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1 Year Thai ED Visa No more Visa Runs

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  honeypot said:
I'm actually crying with laughter !


I love it when someone claims to be intelligent, then quotes from a book someone else has written as if that proves it !


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Personally, I prefer that someone quote from a book, ahead of what they heard on TV.

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I never said quoting from a book makes me intelligent. I was only sharing some knowledge

I think is very relevant. I am very well read and I do not think I am super intelligent but I have

gained some knowledge through my studies. The more you know the more you realize how much

more you need to learn. It should be a humbling experience, not an excuse to put others down.


In your mind you are the only intelligent one in the world so keep laughing

and thinking yourself so superior. You are not better than anyone else honeypot you have

some major delusions of granduer and ego mania obviously. Its your mental problem so go on

keep laughing and thinking how much better you are than everyone else.


You are obviously very ignorant because you cannot see that everyone is equal and deserves to be treated

with respect and kindness. In your twisted egotistical reality, you only feel better by thinking

yourself superior to everyone else. You really should work on getting real self esteem instead of a false one

normally called a superiority complex. Real self confidence means you have pride in yourself, and do

not feel compelled to stomp on the ego of others who have caused you no harm. You feel good enough about

yourself that you do not need to artificially pump yourself up at the expense of other people. The need to pick

on others usually goes away in grade school, but it seems you still didn't grow out of it.


You have a lot of personal growth to do its obvious. I recommend you start listening to Brian Tracy, Dr Robert Anthony,

Earl Nightingale ( How to win friends and influence people) and others from the Nightingale Conant catalog.

You need help buddy but only you can change your small mindedness noone else. Until then you are trapped in a

prison of false pride and egotism. You really should go stay in a temple for a while and humble your self and see the error

in your false pride. It is in illusion as all people are equal and you have no right to cause a disturbance

to those who have done you no harm. If you cannot see that you will be bound to experience the negative reaction

to your mentality and attitude. I hope that you can grow out of this all that false pride is an illusion. Try reading Bhagavad Gita

and learn more about the nature of the soul, mind, ego and the wisdom of the ancients. The real sages had so much

amazing knowledge it makes what we know today seem like a joke. So what to speak of your so called English



I think there is a need for manuscript editors and proofreaders perhaps you could get a job doing that instead of

picking on someones typos on a forum somewhere. Really do something positive with your ability instead of something so

negative and destructive towards others.

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  offshoreibc said:
I never said quoting from a book makes me intelligent. I was only sharing some knowledge

I think is very relevant. I am very well read and I do not think I am super intelligent but I have

gained some knowledge through my studies. The more you know the more you realize how much

more you need to learn. It should be a humbling experience, not an excuse to put others down.


In your mind you are the only intelligent one in the world so keep laughing

and thinking yourself so superior. You are not better than anyone else honeypot you have

some major delusions of granduer and ego mania obviously. Its your mental problem so go on

keep laughing and thinking how much better you are than everyone else.


You are obviously very ignorant because you cannot see that everyone is equal and deserves to be treated

with respect and kindness. In your twisted egotistical reality, you only feel better by thinking

yourself superior to everyone else. You really should work on getting real self esteem instead of a false one

normally called a superiority complex. Real self confidence means you have pride in yourself, and do

not feel compelled to stomp on the ego of others who have caused you no harm. You feel good enough about

yourself that you do not need to artificially pump yourself up at the expense of other people. The need to pick

on others usually goes away in grade school, but it seems you still didn't grow out of it.


You have a lot of personal growth to do its obvious. I recommend you start listening to Brian Tracy, Dr Robert Anthony,

Earl Nightingale ( How to win friends and influence people) and others from the Nightingale Conant catalog.

You need help buddy but only you can change your small mindedness noone else. Until then you are trapped in a

prison of false pride and egotism. You really should go stay in a temple for a while and humble your self and see the error

in your false pride. It is in allusion as all people are equal and you have no right to cause a disturbance

to those who have done you no harm. If you cannot see that you will be bound to experience the negative reaction

to your mentality and attitude. I hope that you can grow out of this all that false pride is an illusion. Try reading Bhagavad Gita

and learn more about the nature of the soul, mind, ego and the wisdom of the ancients. The real sages had so much

amazing knowledge it makes what we know today seem like a joke. So what to speak of your so called English



I think there is a need for manuscript editors and proofreaders perhaps you could get a job doing that instead of

picking on someones typos on a forum somewhere. Really do something positive with your ability instead of something so

negative and destructive towards others.

