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Trouble exiting UK?

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I had a problem earlier this year when I sold a car and have received a letter saying I failed to inform them, long story didnt have access to the address where they sent their warning letters. Still haven't sorted it and have just been handed "Arrest Warning" letter! I have the receipt for the sale and the new keepers details so shouldnt be a problem but don't think I will have time to sort this before I go on the 14th Dec. Do you guys think or have you heard of people being stopped for this kind of thing and missing their flight!

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its a motoring offence, you are not a serial rapist or anything, its hard to see international arrest warrents being issued on this, have a good trip and deal with it when you come home.


Thank you for your reply, but I did hear a story from a friend of someone getting stopped at Bristol Airport and consequently missing his flight! supposedly a parking ticket. Dont know whether I am being told this to wind me up though!


If nobody here on the board has heard of this then I wont worry!

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A parking fine is the least of your trouble, the onus is on you to inform DLVA of new owner details or if you have disposed of the vehicle, when dose the tax run out? if the new owner fails to tax the vehicle or notify DLVA that it is off the road or been scrapped you will find yourself responsible for paying the tax as well.


Maybe the following will be of use: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/Buyin...icle/DG_4022311


Suspect the arrest warning letter is warning you that if you do not pay the fine an arrest warrant will be issued for your arrest, I suspect that issuing of boarding passes is linked to the UKBA data base which intern may hold names of persons with open arrest warrants, etc.

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Thank you for your reply, but I did hear a story from a friend of someone getting stopped at Bristol Airport and consequently missing his flight! supposedly a parking ticket. Dont know whether I am being told this to wind me up though!


If nobody here on the board has heard of this then I wont worry!


It depends on who issued the parking ticket - the police (or a traffic warden employed by the police), or a traffic warden acting on behalf of a local authority. If it was issued by the police, it's a criminal offence and you could potentially be stuffed. If it was issued by the local authority, it's a civil offence so, therefore, no worries.

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Those goons let out worse criminals than parking offenders........

Rest and travel assured.....

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I agree with what Basil B said.


I sold my car in the UK in October to Webuyanycar.com. Not a great price, but they were very nice to deal with. The guy let me keep the car right up until the day before I flew back to Thailand. He explained the DVLA side of things very well. You send the slip from your V5 (what we used to call the 'log book') to them with the new owner's details. Within 4 weeks you will receive a letter confirming that you are no longer the car's owner. If you don't do this then you will be held responsible for any traffic misdemeanours or violations committed by the new owner. God knows what will happen if he totals a Porsche or something like that while the car is still in your name. You get the Road Tax refund at the same time by filling in a V14 form and sending it with the slip from the V5. Only the registered owner can do that, not the new one. I'd guess that as long as the new owner hasn't gone crazy, you should be OK, but IMHO you need to sort it out ASAP or you will still carry the liability even while you are in LOS. If he HAS gone berserk, then you might be in deep trouble. I'd say sort it out now, I would have problems sleeping if I was in your situation, to be honest. It's an open-ended liability on your part until you inform the DVLA.

Edited by Toy Boy
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as I said on a previous post, not last year one before they were stopping people at heathrow. mine was a terrorist act check which in reality i believe was a general criminal check. they wanted details of my local cop shop, for example. others stopped earlier that year said they had computer link ups and were checking for outstanding court fines, for instance. mine just radioed in my details.


meanwhile the real terrorists slip in and out with no problem.


[edit: oh and the DWP were at boarding point same year running computer checks to see if you are on benefit]


[edit x 2; to OP . my understanding is that those with o/s warrants were told to sort it immediately they retd from hols. if you've arrest arrant it might be different but chances of them being at airport the day you fly are low i think]

Edited by monochromeman
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govmt dept's having a coherent joined up thinking policy with co-operation between immigration and local police?


they cant even be bothered to put knifweilding youths in custody


that requires too much work.


it's easy to set up shop for the day at heathrow and stop people who are basically sitting ducks.


