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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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I was in Pattaya whilst Cobra Gold was on. Have to say the place wasn't overcrowded and I didn't see any trouble at all. All the guys seemed to be having a good time and kept the girls busy. I have to say I was expecting the prices to go up due to Thai economic theory but they seemed the same as my last visit six months or so previously.

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I tend to like it in Pattaya when Cobra Gold is on. Really lowers the male age level in town. Lots of young guys having a good time. Really livens up the bars and Agogo's. And it's no problem for us old guys to BF ladies as the "boys" have to be back on base or ship by 11 or 12 so the min. the buses leave all the girls are very eager to get BF after being reved up with all the action.


The only shocking part is watching the women sailors. What a bunch of foul mouthed bitches they are. Sitting in bars making snide remarks about how bad the TG's are. Jesus -have they ever looked in a mirror at themselves?

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Had a good hours entertainment from one young lad, he was so hammered, but to his credit, he only fell off barstool once, to be helped up by every Thai in sight. And he was still stacking those blocks up. It was fun to se which was going to collapse first. :D

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The couple of gangs I ran into were great...bought them a brew and told them my war stories about how 12 years ago I was one of them bright eyed, full o' cum youngsters who swore I would go back...12 years later I made it and had a great time. :livid

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I've been in Pattaya during two Cobra Gold and the GI's were well behaved. Much better behaved then I was 35 years ago. Down at the level I troll the bar fines and prices stayed the same. :livid Hell if they were any lower they would be paying me.

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I just got back from Pattaya... and obviously was there during Cobra Gold. For the most part, everyone was well behaved (as you can be in PTY) and having a good time, though there were the small groups of GIs that were real pricks, barging past and bumping into people along Walking Street and Beach Road. As far as the BG scene went, the GoGo's picked up a little once the soldiers were there, but the Beer Bars stayed pretty much same same from what I could tell... Everyone is right about the average age coming down quite a bit though! All and all, a good experience, though not too much of an overall impact.

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There are still plenty of US serviceman in town.




Whas'up dude!!!


Hey maan!!


If the free world is in the hands of the guys I was in a beer bar with last night then god help us!! (I know bars were "shut" but we were all drinking beer out of coffee mugs!!).


They treated the girls like shit (3 were in tears) and think wearing patterned hankies on their heads is the height of sophistication.


In contrast, the slightly older serviceman I met (Ordnance Corps) were unfailingly polite, well mannered and respectful of the girls and other patrons in the bars and Go-Go's.


As our friends would say, "Go figure!!"

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Been home 2 weeks now but there were lots of servicemen around walking street when I was there. 95% were very well behaved and the other 5% were only a bit badly behaved,-- their mates soon pulled them into line from what I saw. All in all a very well disciplined bunch of guys for young blokes who have been deprived of pussey for perhaps months!


Still, I have to wonder why Yanks like to talk so LOUD. You could hear them coming from down the street.


I think most of the young blokes didn't really have a clue about how things work in Pattaya. They had probably heard stories of blowjobs for $10 and tried to get that in the Go Go,s. I would really be surprised if more than half the guys went home with anything more than aching balls and a hard on.


I was in a Go Go, and a dancer I had met only once came over to me when she finished her pole assault. There were lots of Cobra Gold guys sitting around the stage looking at the girls and I said to her,-- "why you no go look American Navy-- have big money?" She looked back at me and said--- " American Navy small money"!!.


So there you have it. Not my words, but straight from a working girl. The Cobra Gold guys were all seated around the stage looking up at the beautiful pussey and all the girls not dancing were seated up in the back row as far away as they could get.


Then some old drunk 50 year old walks in (me) and BLAM, instant attention. I had four girls pawing me within 5 minutes for the price of lady drinks and the Cobra Gold guys were still looking up at the girls on stage and hoping.


The saddest thing is that any one of these guys must have had at least a hundred US Dollars on him, and had he been willing to part with it , he could have had the time of his life.


So, The moral of the story is that if you are talking to any young US Navy guys, please make sure you tell them not to pay more than $10 for a fuck in Pattaya or they will be getting ripped off! :D

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  Jaffa said:
Been home 2 weeks now but there were lots of servicemen around walking street when I was there. 95% were very well behaved and the other 5% were only a bit badly behaved,-- their mates soon pulled them into line from what I saw. All in all a very well disciplined bunch of guys for young blokes who have been deprived of pussey for perhaps months!