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I'm so glad you are being encouraged to practise your writing skills, keep up the good work, Dummy !


If you are determined to better yourself, try reading some classic literature as opposed to the dogmatic hyperbole you absorb yourself in. ( Now that's low self esteem surely ? )


Maybe you could start here ? Link

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I thought "How to win friends and influence people" was written by Dale Carnegie - may be a pseudonym though, or I'm under the influence :P .

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Yes you are right Honeypot. Its a mistake to cast pearls of wisdom before ignorant swine who think

themselves better than others and God himself. They will just snort and roll in the mud, while thinking there

shit does not stink.


You can call me stupid all you want and it does not make it so. Its very hard to admit when you

are wrong especially when you are an egomaniac with a superiority complex like yourself.


Enjoy your mental prison of self rightousness and delude yourself into thinking you are smarter

and better than everyone else. Bask in the illusion. Go ahead some day you will get yours just wait and see.

You are only fooling yourself not anyone else. Its obvious what a stuck up jerk you are

the second you open your mouth.

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Yes you are correct its written by Dale Carnegie my bad. ( See I can admit when I make mistakes unlike some people )

I was confused due to the fact that its published as an audio book by Nightingale Conant. So a bit of a misnomer on my part.


I think Honeypot should write a new book " How to Lose friends and repulse people with a holier than though attitude"

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Yes you are correct its written by Dale Carnegie my bad. ( See I can admit when I make mistakes unlike some people)

I was confused due to the fact that its published as an audio book by Nightingale Conant. So a bit of a misnomer on my part.


I think Honeypot should write a new book " How to Lose friends and repulse people with a holier than though attitude"

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  offshoreibc said:
Yes you are right Honeypot. Its a mistake to cast pearls of wisdom before ignorant swine who think

themselves better than others and God himself. They will just snort and roll in the mud, while thinking there

shit does not stink.


You can call me stupid all you want and it does not make it so. Its very hard to admit when you

are wrong especially when you are an egomaniac with a superiority complex like yourself.


Enjoy your mental prison of self rightousness and delude yourself into thinking you are smarter

and better than everyone else. Bask in the illusion. Go ahead some day you will get yours just wait and see.

You are only fooling yourself not anyone else. Its obvious what a stuck up jerk you are

the second you open your mouth.

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I think you've lost sight of the fact that you started this thread as a sales promotion for the ED visa.

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Yes thats true but to many people have taken the topic off course including me.


Perhaps its best if the thread is deleted I do not see any resolution to some of the

disagreement. If I had not been insulted so unjustly perhaps I would not have gotten

off track.

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  offshoreibc said:
Yes thats true but to many people have taken the topic off course including me.


Perhaps its best if the thread is deleted I do not see any resolution to some of the

disagreement. If I had not been insulted so unjustly perhaps I would not have gotten

off track.

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" Unjustly " is a matter of opinion. You claim to represent a school, rip off Walen's ad and give inaccurate information. You have time to offer insults but not to use a spell checker ? How different do you think this thread would have been if you had ? You might even have made some cash ! See my point about acting in a professional manner now ? Probably not.


You should really name the school and try to regain some credibility, it all sounds very dodgy and that was your own doing.

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  MM said:
I think you've lost sight of the fact that you started this thread as a sales promotion for the ED visa.
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I did warn him, he decided not to head the warning. When posting a topic, there is always someone that will try and thread fuck you. Where it gets really ugly, is when you end up thread fucking yourself.

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I haven't thread fu^&** at all. If someone wanted to be nasty I will give them my opinion of their attitude.

I do not regret a word of anything I said and I believe it all to be true. I do not take sh@#$ from anyone.

Especially Bullsh*(* which has no basis in logic or reason.


If someone wants details about the visa they can contact me. All the other statements by honey pot are pure delusions

and paranoia not reality. Unjustly is not a matter of opinion honey pot I never said one thing bad to you and asked you

nicely to refrain from insulting me but you just couldn't control yourself. Why can you not follow the simple

rule of common decency to do unto others as you would have done unto you. But common decency does not

seem to be something you have much of based on what I can see so far. Do you honestly think you are so much better than

others and have the right to judge them? As you judge so you will be judged when your time comes - wish I could be a fly on the wall.

Just admit it - you where wrong to attack me for no reason and you are the one who started it no one else.

So be a big man and apologize if you have the guts which I doubt. It takes a big man to admit they are wrong and a small man

to deny it in pure vanity and false pride. So go read Jim Rohn and improve yourself you need work brother.


