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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by aussiechic

  1. http://www.thaiairways.com/offers/special-fare-promotions/en/thaiplus_australia.htm good deals for Australia
  2. Google Tal Wilkenfeld don't think she will ever play Pattaya but you never know.
  3. http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/topic/46213-kev0184s-ban-chang-birthday-party-pictures/ Sorry I have remove it now it use to be a link to something like this one.
  4. Thankyou again I enjoy looking at different things that have changed or I didn't notice wizzing by in a baht bus.
  5. You are not a compassionate person I am a mere woman in a isolate place on the other side of the world and very distressed as some thing has crashed on my computer and my mouse has disappeared! P.S. Go to your local hardware store buy some wood, build a bridge and get over yourself.
  6. Exactly you are replying a unidentified text printer and you are trying to justify it. The internet is not real life.
  7. Thanks guys I had done a few things before posting on here as I had already networked my net book to my computer I was hoping to access this, a lot things require you to click apply or accept and just hitting enter on the keyboard just doesn't work
  8. As smart as you think you are even if I gave you my address you wouldn't be able to find it not on a gps or google earth
  9. Thanks MM using windows 7 does not say "accessibility options" I have try some other things like trying to set up the number pad as mouse but have to click apply for this activate. Other things I have tried say right click. But I am able to access the file I wanted thankyou.
  10. "I am using my net book at the moment but like to access some files on my computer. and some people can't read and I posted a message here because there are people on that are very cluey about computers but then there are some who ain't good with people.
  11. My infa red has died on my cordless mouse.. My back up mouse has a round plug and my new up to date computer has 8 usb ports no round one. I live in middle of no where so can't just get a new mouse or adapt plug. So in the intern I would like to use the arrows on my key board is this possible and how? I am using my net book at the moment but like to access some files on my computer.
  12. Thanks we will see you in February one way or another
  13. Can you fly to Udon Thani and get a bus down to Khon Kaen
  14. It does not remember me when I use the sign in at the top of the page but if I click this with no information it takes me to a new sign in page where it remembers and I click sign in
  15. We went to a friends for dinner he went to get the beer out of the fridge and they weren't there, on asking his Thai partner she replied there in the cupboard Why? they where in the way. Then last time we went he open the fridge and the beer was gone on asking where they were she replied in the chiller, not because the beers would be cold only because its to cold for the produce in there.
  16. This is now automatic with new Australian passports. We then have to wait for our bags, but last time they were one of the first ones out and then we have to go through customs which we have had up to a 1 hour wait before. But last time we were stop by a customs guy who ask for our cards stamp them and told us to go out the yellow door, which to out surprise put us outside on the side of the terminal at Sydney airport. Don't know if we were flagged us frequent travels but it was very quick.
  17. Can you give as few guide lines like how much you like to spend. Must have pool or food on site.
  18. Apparently you can do it by mail Siam legal cover it on their website.
  19. After I deleted my cookies I had to log back into things that I stay logged into, which is causing a delay as I don't remember all the user names so having send emails to get log in or passwords but once its done its remembering just not on pp it only remembers my user name.
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