool.com


CTLS also offers English, French, German, Dutch, Russian, Japanese and Chinese Language courses for all foreigners.


CTLS is always looking for more great teachers. The Thailand government required TEFL Certification for teaching English is provided.

- English native speaker

- Chinese

- Japanese


Best Regards,


CTLS Pattaya

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I have this visa , without a doubt it was the best desision i have ever made, this is by far a good visa to have and i can't understand why without the facts people are so negative, I understand why people are cautious but find out the facts before you go to town on someones business.

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I think you will find it the same on any internet forum


When people sign up, contribute nothing, and merely use the place as a vehicle to advertise.


Then interject another persona on the self same I.P. acting as a shill for this advertising,


and you have a sure fire recipe for scepticism and negativity.




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Thats another thread by the OP, where MM caught out GleeGlee as having posted his messages from the same IP and same computer as the OP.


This sounds like a Scam guys.... all the tell-tales of a bad business deal are there. My advice: STAY AWAY.



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Thats another thread by the OP, where MM caught out GleeGlee as having posted his messages from the same IP and same computer as the OP.


This sounds like a Scam guys.... all the tell-tales of a bad business deal are there. My advice: STAY AWAY.



just the fact the guy only has 10 posts is enough to make me question his reply.

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just the fact the guy only has 10 posts is enough to make me question his reply.


Does it help at all to know that 9 of the 10 are on threads about this subject?








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  • 2 weeks later...

worth checking out the links on this.......................they are hilarious!


It's fair to say that the 'English' (it's hard to believe that English is his native tongue, but having taught in an English comprehensive it's probably true :sosad ) owner of this 'Language School' (lol :bigsmile: ) is a genuine moron.


Check the links and read all 22 pages.........................comedy gold! (still chuckling) :drunk


Caveat Emptor indeed.

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