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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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was he giving you a lift ??? :banghead Hope you were wearing a helmet :whistling:



Fag on is a cry we used to give to girls when going out on the pull, Barry Sheene had a few accidents, mind you he never crashed and burned on the Dianna :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:

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Never done it personally. Theres already too many drunken idiots riding bikes in Patts, I`d like to think I have more sense.


Besides, riding sober in Patts is dangerous enough! :rolleyes:



Very true mate :kissing :chogdee

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I could never understand why people drive while drunk in Pattaya. There are enough ways to get home without rolling the dice on getting home while drunk.


For the guys who wish to drive home drunk, please leave your ATM cards, bank details along with all associated passwords, account numbers etc, with me. Don't worry, the funds will be put to good use. Thanks! :kissing





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I crashed once driving down soi 8. Some daft farang cunt drove in from the wrong end and I could barely avoid him.


I was fine and so was the girl that was with me. Guess we were very lucky.


Now I just take a motorbike taxi

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I crashed once driving down soi 8. Some daft farang cunt drove in from the wrong end and I could barely avoid him.


I was fine and so was the girl that was with me. Guess we were very lucky.


Now I just take a motorbike taxi

You did better than the bloke who crashed outside the Cherry bar about 2 years ago and hit is unhelmetted head into concrete block and is now officially dead.

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You did better than the bloke who crashed outside the Cherry bar about 2 years ago and hit is unhelmetted head into concrete block and is now officially dead.
As opposed to unofficially dead? :chogdee
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Turning left onto suk road from Klang I binned my scoot into he centre island, A friendly BiB came from no where and asked if I was ok.... he helped me retrieve the scoot and after I was back in the saddle kindly pointed me towards home.

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Never done it personally. Theres already too many drunken idiots riding bikes in Patts, I`d like to think I have more sense.


Besides, riding sober in Patts is dangerous enough! :clueless


It's not just drunken bikers - all those assholes driving gigantic SUV's while pissed are far, far worse. Remember a few months back that incident by the Dolphin Roundabout when a drunken Canadian (I think it was, anyway) in an SUV totalled a Baht Bus, killing at least one passenger?


Some years back I used to drink in Otto's Bar on Walking Street (opposite NLD1). He's a very nice Swiss-German who has lived here and run a bar forever. One night he's driving his small motorbike back home to Naklua, and a drunken Thai in an SUV didn't stop at an intersection when he should have and creamed poor Otto. He was in Bumrungrad for months having his spine pieced back together, and to this day can't walk properly.


IMHO, the secret to driving a bike in Pattaya and staying alive and unscathed is to drive 100% defensively. Americans may understand what I am on about more so than Brits. I did 2 days of defensive driving courses when I worked in West Africa, and although at the time we all thought it was just stating the obvious (yes, we were arrogant young men!), nowadays I still remember those lessons and try to apply them every time I get on my bike. One lesson was never to drive when under the influence, so I don't. Simple enough, really.

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It's not just drunken bikers - all those assholes driving gigantic SUV's while pissed are far, far worse. Remember a few months back that incident by the Dolphin Roundabout when a drunken Canadian (I think it was, anyway) in an SUV totalled a Baht Bus, killing at least one passenger?


Some years back I used to drink in Otto's Bar on Walking Street (opposite NLD1). He's a very nice Swiss-German who has lived here and run a bar forever. One night he's driving his small motorbike back home to Naklua, and a drunken Thai in an SUV didn't stop at an intersection when he should have and creamed poor Otto. He was in Bumrungrad for months having his spine pieced back together, and to this day can't walk properly.


IMHO, the secret to driving a bike in Pattaya and staying alive and unscathed is to drive 100% defensively. Americans may understand what I am on about more so than Brits. I did 2 days of defensive driving courses when I worked in West Africa, and although at the time we all thought it was just stating the obvious (yes, we were arrogant young men!), nowadays I still remember those lessons and try to apply them every time I get on my bike. One lesson was never to drive when under the influence, so I don't. Simple enough, really.



Good counsel mate :clueless :kissing :kissing Defensive all the way

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The worst thing about riding bikes in Pattaya, is when guys who have never ridden a bike before, start for the first time in a place like Pattaya. I have seen young guys jump on racing bikes and big bikes and have really no idea on how to ride them and have never obviously done a safety course in their own country. Pattaya is an extremly dangerous place to drive any vehicle let alone a motorcycle. You need eyes everywhere, and must assume that ther people as well as yourself might make mistakes, or have no regard for you on the road. The helmets supplied with most rentals are next to useless in terms of strength and many of the bikes are not road worthy, yet many drive them away without checking everything, including brakes. if a vehicle is unsafe, it matters least whether you have had a drink or not, but whether you can stop in time without losing control.


I drive very slowly these days, and dont take risks at junctions anymore as there is always someone who is taking the same risk too.

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The worst thing about riding bikes in Pattaya, is when guys who have never ridden a bike before, start for the first time in a place like Pattaya. I have seen young guys jump on racing bikes and big bikes and have really no idea on how to ride them and have never obviously done a safety course in their own country. Pattaya is an extremly dangerous place to drive any vehicle let alone a motorcycle. You need eyes everywhere, and must assume that ther people as well as yourself might make mistakes, or have no regard for you on the road. The helmets supplied with most rentals are next to useless in terms of strength and many of the bikes are not road worthy, yet many drive them away without checking everything, including brakes. if a vehicle is unsafe, it matters least whether you have had a drink or not, but whether you can stop in time without losing control.


I drive very slowly these days, and dont take risks at junctions anymore as there is always someone who is taking the same risk too.


:whistling: Of course it matters your reactions are dulled, you will take more chances and if there were a noise or clue of teh breakdown you may have neard it if not blotto, driving pissed will make anything worse, except the pain on the crash :chogdee :thumbup :chogdee

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:whistling: Of course it matters your reactions are dulled, you will take more chances and if there were a noise or clue of teh breakdown you may have neard it if not blotto, driving pissed will make anything worse, except the pain on the crash :chogdee :thumbup :chogdee


Read the bit you highlighted. done that >>good


Now you will see in plain English that a I said A DRINK

I did not say DRUNK or BLOTTO. In the UK, 2 pints of medium stength beer is around the limit for an aveaged sized man correct ????? yes, that is correct

So, if I have a 2 bottles of San mig light, then ride a bike, I shall not be drunk or incapable.

Do try and read the posts, things will make a lot more sense if you do.

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Very true mate :thumbup :thumbup



Never driven a bike even with one drink.Must admit i have driven my car sometimes when i have had a few,which is utter madness.I have stopped going to Jomtien in the car now,jump on a motorbike taxi for 100 baht,and if i go central pattaya i walk

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I dont know many but like an urban myth I keep getting told everyone has done it who rides a bike ?



Any expereinces :thumbup :thumbup

Strictly urbun myth.Even the Harley idiots I rode with for a while who do bar runs on their bikes haven't.Drink a lot,hop on your bike,get to the next bar,do same..........

Never myself as i didn't quite fit that drinking and ride mold.

The above is my experience in the US and Mexico.

Only and idiot would drink and drive or ride anyway.

Edited by LTGTR
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Was riding in a taxi on my last trip, every time we came to a red traffic light the driver would push the gas pedal to the floor and fly through the intersection. I asked him why he insisted on running every red light with lightning speed and he replied that all his family drove the same way! when we finally came to an intersection with a green light the driver mashed the brakes as hard as he could and brought the taxi to a dead stop....I asked him why he was stopping for a green light?....He replied that his brother might be coming from the other direction! Thai way of thinking!

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