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Mobile Phone - Advice needed

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Each time i go to Tuk com - I cannot make my mind up as to what phone i would like to buy.


They are very pushy sales people there and they speak in thai to my missus - which i think is bloody rude, as i'm theone who is buying a phone for ME!


Anyway, i need advice on what phone to buy, these are my criteria

Budget 12000THB or under New or 2nd hand not care


I don't want games, all i want is the phone to have easy sms and large address book and Download songs as calling tunes.


I don't mind nokia or samsung - and i hate touchscreen shite.


Also the phone needs to be pin protected so my missus stops going through it!


Any help would be very much appreciated


Many thanks in advance. :D :bigsmile:

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Nokia N95 8 gig


I currently have a Nokia N82 with 16g memory card. Has full internet, email, modem for lappy and with that memory can down load a pile of music :)


N82 is somewhat dated as is the n95 now a days.


The one big beauty of the N82 is the camera, which has a xenon flash not an LED.


Depends what you are wanting though. The security on most nokias is not bad as can put in a timed lock, sy 30 secs and a pin code is required to open it :banana

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Nokia N95 8 gig


I currently have a Nokia N82 with 16g memory card. Has full internet, email, modem for lappy and with that memory can down load a pile of music :)


N82 is somewhat dated as is the n95 now a days.


The one big beauty of the N82 is the camera, which has a xenon flash not an LED.


Depends what you are wanting though. The security on most nokias is not bad as can put in a timed lock, sy 30 secs and a pin code is required to open it :banana



I am sure you enjoy it when it rings and vibrates while up your arse. Fuckin sicko!

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I am sure you enjoy it when it rings and vibrates while up your arse. Fuckin sicko!


Will you stop thread fucking everything you come across. You may like the drivel that is emited from your keyboard, must others don't.


You managed to fuck up PL for long enough, try not doing it to yet another board. There's a good boy.

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Will you stop thread fucking everything you come across. You may like the drivel that is emited from your keyboard, must others don't.


You managed to fuck up PL for long enough, try not doing it to yet another board. There's a good boy.


Go back and play moddy on Daddy's forum. I know he loves it when you suck his cock like you do.

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Each time i go to Tuk com - I cannot make my mind up as to what phone i would like to buy.


They are very pushy sales people there and they speak in thai to my missus - which i think is bloody rude, as i'm theone who is buying a phone for ME!


Anyway, i need advice on what phone to buy, these are my criteria

Budget 12000THB or under New or 2nd hand not care


I don't want games, all i want is the phone to have easy sms and large address book and Download songs as calling tunes.


I don't mind nokia or samsung - and i hate touchscreen shite.


Also the phone needs to be pin protected so my missus stops going through it!


Any help would be very much appreciated


Many thanks in advance. :banana :unsure:

Jeez mate, it's just a phone......

First I was wondering why only samsung and nokia?

Nokia very common in LOS, but I went with Sony Ericsson..... fantastic battery life and it seems to find a signal where my old samsung didn't.

They have a good website for selecting a model


This IPhone and Nokia N95 is really over the top.

PS Don't take the TG with you! :banana You'll end up with a pink one that makes puppy sounds.

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Jeez mate, it's just a phone......

First I was wondering why only samsung and nokia?

Nokia very common in LOS, but I went with Sony Ericsson..... fantastic battery life and it seems to find a signal where my old samsung didn't.

They have a good website for selecting a model


This IPhone and Nokia N95 is really over the top.

PS Don't take the TG with you! :unsure: You'll end up with a pink one that makes puppy sounds.


I find my i-Phone to be not only a phone, but an entertainment and business tool. I can have Skype sessions with clients and other people in my company while on the move. I can type up e-mails, and forms while on the move. I can even do Excel type spreadsheets on in as well. I find the fame applications that are available are high quality. The graphics are just amazing. I admit, at first I thought the i-phone was more than what I needed. But after figuring out more how to use it, I am now using it more as a business tool as well.

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Jeez mate, it's just a phone......

First I was wondering why only samsung and nokia?

Nokia very common in LOS, but I went with Sony Ericsson..... fantastic battery life and it seems to find a signal where my old samsung didn't.

They have a good website for selecting a model


This IPhone and Nokia N95 is really over the top.

PS Don't take the TG with you! :banana You'll end up with a pink one that makes puppy sounds.


Thank you very much for your advice. :unsure:

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Check out mobile phones at Big C on number two road, less hassle and has a dedicated Nokia shop.


Tuckom is to much 'in your face' for my liking.


Thanks i will check that out today.



I find my i-Phone to be not only a phone, but an entertainment and business tool. I can have Skype sessions with clients and other people in my company while on the move. I can type up e-mails, and forms while on the move. I can even do Excel type spreadsheets on in as well. I find the fame applications that are available are high quality. The graphics are just amazing. I admit, at first I thought the i-phone was more than what I needed. But after figuring out more how to use it, I am now using it more as a business tool as well.


I-Phone is a no no for me, as they look rather gay!

