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hi all I just got back on thusday night from a great 5weeks but it has been slightly overshadowed by the fact that the ROLEX i bought in bkk just opposite the majestic hotel has lost 2 hands in 3days i payed very little I know but please beware


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  Lex said:
Mr Wong showed me a swiss made copy yachtmaster which he was selling for 15000 baht. If I hadn't just spent 10,000 on the repair I would have been tempted!
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Damn, thats a steep falang price!


Mr Wong sold me a swiss(guts) yacht master for 2500bt


If you didnt show him your real rolex, maybe you could of got it for 3000bt?


cheers, T_T

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  sinbinjack said:
hi all I just got back on thusday night from a great 5weeks but it has been slightly overshadowed by the fact that the ROLEX i bought in bkk just opposite the majestic hotel has lost 2 hands in 3days i payed very little I know but please beware


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That, unfortunately, is the risk you take when buying these "genuine" Rolexes. One I bought back in April 2001 is still working and in fact keeps better time than a real Rolex. Against that, the watch I bought in November of last year has stopped working - probably find that it'll cost more to replace the battery than it will be to buy a new watch.



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  ting_tong said:
Not bad :D but my watch is still working well, I have it on right now :D


Now lets both ride the baht bus to Jomthien, I can do it for 10 baht (thai price)

I think your falang price is around 30baht?



Cheers, T_T



Ah but, Mr Wong wouldn't be able to flog me a "Swiss" copy for 2,500 Baht.


As for the bahtbus to Jomtien the price is "not exceeding 10 Baht"; read the fare guides that are displayed in the buses. Farang pay 10 baht unless they don't know the score.


Don't worry, we've all made newbie mistakes (and still get caught out occasionally) - it's all part of the fun package of being in LOS.





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A friend has asked me to buy a 'Skeleton watch", ie a watch that you can see the inner workings through a transparent case. I have never heard of or seen one so any clues as to where I could buy one and a rough price.





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I have a Rolex Cellini with the transparent workings even although I believe Rolex have never made a transparent watch! :chogdee That said, it is a very good dress watch. Basically, they are kinetic automatics and the reverse is transparent. They (or similar makes - Gucci, Dior etc) can be had from Decar or St Louis on 2nd Rd for circa 2-2.5k baht. PM me if you need photo directions or any pics of the actual piece.





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  • 1 year later...

Burapa Watch in MBK, 3rd floor tel 0-18514040 great for watches at about 1500+ baht Breitling stainless steel


make sure the back of the watch has the corect spelling! I bought 9 and 1 said "made in Switchinternet" haha.. didnt notice till i left the country B)


DVDS There is a girl on the phone floor which just sells movies. 120 -140 baht each and you can even test them if you want. I have found her very honest on my last 3 trips and no probs with any of my 100 disks so far


She is located 2 shops down from a shop that sells software. She is very nice and actually cares for her customers.. Great for regular loyal buyers.. also shes petty attractive and friendly to talk to!

Edited by BarHopper
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This post is quite old but to update.


Mr. Wong has for some reason disappeared up his own rear end and is now prickly and unpleasant to deal with and the prices he quotes on which he will not budge are unrealistic.


Go to Sarah watch, which is about three stalls over from Mr. Wong in the same market. Sarah is apparently his sister in law.


Speak to Sarah herself, middle aged Thai woman and ask for 'best quality' watches. These are not on open display.


She will quote around 2500 for say a stainless steel Rolex and sell for around 2200. I have one of these myself and it is better made than my real Rolex (seriously) which I have decided to sell.


Rolexs are always available but she will get you anything you want on about 5 days notice.


Nice Lady.

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I agree with Niall. On my last visit I went first to Mr Wong and was 'prickly'. In fact he acted like a prick. He lectured me and wouldn't budge on his price. I walked and just walked to to Sarah, around the corner. She was very pleasant and she offered me the same Rolex as Mr Wong at a better price. My son is still wearing it and he thinks its great.


Sarah is on the left aisle of the market near the back so you have to walk through all the food to get there. Her stall faces to the left, she is on the right side of the furthest aisle to the left of the market as you walk in from the street. Its not as visible as Mr Wong but keep looking. Its worth it.

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  landy2a said:
A friend has asked me to buy a 'Skeleton watch", ie a watch that you can see the inner workings through a transparent case. I have never heard of or seen one so any clues as to where I could buy one and a rough price.





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Hi there


its a kinetic watch mechanism where you see the internal workings of the watch as the back plate is transparent.But it only works by moving the watch.good idea in theory but replicas tend to stop(terminally).i have bought several in turkey and all have stopped.but my battery replicas are still going strong.

SO BEWARE :chogdee2

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