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Everything posted by Regyai

  1. +1 A huge dose of trans fats at bargain bucket price & most are happy as pigs in shit .
  2. People who can afford to probably .
  3. Heres another: Quality furniture (For sure you can buy shiiite at modest prices, but anything half comparable to back home quality is f'kin ruthlessly priced) .
  4. But UK will be genuine OS and real warranty (Quick search puts them at about 16500THB equiv in UK presently) .
  5. Well Ive not too far to go till that magic number I assumed (mistakenly it seems) that youve enough gumption n get up n go left in you to be online here, you could divert these on line hours to pumping a few bux from t'internet. .
  6. 'Lost the ability to earn' are you suffering from some massively debilitating disability or just the mistaken belief that attaining a certain age negates you from making any more money? .
  7. +1 Learn to give directions in Thai And especially if you're packing a bit of luggage the the rank is the way to go, no muss no fuss, out the door insist on one of the larger taxis (with luggage space in the back - not just a frikken LPG tank). wanking around trying to hook up with some sub contracted driver who will be about somewhere doubtless equipped with a dopey little Civic or whatever wanting you to trek around car parks and cuddle up with your luggage for two hours, just doesn't figure in my equation . .
  8. Have you seen them drive? Why would you suppose their command of an ATM would be any better? In any case its not that Bank to Bank transfers via ATM need any higher mental acuity anyhow .
  9. I feel your pain But its the nature of the beast, bargain bucket travel attracts bargain bucket travellers. And the packaged in Indians need to be shipped to their Pattaya flops as cheaply as possible. .
  10. Less punishing to the camera's battery too .
  11. Must go to PBH and get my eyes seen to .
  12. DHL FEDEX et all levy the tax by rote and pay the relevant customs EVERY time then get it back from their unfortunate addressees Postal authorities just ship and if customs want their dues they have to work for them .
  13. One wonders how when he doesn't answer any of his phones? .
  14. Small Packet rate Requires you to have an easily openable packet (like a bubble pack with only a couple of staples as closures - or a box with string around it) With mobile phones in them - Somchai will be pleased :) .
  15. I spent twelve years eating daily in Chinese restaurants in one of Britain's oldest China towns (You know, the one Chinese people go to eat in) and can testify that everything I was presented with at the restaurant in question was a lacklustre disappointment. I was drawn to go there after hearing the 'just like a UK Chinkies' accolades, but sadly by what ever yardstick I measure it to the food as Ive said was nothing like a UK Chinese restaurant and absolutely nothing like Chinese food, But hey if it trips your switch enjoy Theres many here that happily put their snouts in Kiss restaurant
  16. A few other souls breaking the cadence of your march in this thread too
  17. Do try it by all means It wont un-fry alleged Barbecued ribs or put sauces back in jars (I could go on (& on) Personally I have the perfect antidote to hand - Ive just arrived in Guangzhou (Canton) where they do actually know what constitutes good Chinese food .
  18. Sorry But I found the food bland and uninspiring (and in part misdescribed) Nothing like UK Chinese food And absolutely nothing like Chinese food Prices and ambiance OK just need to switch off and be oblivious to what you are eating .
  19. What I was alluding to..... Some serious Kilos in 900 units and none of the carriers will touch c'feits .
  20. Candys on Sai Song probably as good as you'll get in Patts (you'll need to get him in a headlock re the prices on that number ) But Getting them might be the least of your worries - unless you're supplying to someone physically in LOS - have you given thought as to shipping them ? .
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