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I am sure you enjoy it when it rings and vibrates while up your arse. Fuckin sicko!


You may be trying to be funny, but you aren't. I know you know each other, but insider insults are just a waste of everyone's time, including mine.


Will you stop thread fucking everything you come across. You may like the drivel that is emited from your keyboard, must others don't.


You managed to fuck up PL for long enough, try not doing it to yet another board. There's a good boy.





Go back and play moddy on Daddy's forum. I know he loves it when you suck his cock like you do.


Actually, The Jock Bomb speaks sense. Tone it down or I will just summarily delete posts as those above.

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I had an N95, bought an I-phone, used it for 3 weeks and traded it in for an N95 8G which I have had for quite a while now (over a year). It's the only phone I've ever had that does all that I want well. I do a lot of photographs with the phone, and the videos are quite good for a phone.


A few months ago, I was shown the Samsung I90 (or I9000) and it looked pretty nice, but as I recall, it was touchscreen.


I should add that the Iphone I had was 2nd gen, not the current version, so it was short on applications and didn't do video. I think they may have updated the phone.


I am hopelessly out of date on phones, simply because the N95 8G has kept me satisfied for so long. I need it to break and then go shopping again :bigsmile:

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great suggestions, too bad most are OVER his budget, unless he finds them 2nd hand

you find much 2nd hand at Big C, but there should be plenty at Tuk com


if you like bricks i.e., no fold, no slide then the 7900 Nokia might be up your street




if you like a fold type then 6600 Fold might be the go




& if slide is the type you like then it's 6210 Navigator



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thanks guys, i brought one in Big C a Nokia Music express for about 4000THB.


I'm well pleased and i like the design aswell.




Oh btw MM, I had a nokia n95 last year brought it for about 23k and was stolen within 2 weeks!

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I had an N95, bought an I-phone, used it for 3 weeks and traded it in for an N95 8G which I have had for quite a while now (over a year). It's the only phone I've ever had that does all that I want well. I do a lot of photographs with the phone, and the videos are quite good for a phone.


A few months ago, I was shown the Samsung I90 (or I9000) and it looked pretty nice, but as I recall, it was touchscreen.


I should add that the Iphone I had was 2nd gen, not the current version, so it was short on applications and didn't do video. I think they may have updated the phone.


I am hopelessly out of date on phones, simply because the N95 8G has kept me satisfied for so long. I need it to break and then go shopping again <grin


N95 8gig is still quite a current phone IMO, has most of the applications required in todays world, most of the new ones only do it faster not necessarily better.


Touch screen is shit and not something I would ever want or advise others to buy. Only opinion.

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& N85 8gb would NOT be in his price range, unless he found one used


Hell yeah, you can get these cheap second hand mate, even a basic N95 would suffice with an 8g memory card. But I think he opted for a cheap charlie bucket :)

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Hell yeah, you can get these cheap second hand mate, even a basic N95 would suffice with an 8g memory card. But I think he opted for a cheap charlie bucket :)

Mmm...why should i pay out 20000thb + for a new phone when i can get one that i like for 4000thb?


it's nothing to do with being cheap charlie, but more to do with being sensible!



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Mmm...why should i pay out 20000thb + for a new phone when i can get one that i like for 4000thb?


it's nothing to do with being cheap charlie, but more to do with being sensible!




Not at all A. You will pick up a good second hand one for 5k.


You get what you pay for. The facilities on a N95 are superb, but you may not need them all? I don't know.


I tend to use most of the facilities on these phones, i.e. internet, modem, GPS etc..


You get what you need mate, not what I need. I was having a little 'joke' with you :allright

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Not at all A. You will pick up a good second hand one for 5k.


You get what you pay for. The facilities on a N95 are superb, but you may not need them all? I don't know.


I tend to use most of the facilities on these phones, i.e. internet, modem, GPS etc..


You get what you need mate, not what I need. I was having a little 'joke' with you :D


I know you was having a little joke with me.


I saved myself 6000thb on my budget for a new phone yesterday and that means 6 short times in soi 6! :beer

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A friend of mine had his Sony Ericsson die on him. He used it for five years, so he did get his moneys worth out of it. He bought a Nokia 5800. It may grow on him but so far he hates it. Says the touch screen is a pain in the ass. He also says the GPS map sucks.


I have had a Nokia E51 for a long time. During Song Khran, I had it in a plastic bag in my pocket and it still got wet. It died so I bought a much cheaper Music Xpress 5130. It's a nice little phone. Recently my wife found a repair shop so I had her take the E51 to them. Amazingly, they fixed the E51 and it works as good as new. Total charge of 300 baht. The 5130 is pretty good but the E51 is better.


ADDED - The E51 has a pissy little audio jack and the 5130 has a standard 3.5 mm jack. The small audio jack is the only thing about the E51 that I don't like. The E51 will play Audible audio books and the 5130 will NOT.

Edited by Gary
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even a basic N95 would suffice with an 8g memory card.

the basic N95 only recognizes up to 4GB

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