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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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The day started out pissing rain. 10Am from hotel.

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But was dry by noon. A bit cooler then before but perfect for farangs.

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Not only dig the BIB chew my ass for a water canon, this little one did too. At least she did it in English, the Cop was all in Thai. I was thinking either take it away or speak English cause I have no clue what you are saying. Later one did take it.. Funny thing though, the next Soi 10 meters down the road there was a guy selling them........hmmmm, recycle????



Sonkran can wear you down






Beach road was closed and packed as usual

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No idea what the foam is all about








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Nice pics. that capture the happy spirit. No crazy tales of ammonia in water and other made up shit like some boards. It is over but some farangs that were not here will be talking about how bad it was all year and warning everyone.


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Nice pics. that capture the happy spirit. No crazy tales of ammonia in water and other made up shit like some boards. It is over but some farangs that were not here will be talking about how bad it was all year and warning everyone.




No made up tales, it goes on way too long in Pattaya for any enjoyment


Been there, done that, won't comeback during the time period again

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I will certainly concede that 3 days might be perfect. But the drunken farangs would stretch it out anyway.


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I will certainly concede that 3 days might be perfect. But the drunken farangs would stretch it out anyway.


On the last day of Songkran I saw far more Thai old ladies and teenagers in pickup trucks throwing water than I saw drunken farangs.

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On the last day of Songkran I saw far more Thai old ladies and teenagers in pickup trucks throwing water than I saw drunken farangs.


That's the day when ALL the Thais can participate, not just bar girls. Stores are closed and it's a city wide day off.

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On the last day of Songkran I saw far more Thai old ladies and teenagers in pickup trucks throwing water than I saw drunken farangs.


Don't you just hate it when even old ladies and teenagers have fun?


P.S. Possibly most of the farangs with the power sprayers were worn out after a week.

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trying to post a songkran vid of facebook :banghead


Might be that facebook requires a log in to access their videos.

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