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Premier League

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It would be great, if before each season, the clubs had to announce their war chest available for buying new players. It would help predictions for the end of season placings.


That is as big factor as the Manager, owner, present players- in short, money decides who does well in this caper.


QPR are an example of what a few bob can do for you. It will last as long as the owner wants it to. Pull the plug and down the Kermit they go. :unsure:

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It would be great, if before each season, the clubs had to announce their war chest available for buying new players. It would help predictions for the end of season placings.


That is as big factor as the Manager, owner, present players- in short, money decides who does well in this caper.





Have to agree mate. Too early to judge until the money has been spent. I lost money on City last year but may try get it back next season as Mancini will spend and he is a good manager IMO.

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It would be great, if before each season, the clubs had to announce their war chest available for buying new players. It would help predictions for the end of season placings.


C'mon little one, why do you want a predictable season? Unpredictable is exactly what makes it sport.


QPR are an example of what a few bob can do for you. It will last as long as the owner wants it to. Pull the plug and down the Kermit they go. unsure


But you can't buy a championship, really. You can't buy ALL the good players - plus, you CAN (and many teams do, eh?) buy players that don't get along, hog the ball, refuse to play as a team, have a manager than can't manage the players.... etc, etc.


A good, efficient, brainy front office can make a better TEAM than some rich guy trying to assemble an all-star team. There's still way too few brains in soccer offices, in my opinion - still lots of room for building a team that can hand a richer team its arxe -- at least on any given day, if not through the whole season.



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It will be man united again ,will bring in some good players ,have 100 mil to spend .

Will bring in a good goal keeper and have also new younger blood in defence.

Will bring in good players for mid field ,I think Roony will play in Schols old position.

Chico ,the young mexican lad will be on fire this year and may be top scorer in the premier league ,due to good assits

from a stronger mid field this year.

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C'mon little one, why do you want a predictable season? Unpredictable is exactly what makes it sport.





A good, efficient, brainy front office can make a better TEAM than some rich guy trying to assemble an all-star team. There's still way too few brains in soccer offices, in my opinion - still lots of room for building a team that can hand a richer team its arxe -- at least on any given day, if not through the whole season.




Well joe, Brentford have little money and a new German manager.


He seems determined to make himself a name in English football by doing well for us.


He won't have a lot of money, so may be the proof of your pudding.


I'll let you know about Christmas.

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