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100+ free ebooks from Baen

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I just learned that one of my favorite publishers, Baen, is providing over 100 ebooks from their library that you can download for free in all the various formats.


And these aren't no-name books - most are from some of their top authors.


So if you've been considering trying out ebooks, this is a great library you can download not only to dedicated e-readers but also onto regular notebook computers as well.



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I just learned that one of my favorite publishers, Baen, is providing over 100 ebooks from their library that you can download for free in all the various formats.


And these aren't no-name books - most are from some of their top authors.


So if you've been considering trying out ebooks, this is a great library you can download not only to dedicated e-readers but also onto regular notebook computers as well.



They also have a program where you can purchase advance e-copies of books before they are on the shelves. Typically US $12 - $15 for a book that will cost around US $25 in hard cover. They also include a cd with e-copies of several dozen books with the hard back edition of several of their best authors books. David Weber is one of only two authors that I will purchase the hard cover when it first comes out rather than wait for the paperback. Johnathan Kellerman is the other. Also, just as a heads up, in case you aren't familiar with Baen they publish science fiction.

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It's been around for a while. Seems to be like a pusher giving you that first taste free. If you want to see the rest of the series, or more from that authors universe, you have to buy books.


I'm not knocking it though, I downloaded them all and read a lot of them - they used to be available on a single CD that was included in some new books and could be downloaded as well.


These were probably my first experiences with eBooks and I'm converted now - I graduated from reading on my laptop, to a Sony 505 reader to a Kindle DXG, which is excellent. No more dead trees for me. :rolleyes:

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Baen cd


This site has all the cd's that have been included with the hard cover editions. You can download them as .iso images or .zip files. There is a lot of duplication on the cd's but between them they have a hundred or so books by their top authors.

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