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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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I'm not much of a great writer, I just talk a lot. So if you want to hear a continual whine. I'll send you some audio files.  ;D


Enjoy the below:


























"My personal favourite"


There you go!


The full collection is http://members.lycos.co.uk/pattaya/Pattaya...002/page_01.htm


This is for those who have the 'PB' real bad.  :-[

If you feel your personal freedom has been violated because you are in them. Tough! next time get out of the way!  ;D




ps. Use: For personal use free. Other use a small (or LARGE  ;) ) donation to a Local Charity is required. Or just donate anyway.  :P

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Thanks for the fantastic selection mate & the link - you a photographer? Well it worked - I'm truly "home"sick now.


A couple of questions:


1. Which hotel did you stay at? I've never stayed on the beach but those pictures from the balcony look inviting.


2. What type of camera did you use / how many megapixels? I'm thinking of getting a digital but get confused the more reviews I read - yours look just fine to me.


Cheers again for reminding us all.

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Morph, my pleasure in sharing.

The link was just easier to do than post them all


I'm not a photographer as such. Just a lucky eye with a camera.  But I'm open to suggestions and offers! ;)


The Hotel is the 'Dusit', nice place.


I used an old, but trusty Olympus L420 (1.3 million pixels

) for the above pics (640x480), but as you can see by the tint on some of the pics, has passed it's CCD date. Now the lens slide cover is worse for wear too.  :-/

So, I'm also looking at getting another digicam, but the prices just before chrimbo seem too rich for my taste. (Anyone want to donate a digicam?  :P )


Fuji (finepix range) or Nikon (coolpix range) seem a good bet (if you have the dosh!), but for quickness, small cheaper cameras seem a better bet.

Point n click.


Opt for a optical zoom rather than a digital zoom. Digital zoom makes the pixels into bigger square pixels.

Also keep in mind, what sticks out can get broken. eg. popupflash. Sticky out lens. etc.


But most of all, plenty of practise.

The rest fits in place.


Good luck




ps I bet you're glad you asked now?  ;D

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Great photo's, it was nice to see photo of Pattaya and trying to remember were in Pattaya the photo's were taken ??? I'll have to remember to take some photo's of Pattaya myself in January ::)

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"Also keep in mind, what sticks out can get broken."


That advice about cameras or general advice for butterflying in Pattaya?!?


Thanks anyway - if 1.3 mp can take shots like that then I'll take your advice and go for the point'n shoot jobby.


But I can't resist the sexy ones - so you've made up my mind for me - the Canon IXUS. And no bits sticking out! ;D

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The 'broken' advice is too deep to go into here. But if it aint broken, then don't try to fix it!


Nice choice IXUX (V3?) "We have your size?"

See, stick a 'V' on it and it'll last for ages. Hopefully.   ::)


I can't give out other advice, you might take it and blame me.   ;)


So now you'll have a nice shed load of pics to share with us.


And thanks all, for the positive feedback too.



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Let me also say THANKS for the picrures, I enjoyed them very much. I hope these will hold me over until I arrive in Pattaya on December 7th.


Again thanks for the memories of some of my past trips, I almost thought I was walking down 'Beach Rd' and  'Walking Street'.



I'm off to buy more memory chips for my Olympus.



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Nice Photos but remember Morph if you print those out at a photo lab being they are from a 1.3 Megapixel camera they will not have the Quality seen here on the internet. If you are going to make prints better off buying a 2.1 or higher very close to 35MM shots when printed.

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Great photos. The ones that I always mean to take but never do.


But what's happened to the ones after the Dolphin Roundabout? I'm getting a little cross. No, I'm not getting angry, I'm getting the little "something's fucked up big time" red crosses where the pictures should be.


So now I'll never know what your personal favourite is. Just one of life's bitter ironies I guess.


be seeing you


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Great Pictures!! Thanks Cess, I reiterate earlier poster on feeling like I'm there (i will be anyways in 12 days).  The beach road ones especially, I feel like I'm wandering around aimlessly like I did often on my first trip when staying at the Haven on Soi 13.


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Many thanks Cess, They are great pics of what will be my new home  :) :) :)  


Yep I have a 1.3 megapixel camera and they work just fine.  Even with that I only use the middle quality setting.  I never print out photos as I think they are more vibrant and truer colour on a good well set up VDU so why waste paper, just save trees instead  :)  Also if you use high resolution they take up way too much memory and/or disk space. So I will keep my old Hewlett PAckard 1.3MP camera as I would rather spend my money on penile exercise  ;D ;D


Once again brilliant job Cess, very well taken piccies.

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See, now you all should post more....er..... recent....er...pics  ::)


How about the FLB map of pattaya?

This could be very popular?

Up to date and also humourous!




ps anything after 9 Sing-ha's is amusing to me  8)

pps see you in Feb-March

ppps I know, but it's the best I can do!

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Yes, the 2800 fp2800.jpg does look a dapper gadget.

The S304 is even dapperer  ;)

I wouldn't mind one myself. I'd better do some research on it.

I'll have to raid my piggy bank too!  :P


But I'm looking forward to your fruiticious photo's.  :P




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I use a Canon Powershot A40 for my snaps . I was considering a Finepix 2800 but it didn't feel as sturdy and was a lot bulkier than the Canon . The Canon fits nicely into the pocket so it saves you bringing the case if you want to take it with you when you are going on the prowl . You can also get a 2X and wide angle lenses for it and there is a waterproof case available if you fancy underwater shots .  The camera can be bought for £200 on the net .



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