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Everything posted by aussiechic

  1. Have stay here before a few years a go. I have pre booked my family for this October which includes 9 and 11 year old. http://www.thehaven-hotel.com/ Close to the beach and Royal Garden Plaza
  2. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-27790396
  3. Thanks for the info, can you add where to catch the bus and how much.
  4. I think you have had to much of something when your sitting in the middle of the road praying to a bottle of Sangsom. Ah carp I may have done that once.
  5. http://www.pitpass.com/51092/Bernie-Ecclestone-postpones-Russian-GP-night-race Bottom of the page talks about Bangkok
  6. Thankyou we went there because of your first report
  7. enjoyed all ours meals, here are some photos
  8. I will Keep an eye out for you. We tasted in Loa. We cant take it back to Australia but people take it thought undeclared.
  9. Yes leaving here next Wednesday planing alternative route to Pattaya if needed.
  10. Just bought a HTC one V of ebay for 4000 baht the very basic one just to break me into these new fangle smart phones. If I like it will pickup a new one in Pattaya
  11. Today Bing Come and see the first wax or lacquer seal folk music from isaan. Thai2English to see northeastern-style singer lac first Google First look singer I think bing won ในตู้แช่มีเย็นๆเปิดกินเลยลงบิลไว้จ่ายทีหลัง555 In the freezer to cool it down with the Bill open to eat, pay later LOL. (Translated by Bing) The freezer has cooled down a bill to pay later on eating at 555. http://translate.google.com.au
  12. Hi can anyone tell me if I can buy a HTC One Mobile phone in Pattaya.
  13. What I like and you like are 2 different things. How much do you want to pay and for what. We stay across the road from Robins Nest in Soi Dinna never stayed there put his prices and advertising looks good and he has other guest houses in the area.
  14. I am friends on Face Book with a few bar girls and most of the time they post in Thai, if I hit the Bing translator these are some of things I get. Today from a bar in Soi 8 We cannot go back to editing, bearing in but today we can make tadai clay, use the stud unless careful steps forward, past a grind school taught us. Turkey was a Turkey, but make insomnia a sea! Ten o'clock, not down to a medication, we're monkey Hussain Hussain. A day bed is made consists of a Turkey on the other yana. Photo of a young pig laying on steam bowl. Translated it says "This hour eat a pig
  15. What they tell you and what they do are 2 different things.
  16. Strange we've all ways found the staff super friendly
  17. Because it drowns out the voices in his head
  18. I am Glad we got to meet him. I know we say rest in peace but I no he will be raising it up.
  19. You maybe thinking of Songkan but both festivals would be a lot different in a country area.
  20. Hi sent an email via your website but did not get a reply. I wanted to know which model has lower foot pegs on the back and do they have helmet locks other than under the seat (as thats were the shopping goes) Thanks Sue
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