They do the same now and then with traffic police. They DWP, for example, will be there roadside. Police pull over taxi drivers and when they run chk DWP run benefit chk at same time. If bloke is working - claiming they arrest him. Police get easy stat and no knife wielding involved].

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It would help if you were a hate spewing Muslim radical , or for that matter part of any other cosseted minority



But as a bona fide tax paying Joe you could be in for a rocky ride







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It would help if you were a hate spewing Muslim radical , or for that matter part of any other cosseted minority



But as a bona fide tax paying Joe you could be in for a rocky ride








yep. there were no chks being done on the flight to NE African country with a Mohammedan population the time i was checked. i know as i passed the gate. bet there's never any checks on the flights to Indonesia either. in fact indonesia to thailand is probably the safest bet NOT to gets stopped. longer and pricier though.


pissed me off as it was my first holiday in ages and i was working 2 jobs [still am] but get the third degree [whilst non english walk thru unchecked]

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Thanks for your responses,


Will try and sort Monday before I go and IF they do have their checks, they update their information!


Get yourself up to the DVLA offie in Stoke Gifford and go in and sort it all there and then

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you have to watch some of the sods, some of the Polish workers are buying cheap cars and wont bother to register them, they are park anywhere and tickets not an issue as the recorded address is the previous owners, if stopped by polish they show the ticket of sale and say they dont understand

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This talk of the DWP randomly checking up on people at airports is interesting., but I can't see why DWP are noseying into people going abroad.


By benefits, does that mean unemployment, or disability, or even state pension?


There is talk in Parliament of making the state pension applicable to 'residents' only, so maybe this is all part of the forthcoming fascist plan.

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They don't check you when you leave Heathrow,unlike the Netherlands where you have to pay any outstanding fines or you

ain't going anywhere till you cough up.

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This talk of the DWP randomly checking up on people at airports is interesting., but I can't see why DWP are noseying into people going abroad.


By benefits, does that mean unemployment, or disability, or even state pension?


There is talk in Parliament of making the state pension applicable to 'residents' only, so maybe this is all part of the forthcoming fascist plan.


For persons claiming JSA (Job Seekers Allowance), this is unemployment pay to persons who must be looking and be available for work (just ask "Chivas"), and DWP (Department of Work and Pensions) do all sorts of checks to catch people claiming JSA and other benefits which they are not entailed to if they work or go abroad.


Do not know where someone stands if they have to go abroad for a job interview? A person claiming JSA can travel abroad for a holiday but must first sign off and reapply on their return.


Suppose it could be interesting to catch someone going on a skiing holiday who is long-term unemployed claiming disability allowance for bad back.


There are some rules regarding state pension as well for persons permanently abroad, I think it gets frozen meaning it will not increase annually in line with cost of living.

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I had a problem earlier this year when I sold a car and have received a letter saying I failed to inform them, long story didnt have access to the address where they sent their warning letters. Still haven't sorted it and have just been handed "Arrest Warning" letter! I have the receipt for the sale and the new keepers details so shouldnt be a problem but don't think I will have time to sort this before I go on the 14th Dec. Do you guys think or have you heard of people being stopped for this kind of thing and missing their flight!


This happens in the Netherlands, I used to live there and got pulled over at immigration to pay an old speeding fine when travelling on business. When asked what would have happened if I didn't have the cash the answer was "we would have held you until the fine was paid".

Edited by som nam na
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Have been to Stoke Gifford DVLA and they cannot deal as warrant already issued, have spoken to the courts and they cannot sort quickly so looks as though I will have to travel and cross my fingers!

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There is talk in Parliament of making the state pension applicable to 'residents' only, so maybe this is all part of the forthcoming fascist plan.
Oh joy, they just started taking NHI Class 3 contributions out of my bank account again....

The only reason I pestered to reinstate them was to qualify for a full pension in 10 years.

Edited by jacko
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A person claiming JSA can travel abroad for a holiday but must first sign off and reapply on their return.


That is not true you can ask to miss a week to sign on as you are away but any longer than that and you have to sign off.

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