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Champions' League Final

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couldn`t bear to watch the team I hate most in the whole world lift the trophy so I will probably just have a good sleep while its on. and I`m not talking about Barcelona

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couldn`t bear to watch the team I hate most in the whole world lift the trophy so I will probably just have a good sleep while its on. and I`m not talking about Barcelona



You must be mental if think Man U have even the slightest chance of winning.

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You must be mental if think Man U have even the slightest chance of winning.


If you shop around you will be able to get Barcelona at evens

Just found them at 10/11 at Bill Hills



If you are so confident to come out with a statement like that in a 2 horse race, you must be mental if you don't back Barcelona

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We have 2 sports books here in Cabo.I use Caliente.Back in January,I got ManU at 8-1 and any Brit team to win at 3-2.I got Barca at 2-1 and any spanish team to win at even money.So worst case,Barca wins,I break even.ManU wins,nice payday.It's on Fox here in the States or at least where my satellite provider thinks my box is located.Only downside,I have to pull for them for 2 agonizing hours.

Downside here with betting,government get a cut of every winning ticket.

Edited by LTGTR
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You must be mental if think Man U have even the slightest chance of winning.


I, and millions of others, thought that after 90 minutes against Bayern Munich in 1999. :rolleyes:

Edited by CheshireTom
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If you shop around you will be able to get Barcelona at evens

Just found them at 10/11 at Bill Hills



If you are so confident to come out with a statement like that in a 2 horse race, you must be mental if you don't back Barcelona

Sorry, Parry, That's a THREE horse race over 90 minutes and not the price to lift the cup. William hill's price to lift the cup is Barcelona 4/9....... Man U. 13/8.

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Sorry, Parry, That's a THREE horse race over 90 minutes and not the price to lift the cup. William hill's price to lift the cup is Barcelona 4/9....... Man U. 13/8.



In your pedanticism you miss the point I was making

If you are so condident to state "You must be mental if think Man U have even the slightest chance of winning" then it is worth a bet.

If Butterflyblonde fancies a bet I think he may be able to get evens on Barcelona. The first bookie I could think of was William Hills, hence the 10/11 quote.

If you state "You must be mental if think Man U have even the slightest chance of winning" you are confident enough not to rely on extra time or pens therefore 10/11 is far better odds than the 4/9 you quote which is poor odds for a football match.


Personally, I think it is going to be tighter than people think but Barcelona on a good day are simply irresistible. I don't particularly like Man u or Chelsea or Arsenal etc but I always want the English teams to win.

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You must be mental if think Man U have even the slightest chance of winning.


My heart says Barca but my head says ManU.

And yes, even I would hate if United win.


The thing is, if you can kill the creative play by Barca you can win, as Inter showed in last year's CL semi's (and Real almost succeeded this year in 1st leg, but for two flashes of brilliance from Messi).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Barca were tremendous.



I actually predicted they would win it back in August last year, they have been developing for a few years now and have turned into the 'harlem globetrotters' of football, an almost unstoppable machine, they can be beat, but you have to really ride your luck against them as Man U did the year they met Chelsea in the final and as Inter Milan did last season, whoever they play, just expect wave upon wave of attack coming at you, because that's how it's going to be.


I'm not a betting man myself, other than lottery tickets, but to those who are, I think you can perhaps think about betting on Barca for the next 3 to 5 years easy, to win the Spanish league and cup, to win the Champions league final, they may even be the first team to retain it in a long time next year.

I'm also going to predict that Spain will reach the Euro final and be the first international team to win 3 trophies consecutively, France won 2 but then fizzled out, Spain won't be fizzling in my view, they have 2 of the best midfielder's (Xavi and Iniesta) I've seen in a long time and tick every other box too, just like Barca do.


Cheshire Tom, you mention 99 but forgot something so basic?


The 99 Man U team had a class (not world class like Barca) midfield, by comparison, the current midfield setup are incredibly average at best, only Giggs and Scholes have any class but both are ageing, the rest are not fit to tie the laces of Keane and Beckham.


So there's my top tips for you gamblers, don;t know what odds you'll get for Barca or Spain but they have to be worth a punt.

Edited by butterflyblonde
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Scholes has class?That's laughable.He's the world's worst tackler in addition to being a has-been.I'm shocked he didn't pick up his normal yellow in the 7 minutes he was on.

