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Thank you, Headmaster.


That was a serious question. If you trust all of us more than your bank, why not give us your money, since we're more trustworthy?



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That was a serious question. If you trust all of us more than your bank, why not give us your money, since we're more trustworthy?

I'm afraid that I do NOT implicitly trust my bank - indeed, any bank. Having worked in the finance sector, I do know that if someone makes a cock-up and they think they can blag their way out of it, often they will try to do so.

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Where I live in the UK was hit by serious flooding 2 years ago causing massive damage to the transport infrastructure. 2 years down the line flood damage is still being repaired.


It will take quite a while for Thailand to recover from the damage.

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You did better than I did. HSBC took ages to process my transfer and I ended up getting a tad over 48.6.



I've now received HSBC's explanation for the delay. They say: "Unfortunately, as 24 October was a National Holiday in Thailand, your Global Transfer was not approved until the treasury re-opened on 25 October". Can anyone tell me whether 24 Oct being a public holiday is correct, please?

Yes the banks were closed here Monday. It was Rama v day, that is why I waited until Tuesday.
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