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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Anytime 1000


Hi Johnny


I've an appointment at the gym. I'll be back in  a couple of hours. Then I can look into the details of your tariff. as it is not an off peak tariff, it might not be cost effective.

ie It would take 4 of you minutes to pay for 1 minute of calls to a Thai mobile


I'll PM you when I get back.



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Training ? More bullshit from the king Billy Liar


I don't know Valentinoxx from Adam, but I can't think of an easier way for a 25 year old boxer to spend 6 months a year in Thaialand than training at someplace like http://www.lannamuaythai.com/.


It is certainly something you don't need a whole lot of money to do and would also keep you out of the P4P scene.


My only point being that it is certainly possible for a 25 year old to spend a great deal of time in Thailand without being rich or having rich parents.


Anyway, I love watching fights so keep at it boys!



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Don't worry about it VoxVader. NightCrawler is a wanker.

I'll catch up with him at some point. I won't waste my time chasing him.  I'm there so often, there's bound to be a time when our trips coincide.


I don't train that much anymore. I just go through my routines 2 to 3 times weekly. Mainly in Bkk, Pattaya and Samui.

Anyway, I think this thread has been waylaid quite enough.  ;)

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Don't worry about it VoxVader. NightCrawler is a wanker.

I'll catch up with him at some point. I won't waste my time chasing him.  I'm there so often, there's bound to be a time when our trips coincide.


I don't train that much anymore. I just go through my routines 2 to 3 times weekly. Mainly in Bkk, Pattaya and Samui.

Anyway, I think this thread has been waylaid quite enough.  ;)

Oh what a tangled web we weave ................................


Say hello to Torrenova wont you

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Don't worry about it VoxVader. NightCrawler is a wanker.

I'll catch up with him at some point. I won't waste my time chasing him.  I'm there so often, there's bound to be a time when our trips coincide.


I don't train that much anymore. I just go through my routines 2 to 3 times weekly. Mainly in Bkk, Pattaya and Samui.

Anyway, I think this thread has been waylaid quite enough.  ;)

And what do you think you are going to do when our trips coincide eh ? You sad old fart. Dont let your OAP brain make promises your sad old withered body cant keep


BUT Ive proven you are a liar YET AGAIN :


Oh dear! Our resident liar,bullshitter and Bigot has put his foot in it again.

Whilst desperately trying to reclaim some credibility after blatantly lie-ing and being found out he’s now done it again, big time. And this time he cant wiggle out of his lies


Consider this.

His post on the  TRIP REPORTS pages are shown as:

Pre trip report(?)

« on: Today at 5:12am »


Check the posting time OK ?  That’s what I find confusing.

If it was posted in Heathrow at the Internet desks, you simply cant check in at that time of day, the airport simply don’t do check-ins that early, nor are the Internet desks open at that time of day either.

OK then maybe he would have us believe it was posted in LOS after he arrived there. Look at the time? The time AFAIK is logged and cant be changed. So here’s the problem


Now on this posting from Torrenova

Re: Transportation from Bangkok.

« Reply #3 on: Today at 4:10am »

You can equally see the verified posting time

Now we KNOW that Torrenova is in the UK as he tells us he is leaving Heathrow on the Friday evening flight so his posting time is guaranteed as UK time, ( though what anyone is doing up at that time I don’t know, and its also curious that his postings in the middle of the night and a lot of Valentinoxxxious postings in the middle of the night are timed very similar, maybe they both have Insomnia)

Look at this post from Valentinox on the same thread and look at the timing on that ?

Re: Transportation from Bangkok.

« Reply #4 on: Today at 4:13am »


See where I’m coming from ? Valentinoxxxious posting from the TRIP REPORT MUST be pure invention as he told us he had already checked in and would supposedly have us believe that this report was posted from Thailand when a simple check on the times show it to be impossible, as it was posted from the UK


OOPS Valentinoxxx cocks up AGAIN. When are you going to stop lying ? and admit you are an old muppet living on a pension?. We all get old you know its just that you cant admit it.

Here’s a way to prove things. Go into the FLB either today or tomorrow and identify yourself as Valentinoxxx to someone who posts here. Torrenova is arriving on Saturday so by identifying yourself today or tomorrow you will stop any confusion and prove you really are there and are Valentinoxx and not Torrenova.

But you wont, youll try and spin even more bullshit to try and wiggle out of it.

Mr Billy Liar, Mr Billy-no-mates sitting at a cum covered keyboard

Sad isnt it !

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I'm a China Air fan but seems liek at least one of their pilots likes to drink and fly (see below from another board):


Wednesday, October 1, 2003 Posted: 10:16 AM EDT (1416 GMT)


ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Reuters) -- The captain of a China Airlines wide-body jet about to fly from Anchorage, Alaska, to New York last week was kept off the plane after he failed an alcohol test, officials said on Tuesday.


An airport security screener noticed the man, identified by the Federal Aviation Administration as the plane's captain, smelled of alcohol, prompting a breath test showing his blood alcohol content at 0.087 percent, above state and FAA limits.


In addition, the pilot was carrying an opened alcoholic beverage bottle in his carry-on luggage, said FAA spokeswoman Joette Storm. FAA rules prohibit pilots from flying with blood alcohol content above 0.040 percent.


The pilot, who was not identified by name, was slated to fly an Airbus A340, which seats about 300 passengers.


The FAA is investigating the incident, but since the pilot does not hold a U.S. pilot's license, it would be up to officials in Taiwan, which owns and regulates the airline, to take any disciplinary actions.


Frank Chen, general manager for China Airlines' Alaska operations, said the pilot had been suspended on the day of the incident and sent back that day to Taipei. The airline was conducting its own investigation, he said.


But China Airlines spokesman Roger Han told Reuters in Taiwan the pilot was not drunk by Taiwan standards. He said Taiwan uses a different method to calculate blood alcohol content than the U.S. FAA.


By Taiwan's calculations, the pilot's blood alcohol content was at 0.017 percent, well below the FAA and Taiwan's ceiling of 0.040 percent, Han said. He said the incident took place on September 25.


Han confirmed the pilot has been suspended from flying pending the outcome of an investigation

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Anchorage must be a poisoned chalice, one China Air flight couldn't be bothered to taxi to the runway and departed the aiport from the taxiway ;)

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Well I've been lurking on this board since I first discovered it about a year or so ago. I've never posted before, but I have to break my silence by saying that I'd like to buy you BOTH a beer if we should happen to meet. I've not read a funnier thread in ages  ;)

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