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The Chaos-The Ultimate Comment on Pronunciation of English

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This poem, written in the 1920's by Dutch travel writer Gerard Nolst Trenité, is probably the best comment ever on the irregularities of English pronunciation. Here's a link to it with a lot of background and explanation: The Classic Concordance of Cacographic Chaos








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I know what you mean……...


sitting in a Mexican restaurant one



Sid asks Abe,"Do you know if any people of our ancestry were ever born and

raised in Mexico?"


Abe replies, "I don't know, let's ask our waiter."


When the waiter arrives, Abe asks, "Are there any Mexican Jews?"


The waiter says, "I don't know senor, I ask the cooks."


He returns from the kitchen after a few minutes and says, "No senor, the

cook say no Mexican Jews."


Abe isn't satisfied and asks, "Are you absolutely sure?"


The waiter, realizing he is dealing with "Gringos" replies, "I check once

again, senor," and goes back into the kitchen.


While the waiter is away, Sid says, "I find it hard to believe that there

are no Jews in Mexico. Our people are scattered everywhere."


The waiter returns and says, "Senor, the head cook Manuel, he say there is

no Mexican Jews."


"Are you certain?" Abe asks again. "I just can't believe there are no

Mexican Jews!"

Ready for this.......


"Senor, I ask EVERYONE," replies the exasperated waiter. "All we have is

Orange Jews, Grape Jews, Prune Jews, Tomato Jews, and Apple Jews, but no

Mexican Jews

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Mexican Jews is Tequila!

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