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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Motorcycle training- Pattaya

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So scouring my historical post and you come up with this as an example of me emulating the disjointed responses to the OP of this thread


Seriously in that instance hardly a genuine question asked - just an invitation for derision



I invite you to look at Regyai's 'content' you'll see this turns up very early, 'historically' ......actually 2nd post I looked at.........'Scouring' suggests rather more effort and that wasn't the case.


We all embark on tangents from time to time. This post being a case in point. (The mods will be along shortly)......Nothing to be ashamed of or to issue puerile and fallacious denials about.


Just as you thought 'Simplelife's question was an, 'invitation for derision' I thought your put-down of Yorta was high-handed, but also unlikely to be honest.......


Others can make up their minds about that.

Edited by atlas2
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I'll start off by saying i don't have a death wish and have absolutely no intention of riding a bike in Thailand, so let's save the "dont ride" etc.


What i'm hoping to find is a school or preferably a private trainer that can be with me for a couple of hours in a private location away from traffic on a small motorbike, 125cc etc just so i can get used to the clutch/throttle relationship through repeated practice in taking off and stopping.


I know this is very basic stuff, but my lack of opportunity to do this kinf of thing where i live had me think that perhaps somewhere in Pattaya would be a suitable location just to get the hang of it prior to going to do the course at home.


I have every intention of doing the course at home but as it takes coordinating between my work roster which is all over the place and changes fortnightly and courses that fill up fast i'd rather go to the course prepared and confident of already being able to get my hands and feet working together.


Anyone know of any location or trainers who could provide what im after?



Had a similar intention last year and found a company that offered that service. Second thoughts made me not pursue the wacky notion of learning to ride in this chaotic environment at my advanced age. Checked a few months ago and the website had vanished. Possibly not enough demand.

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If you really want to learn clutch control, shifting gears and counter steering.. Why not check out half a day/full day at track and trails. A bit of money, but great day out. Full protection and great teachers. They have special sessions for beginners as well.


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If you really want to learn clutch control, shifting gears and counter steering.. Why not check out half a day/full day at track and trails. A bit of money, but great day out. Full protection and great teachers. They have special sessions for beginners as well.


Sent fra min VTR-L29 via Tapatalk


Is this the place?



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Actually same place. But seriously, if you do the full day tour you will come back with a he'll of a lot more confidence than when you started. You will probably also be totally spent. So much you'd likely choose not to go out partying that night. However it's a really fun day. And if it's still the same guys, they're aces in my book. Good luck!


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There is a shop on Threpasit road , doing training , never seen anybody in there , located near where baht bus goes to end of Threpasit road, not far from Foodland , if thats any help to you.

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Easy if you think outside the box.


Visit Pattaya, find a barlady, have fun, fall in love, move to her place in isaan, her 8 year old son or daughter will teach you everything you need to know about driving motorcycles down farm tracks and through fields.


Mission accomplished, fun included.5be30ab404547fd2a14450fa1bcf81ae.jpg


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