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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by aussiechic

  1. That was freaky! deleted all the cookies and log off and on again and I hadn't even typed the password in again and it remember it this time.
  2. I was going to try going up to the arrivals entrance and grabbing a Pattaya taxi that just drop some one off, apparently its 1000 bath compare to 1500 at the Taxi rank down stairs. And does Mr T still only charge 1000 baht
  3. Its got to be shit beer if have to put lime it you big girls blouse
  4. he is back on now although he said wasn't coming back.
  5. Ah the adventures of Black pussy remember boys cute and cuddly cute cuddly Sorry to hijack your thread.
  6. Member Since 19 Jun 2006 Offline Last Active Private How did this person get private
  7. See you don't have blue eyes its on the bottom of villa's post.
  8. is free the cat for only people with blue eyes to see I use to use a feature in the members profile to see when they last visited but I cant see it any more
  9. I always thought peckerwood meant something like dickhead.
  10. Watching Speedway Solo Grand Prix and a Yank won it.

    1. N3RGT


      Do you mean "Greg Hancock" Aussie chick? He is this years' Speedway World Champion.

    2. N3RGT


      Greg Hancock ?


  11. Still waiting for him to show me his member. http://www.massivemember.com/facts-about-penis-size.html
  12. Some of you will enjoy this site.
  13. Chiang Mai is North http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/local/258692/chiang-mai-floods-above-critical-level http://www.chiangmai-mail.com/current/news.shtml Oh no flooding rain in Myanmar won't flood into the rivers that run through Thailand it will just flow up hill just blow a little bit more Joe. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/world/2011-10/23/c_131207478.htm
  14. On first read I thought it said expect an offer of a 3 some.
  15. This is a good summary of the weather and also a blog from some one actual in Bangkok. http://www.thaitravelblogs.com/weather-in-thailand/
  16. As this in the open forum area I like to let people know cashiers do work in a bar and do go with customers, his wife was different.
  17. And you foresee that even if the rain stop tomorrow in the northern areas that produce and materials that has been destroyed will suddenly reappear. That tour guides will be able to take on them boat tours and hill tribe villages that we in the past were unable to or had our plans change with far less rain this that pass week let alone this year. With what they want to do, they would be better of waiting and going when they will get value for what they are paying and inject money into areas that are going to need it. I will send them south if they need to go but I know them and what they a
  18. They are now saying there is more flooding and rain to come. My neighbours are due to go the first week of December I will be advising them to cancel and go at a later date, even if the water subsides there still going to be shortage of supplies and markets won't be as full. Its their first trip and they want do all the tourist things up north which alot of will be affected by swollen rivers. If they can't cancel I will tell them head south to Pattaya and surround areas but there is going be shortage there to. If it was myself and I was going to lose my money if I cancelled, I would st
  19. If Joekickass lives in Bangkok where are all his post on the flooding and his advice where to put the sand bags.
  20. I'd pay more for the 3 some bar next door.
  21. The first thing we do in all hotels is pull out the filter and wash it in the shower, just dry it out before putting it back in.
  22. JP Court at this stage don't see the need to change, will be staying there next February. Lots of regular English men with lady's. Also Thai family's would like to avoid the Thai school holidays as even the staffs kids are at the hotel but this would probably be a plus for your family. The do not do food but have drinks in the lobby and any food you can think of is in hopping distance. I can use the Wifi if I sit out on the veranda or very good down in the lobby. Staff are great, we have paid 500 to 700 baht depending on the time of year, poo
  23. We use to stay here when Cherry Bar 2 was just around the corner. We now stay in Soi Lengki same quality hotels for less the price. It is a golfers hotel so they get up early, by time we got up we would have the place to ourselves. Use to catch up with some of them in the pool in afternoon. Allways enjoyed the food and the staff, found the owner a bit of a knob but then I am a fat frang women messing up his retirement heaven. It needs a good tidy up but if the tourist are'nt coming in like they use to owners are stuck to find the money. Hanging out with mates at the pool G
  24. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-15322013 Found a video here.
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