I did not name the school for this very reason - I did not want their name dragged through

the mud by trolls who are not even interested in the Visa. I am a part time agent for them and my views do not

reflect theirs at all. So if you cannot contact me as requested then I cannot give you any further information.

Once you do so I will explain the discount I have to offer and more about the school etc. At which time

you are welcome to visit hassle free leave your checkbook at home. If my "unprofessional manner' keeps anyone

from inquiring about the visa, I am not concerned. I am professional enough to get the job done and not to please

stuck up uptight people like Mr HP.


Anyone who needs the visa will need to be man enough to pick up the phone and give me a call.

If they cannot even do that then they must not be interested, and once they come to see our operation

there is no question we are above board. If you are not even going to do that you probably a nosy trouble maker who

just likes to take pot shots at anyone. No matter who they are or what they post. So I do not take it personally

there is a percentage of the population who will always be critical of you no matter what you do.


They do not have the guts to do anything business wise so all they get jealous and nasty at people who do.

I experience it all the time - successful people will always have those who are not try to put them down.

Then they try to throw tomatoes and popcorn like an ignorant spectator towards those making an effort.

It won't stop me because I tell them what I think of them and I hope it pisses them off to.

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Such vitriol Mr Steinbeck !


For the record.


My initial posts were not thread fucks either, if you had posted a trip report detailing all the hookers you had done up the backside I would not have commented on your appalling English skills. You were endorsing a school, a language school at that ! As you are their representative I found that questionable. How do you not see how unprofessional that would seem to any prospective client ?


" Be man enough to pick up the phone and call me " ( wonderful sales technique by the way ) :thumbup


In truth, I have done you a huge favour, I don't expect to see you advertising anywhere else in a hurry without the aid of a spell checker ! :D


This first lesson was free, if however you would like to further your studies at my fictional academy for slow learners please PM me, that way I can offer you a discount ! :wanker:


Please don't try to find my imaginary institution without my aid, it's not easy to locate on my neocortex. :thumbup

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There is nothing wrong with my English skills - there is something wrong with your attitude.


Do not tell me what I represent and noone but you cares if a Visa agent has a typo.


Right if all someone can do is make nasty comments and has no interest in the service,

then why would it matter. If they are interested then call.


You Sir are an arrogant uptight prick. The day I learn anything from you is when hell freezes over.

I absolutely detest A type perfectionists like you and I would never do business with them.

I would kick you out of my office within 5 minutes of meeting you.


I kick customers out all the time who are like that. I could care less about the money I make plenty of that

from nice decent customers with manners and decency. Why would I want to deal with people like you?

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  honeypot said:
Such vitriol Mr Steinbeck !


For the record.


My initial posts were not thread fucks either, if you had posted a trip report detailing all the hookers you had done up the backside I would not have commented on your appalling English skills. You were endorsing a school, a language school at that ! As you are their representative I found that questionable. How do you not see how unprofessional that would seem to any prospective client ?


" Be man enough to pick up the phone and call me " ( wonderful sales technique by the way ) :clap1


In truth, I have done you a huge favour, I don't expect to see you advertising anywhere else in a hurry without the aid of a spell checker ! :rolleyes:


This first lesson was free, if however you would like to further your studies at my fictional academy for slow learners please PM me, that way I can offer you a discount ! :D


Please don't try to find my imaginary institution without my aid, it's not easy to locate on my neocortex. :kissing

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WOW, Some of you must be borred to death, All this for a few mistakes WOTEVA, whoops i smelt it wrong. GET A LIFE. or a ladyboy if you arn't one already... My first post......lol


Offshoreibc, should it not be offshorealcoholic


Maybe we can all chill out and listen to some PINK FLOYD. "We don't need no Education"

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My sentiments exactly Screw - I couldnt agree more with what you said.

Who cares if someone misspells something what difference does it make

to anyone but that guy.


I love Pink Floyd myself. You see I am a liberal also not an uptight conservative.


But no sorry to disappoint everyone I do not smoke or drink a drop


of alcohol its bad for your health. Yes I think I am wasting my breath on that loser but I had to get


that off my chest. Thanks for lightening us all up right on dude.

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  honeypot said:
Such vitriol Mr Steinbeck !


For the record.


My initial posts were not thread fucks either, if you had posted a trip report detailing all the hookers you had done up the backside I would not have commented on your appalling English skills. You were endorsing a school, a language school at that ! As you are their representative I found that questionable. How do you not see how unprofessional that would seem to any prospective client ?


