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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Board is sooooo slooooooooooow

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I'm on broadband and it's taking upto a minute for a page to load.

Just me or others having this problem?


Also, how do you tell when there's a new post?

The envelopes on the left are all the same light blue colour, even though there's new posts that I haven't read yet.

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Actually, I am sure its not the board. I can confirm after further extensive testing that this software is definitely quicker.


However, you are not all going nuts either. Along with the software change we also changed servers. It appears that the new server occasionally comes pretty much to a halt. I'm discussing this with the server providers at the moment and so far have isolated the problem to their system.


Interestingly the day the forum went live on this server, which was previously hosting the general Pattaya Pages only, the hits went from around 10,000 a day to over 250,000. Still it's a fast server and should not be having this problem.


More, when I know more.

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The server speed was good until today when it decided to go on a go slow binge.


It is most frustrating to put it mildly.

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I'm on a cable modem and this is the slowest it has ever been for me. It took over a minute to get this reply page up. All the other web sites I visit are fast as normal.

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Guest Winston_Churchill

Pete it was sooooooooooo slow today 5pm uk time,i thought fuck it i would de-frag see if did any good,back on tonight 8pm goes like a bullet now, methinks i done it?

then i read you done it..

looking good now anyway, thanks Pete ..

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OK 2nd attempt at posting this. First attempt was lost when I got the message "web-site not responding" after hitting the "Add Reply" button.


Before tonight, I hadn't experienced any major problems but tonight 10.15 UK time there are major problems somewhere. Each page is taking an inordinate amount of time to open and often needs at least two attempts.


Normally, I would be cursing AOL but the problem isn't with them as other web-pages are opening up as fast as usual. Hopefully the ISP will get their act together and sort out the problems before too long.


I tried defragmenting my hard drive but that has had no effect whatsoever.



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Guest Fatboyfat


Got the same as you. Totally different dial up / country and computer (obviously). The problem is at the ISP end I'm sure. All back to normal now at 11.00 pm (your time)



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Its not the ISP internet service provider (your connection to the internet).

Its not your computer.


Its on the server side. Most host servers have several websites on their boxes, and if someone is writing a bad program to the server, then everyone on that server suffers, someone may be writing a PHP script incorrectly and is screwing up the server.

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Very variable tonight (25th March) seeing as it is now just gone into the 26th March. Sometimes, speed is perfect but other times I have had to close down the board and then cannot get back on until the 3rd attempt.


In fact, needed to have two tries at posting this as on the first attempt, i got the message that the web-site I was trying to connect to could not be contacted.



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Can't comment about yesterday but I couldn't get on at all this afternoon. Speed is very variable just now but hopefully the solutions Pete is working on will be effective and speed things up a bit.



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