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:clap1 Scholes has class.. hahaha i cant stop laughing at that one, ha ha ha fucking funny that one :clap1
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Those that know something about football know that Scholes was one of England's best midfielders in his day, those that actually make a living from the game say this, those in this thread cackling like silly hyenas only show themselves up as know nothing fools. :allright

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Your original post regarding the "tackler" was,"only Giggs and Scholes have any class but both are ageing".And the key phrase in this post is "in his day".His "day" passed several years ago.And please stop pretending like you know more about SOCCER than us.Find another channel to watch besides ManU TV.We are actually cackling hyenas laughing at you.



Those that know something about football know that Scholes was one of England's best midfielders in his day, those that actually make a living from the game say this, those in this thread cackling like silly hyenas only show themselves up as know nothing fools. :allright

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Your original post regarding the "tackler" was,"only Giggs and Scholes have any class but both are ageing".And the key phrase in this post is "in his day".His "day" passed several years ago.And please stop pretending like you know more about SOCCER than us.Find another channel to watch besides ManU TV.We are actually cackling hyenas laughing at you.


Great win by Barca, a team I always try to watch, they are close to, if not the, best club side I have seen

through the years, and it was good to see Abidal back after his cancer.


Now I am not a Man U supporter, although they were my bet to win the league this year, Chelski will never learn that

stability rather than, or in addition to, pots of cash will make them great.

Anyway back to Scholes, I dont think anyone neutral would argue that he was one of the best midfielders of his generation

but now his legs have gone, he cannot avoid the bad tackles and the subsequent cards, IMHO time to retire. Again

Giggs last night, just wasn`t there, other things on mind? maybe, but a shadow of the player he was.

Anyway, lets look forward to August when we go through it all again.

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Cheshire Tom, you mention 99 but forgot something so basic?


The 99 Man U team had a class (not world class like Barca) midfield, by comparison, the current midfield setup are incredibly average at best, only Giggs and Scholes have any class but both are ageing, the rest are not fit to tie the laces of Keane and Beckham.



I didn't miss anything so basic at all. Both Keane and Scholes were suspended for the 1999 final. Nicky Butt and Jesper Blomqvist ... not exactly legends in their own lunchtime. :whistling:

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I didn't miss anything so basic at all. Both Keane and Scholes were suspended for the 1999 final.


Oof! That's gonna hurt.


I was close to mesmerised by Barcelona, especially the first part of the match. They made ManU look like third-raters by keeping the ball away from them. I have not seen control of possession like that for a long time (it ended up statistically about 70 per cent, but seemed more like 90). The closest I've seen to that kind of control of the offence is a power play in hockey. And ManU did look, much of the time, like they had about eight men against 11, so utterly powerless were they to get a foot on the ball.



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It was a weird match to watch, if you were not a Man.U 'fan'.


As a commentator said when Man.U just beat a non league team in the FA Cup " Man U. probably have the widest global support of any Premiership side. Matched only by the same amount of people who would dearly love to see them beaten, by such lowly opposition."


I have decided Rooney plays for Man.U but only turns up for England.

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Just watched the post match press conference on BBC World News...Arshole Wenger should watch it too.. to learn how to be gracious in defeat....


As for the match....I watched it on my PC.. Fox sport via Sopcast...and the tosser American described the cup being carried out by Beefeaters....

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Possession isn't everything-just look to last year's final.

MU started the match with 10 as Chocharita was obviously back in Mexico.And Giggs made 3 quality passes in 90 minutes.Barca is on another level,period.I wonder where they would rank on the list of national teams on FIFA's list.Certainly better than almost every one.



Oof! That's gonna hurt.


I was close to mesmerised by Barcelona, especially the first part of the match. They made ManU look like third-raters by keeping the ball away from them. I have not seen control of possession like that for a long time (it ended up statistically about 70 per cent, but seemed more like 90). The closest I've seen to that kind of control of the offence is a power play in hockey. And ManU did look, much of the time, like they had about eight men against 11, so utterly powerless were they to get a foot on the ball.



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Nearly as funny as Brit announcers trying to describe American football.

And BTW,when did Brad Friedel become a Brit? He sounded awful with his lame Brit accent yesterday.Too bad he quit the national team several years too early.


Just watched the post match press conference on BBC World News...Arshole Wenger should watch it too.. to learn how to be gracious in defeat....


As for the match....I watched it on my PC.. Fox sport via Sopcast...and the tosser American described the cup being carried out by Beefeaters.... <huh <huh

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