" Be man enough to pick up the phone and call me " ( wonderful sales technique by the way ) :thumbup


In truth, I have done you a huge favour, I don't expect to see you advertising anywhere else in a hurry without the aid of a spell checker ! :clueless


This first lesson was free, if however you would like to further your studies at my fictional academy for slow learners please PM me, that way I can offer you a discount ! :D


Please don't try to find my imaginary institution without my aid, it's not easy to locate on my neocortex. :kissing

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offshoreibc You are new here so you probably don't know. Honeypot is a bit of a troll. You allowed him to completely hijack your thread. You have also thread fucked yourself to death. Honeypots reply here is one of his best ever, and he is right. Representing a language school, your spelling, and grammar will, and should be held to a higher standard. You have pushed this thread to three pages, when it should have been three reply's for added information. For future reference, should you post on another forum. A better response would have been: You are correct, I was in a hurry and didn't have time to proof read before posting, I have gone back and corrected my original post, thanks for pointing it out for me. :D


Tom asked for the name of the school. I know it's a salesman's trick not to answer, in order for you to get the commission. However, if a discount could be had through you, most would go that route. By not naming the school, you have come off as dishonest in some way. In turn he posted way more information about another school, than you gave about yours. Now in your thread, we have a good advertisement about Walen, and they don't come off as combative.


Even after the board administrator reminded you that you seem to have lost track of your original intent, you went on with it. I would be willing to bet that not one person from this forum has called of PM'ed you. Be forewarned, if you answer this post, those that don't think that you are a complete wanker now, will.

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Ok glad to know thats his character. No I am offering this the way I am and anyone who can't follow my instructions is excluded from the offer and the rebate.

I already explained why I have not given that info publicly. I did not have more than one or two typos and really I am not concerned with the opinion of

some person who thinks I am " representing a school and should be held to a higher standard." So thanks for your valued info but you can keep your other ideas I have no use for them. Its a language school for the purpose of getting a visa for god sakes people get off your high horses.


I am not a wanker unless you count standing up for yourself wrong. Anyone who is not on my side would be refused service by our company anyhow. If someone reads this and cannot see I am standing up for my self and in the right can get a visa else where I really do not care.

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You have got to be one of the most completely clueless salesman I have ever talked with. I sure hope that you have a backup career in the works.

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No I think you are probably the clueless one. I have been in sales all my life and

make plenty of money at it. I do so well I can decide who I will deal with

and who I will not. Nice to have the choice isn't it? I am not like most people

you have ever met that's true and I am proud of it.


Its also my personality I do not care WTF anyone thinks, and there are plenty of people

who respect that and admire me for having balls. I do not need any business from

small minded stuck up people. Representing a school lmfao what a joke - I am just referral agent.

Although we do have very good teachers, most people choose to learn only the minimum.

Its for the visa big guy nothing else. Lets not kid ourselves. What do you expect Oxford?


I just sell the visa that's it the staff takes care of paperwork, teaching etc not me.


BTW - I wouldn't sell you one or help you if immigration was banging at

your door. So please enjoy your visa runs and or kissing up to a Thai wife to stay here instead.

Hope she catches you short timing and cancels it.

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  offshoreibc said:
No I think you are probably the clueless one. I have been in sales all my life and

make plenty of money at it. I do so well I can decide who I will deal with

and who I will not. Nice to have the choice isn't it? I am not like most people

you have ever met that's true and I am proud of it.

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Why? Not why are you proud of it, but why would you think anyone cares?


I do admit though that I'm fascinated by a thread where the salesman touts himself as far bigger than the product he's not even bothering to sell any more. It's kinda like one of those jerks as soon as you sit down in a bar he starts telling you about his CIA-MI5-KGB-blackops exploits, you know it's BS at the first word but he just won't stop digging his hole. Or starts telling you how incredibly rich he is from being so smart - as if you ever asked.



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  screw2loose said:
WOW, Some of you must be borred to death, All this for a few mistakes WOTEVA, whoops i smelt it wrong. GET A LIFE. or a ladyboy if you arn't one already... My first post......lol


Offshoreibc, should it not be offshorealcoholic


Maybe we can all chill out and listen to some PINK FLOYD. "We don't need no Education"

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Did you join the board specifically to get into this argument? Perhaps to help a friend or yourself in need?

It looks that way, welcome to the board by the way.

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Yes well why does anyone care about anything. It seems you cared enough to answer.


Who says I am not still offering the visa.


If you read the thread you can see yourself I didn't start it, and I specifically said several times.


No I am not here to argue but I will certainly finish a heated debate if I feel compelled to.


Thanks for the welcome mat :)

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