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First Post NewbieTo The Board - Hello

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Hello everybody. Well, this is my very first post.


I have to thank "BigDUSA" for telling me about this board.  


I have exacty 7 months till I can retire from US Government civil service, and then thinking about moving to Thailand. I have spent the last 4 years in Korea (working in Alabama now), and numerous trips to the PI, but I have not visited Thailand since about 1986. Went up to LopBuri (North of Bangkok) and visited a friend that was a UH-1 pilot and Lt Col in the Thai Army. Then down to Pattaya for partying.


I really would consider living in the PI, but it's a little "dicey" for Americans right now. Although the cost of living is cheap, the pussy is great, the women speak english and the beer is cold, I think Thailand still would be a better choice.


A friend of mine in Korea is thinking about retireing soon in TALAY (understand it's close to Pattaya).


I am really not on a tight budget, but I would think it would be a little cheaper than living in a big city like Bangkok. If Bangkok is anything like Seoul, I think I would opt for someplace a little more layed-back.


Again, I really don't have a clue as to any of this now.

The only thing I do know, is that Thailand will be a welcome change from the states (at least for a year or two).


BTW, I see apartment/condo rentals listing from anywhere from between about $250 per month to upwards of infinity. I know you can spend anything that your wallet will finance, but, what do you suppose the "average" rent most folks staying for more than a few months are paying for a nice 2 bedroom apartment/condo?


Bear with me... I will be asking the same ol' dumb questions that all newbies do here on a regular basis.


Again... I'm happy to be a member of this board  [smiley=cheers.gif]



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Welcome to the board :o


A lot of your questions have already been answered in different threads on the board. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you shouldn't feel free to ask anything that you like. But spend some time going through the members section and you'll find a wealth of info on retiring, budgets, everything ::)


And once again,


Welcome friend ;)



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Thanks. Your right. I will try that. I see you have a Search function too.


Although the Huntsville area of Alabama is nice, I would be much happier in Thailand. Thank God I already sold my house in Illinois and I am now single again. At least I don't have hanging over my head.


Now, if Thailand only had 50 cent San Migual beer, life would be complete! No, it's not the PI, is it....



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There is a lot of discussion on this topic in the members area.  To access it you need to join.  Click the link at the top of the page where it says Click Here to Join the Members Board, and follow the instructions.



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Your gonna like this board. Wait till you become a member. Check out the Photo's taken at the parties. I will be at the one on 12 April. ;D ;D ;D  1 day

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Welcome aboard.  If your friend is moving to View Talay, and worked in Korea, and talks with one of them funny southron accents - I think I play golf with him on occasion.  He recently retired to Pattaya if it is him.


On PI, I wonder if it is a GOOD thing when women speak the same language as us.   ::)

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