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lovedog,   Here's the deal ... each time you send me an inane, rambling PM, I'll post a funny pic ... up to you.    

Come on puppy you can do better than that. Come on back now and tell us all about how mean people are being to you.   The new medications don't seem to be working too well so maybe better for you to

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vpi78 you are a real sad piece of shit when you have to start giving red marks to funny pictures. I bet you have to use a viagra to wack off each time you rate one of my posts because you get so excited. You are a pitiful little man. http://www.pattayata...ser/6295-vpi78/


Edited by lovedog100
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some how, I don't think so


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vpi78 you are a real sad piece of shit when you have to start giving red marks to funny pictures. I bet you have to use a viagra to wack off each time you rate one of my posts because you get so excited. You are a pitiful little man. http://www.pattayata...ser/6295-vpi78/


What, taking life, not to mention the internet, too seriously while you are there stuck in the trailer in leftyville waiting to die Princess?


Paid off that debt to Mercy Center yet Princess? No ... I didn't think so.


Come on back to Pattaya if you ever grow any balls ... it will be great to meet you in person dancing queen.


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vpi you want me, don't wait for me to come to Thailand to make your flight. We live in the same country, come and see me you coward. I'd love to meet your faggot ass as well. No need to wait to get to Thailand to get yourself fucked up real good. Ya won't even have to pay me,, not that I would take food stamps anyway.

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vpi you want me, don't wait for me to come to Thailand to make your flight. We live in the same country, come and see me you coward. I'd love to meet your faggot ass as well. No need to wait to get to Thailand to get yourself fucked up real good. Ya won't even have to pay me,, not that I would take food stamps anyway.


You have me confused with the Mercy Center Princess. They want you ... something to do with 5000 Baht. What is that all about little hobbit?


Look me up the next time you roll off that couch with the frozen pizza and 40 ouncer assuming you can scam the fare for the flight over. I'll introduce you to the Mercy Center admins who say they have never heard from you little Randi.

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Come on you two!


Take it easy. It's only a chat board. Whatever your gripe with each other stems from, I don't like to see two decent members going at it.....(though I'm sure some do).


Here's one way you could span the distance and sort things out. Then when you do meet, have a laugh and a beer together.




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Not me yoda.


I must apologise I did think it was you. When I visited your very large 'Reputation' file, the post concerned was top of that enormous pile of pages. This normally means a + or a - vote has been given. I was "three'chez and then with a swish of a light-sabre it was cut down to "two'chez'. Someone, (not you of course), obviously doesn't like Star Wars.......I can't think of 'any' other reason. And I can't explain why the post appeared in your 'Reputation' file.


Oh well never mind........ May the 4th be with you!

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I must apologise I did think it was you. When I visited your very large 'Reputation' file, the post concerned was top of that enormous pile of pages. This normally means a + or a - vote has been given. I was "three'chez and then with a swish of a light-sabre it was cut down to "two'chez'. Someone, (not you of course), obviously doesn't like Star Wars.......I can't think of 'any' other reason. And I can't explain why the post appeared in your 'Reputation' file.


Oh well never mind........ May the 4th be with you!


No apology necessary but it was good of you to profer one. I do confess to giving you a greenie ... I really like Star Wars even if Star Trek might be better.


So if you saw a reddie I guess two scify haters jumped on you and turned that smile upside down.


Seems that order has been restored to the universe though because you are now neutral again on that post.


Live long and prosper.

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You Bla bla bla bla I'm a coward but bla bla bla


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Puppy come back and play ... Unless you are too embarrassed over that Mercy Center outing of your real character.


Yeah that has to hurt ... since you can't pay up on your lost wagers just dance a little more and post a few more cartoons and send a few more infantile PMs ... yeah that will help rebuild confidence.

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Bla... bla...I'm a cowardly cunt....bla... bla... bla

So what you are saying that your little hurt feelings should trump everyone elses enjoyment of this thread, that you want to put a stop to it. Maybe sitting in front of that computer 12 - 16 hours a day has given you an over inflated sense of importance. If it's your foot ball, you can take it and go home. However, this is not your football, nor have you contributed to the game. Maybe you should just go. Adults are talking here.


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Anyway, getting back to funny pictures, As an Aussie and an irreligious one, I thought this was topical in the recent news climate. I mean he isn't really a bad bloke, is he?...:


Fuck, where did that picture go?


Edited by yorta2
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C'mon, Lovedog ... I can remember when you gave me over 100 negative votes - presumably, just to be a cunt. I don't think you're really in a position to complain when someone returns the compliment. Or, is your negative vote "different"?

Edited by CheshireTom
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