Still, I have to wonder why Yanks like to talk so LOUD. You could hear them coming from down the street.


I think most of the young blokes didn't really have a clue about how things work in Pattaya.



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Some nice observations Jaffa, thanks :D


I'll add a few comments as someone who lives here now and has seen the comings and goings of the US military in Pattaya over 20 years.


First of all most of the guys are very, very young and we just don't see large groups of 18-20 year olds flying in from Manchester, Perth, Aukland, etc. and being turned loose on the sois of Pattaya. And it's mandatory that they always go in pairs and usually they'll go in groups of 4-6 because sometimes one guy will allege that he knows all about Pattaya and the total newbies will follow him. (Only later do they realize he's as clueless as they are.) All that makes them real attention getters.


But a lot of this attention getting loudness is job related. Being around heavy machinery, guns, explosives etc. a lot of these teenagers are already experiencing hearing loss. I talked to a Marine the other night who's an mechanic on an amoured personnel carrier and he said his hearing was going. Yes, they're supposed to wear protective gear but much of the time they don't according to him.


Most of them don't have a clue about how things work in Pattaya. In some cases they have almost no notice that they're actually coming here and they just don't have the sense to do any research before they do arrive. And of course even if they did research on the first trip all that "knowledge" vanishes in the first gogo bar 1luv That pretty much goes for everyone I think. :beer


One of the more bizarre sights I saw was at the front of the Grand Sole Hotel. (It's on the R. side of 2nd Road a 100 meters or so N. of Pattaya Klang.) The US military used it as drop off and pickup point for buses transporting personnel on liberty back and forth from camp or ships. The word obviously got around because about a week ago around 17:00 I saw a milling mob of maybe a hundred Thai vendors carrying some of the most godawful crap imaginable waiting for the buses to arrive :o As each bus discharged its load they'd surge forward and the passengers would have to wade through the mob to get out onto 2nd Road where there was a line of about 20 baht buses hoping for business. And, down at the bank's ATM across from Top's it was same-same but with only maybe 30-40 vendors.




Edited by redwood13
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I just got back from a 2 week trip to the LOS on June 8, and the military were definately still in Pattaya. My impressions:


- the soldiers were mostly well behaved. In fact I never saw anything that was out of order.


- they were loud. But this is Pattaya. Let em blow off some steam.


- the go-gos definately livened up when they got in. While they were not BFing many TGs, they were buying drinks and getting wild. More than once I saw one remove his clothes (down to his boxers) and let a BG foldle him on a dare.


- The ping-pong "tip balls" were popular with them. Almost every night I would see one buy 500-1000 baht of these and throw them all to the girls, creating a massive scramble for the balls. It always livened up whatever bar I was in.


- I stayed at the Welcome Plaza Hotel, and so did most of the military in town. Mostly well behaved, but some got a little stupid at the pool. I had to wait behind 7 that were checking out at 1:30 am.


Overall a plus - Adding life to the town and bar scene without putting a major drain on the available TGs (few BFed, but there were some who did).


I already have my November trip planned - 155 days to go........



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These guys are for the most part ok and i've never been bothered by them being around, and i got talking to a bunch of them in Peppermint last May 03. They were on a midnight curfew but had somehow managed to loose one of their group. If they did'nt manage to find him then they were all up shit creek even if they got back on time. One short was no good. Don't know if they found him or not.

OK they're loud sometimes, but they are young guys who are just as entitled to R/R as the rest of us, possibly more so after some of the places they've been stationed.



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I remember years ago seeing a huge drill sergeant type of guy standing on

the Beach Road with about half a dozen pale, nerdy looking lads, who he'd

obviously been detailed to look after and make sure they didn't miss the

opportunity of seeing Pattaya. "HEY! GUYS!" he said; "LET'S HAVE US A REAL

GOOD TIME! YEAH? HOOWEE! YO!", at which they all shuffled their feet and

looked like they'd just as soon go back to the ship and finish their book or something. :banghead

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