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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by mrlasvegas

  1. I can never get them to accept my credit card. Oh well, back to Bangkok Air for me.
  2. Are the seats normal size? I try to watch my weight, but I am still 6 feet 2 inches. So if I cannot recline my seat, the flight will be a killer for me. I don't need anything fancy. I don't eat on the plane. Just enough room to put my back pad and pillow down.
  3. I have flown Spirit to Costa Rica. They are a truly half ass organization with a deep disdain for their customers. Hopefully they will go out of business soon. When flying to CR, they wanted to charge me $120 extra for my body board. It weighs about 6 pds. and is smaller than most carry on luggage. I told the customer service person this was not acceptable for several reasons. 1) She could not tell me where the rate came from. 2) The supposed extra rate is not posted as required by the LVCA (Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority). If I had to call the airport representative for LVCA, I
  4. Happy to. If Admin will allow it I may even post a link to the finished site just to get opinions on design, function, etc. since you guys are probably more technically inclined than me. Should be a few months.
  5. I am starting a children's clothing line with a portion of the proceeds to benefit the poor in Cambodia. Free college educations, etc. So probably will not be affected much by the monger issues in Phnom Penh. I will be careful, though.
  6. That's for sure. With legal fees and investigations you are talking at least 250k for a nightclub license.
  7. Agreed. The biggest problem in Pattaya is you have way too many bars doing exactly the same thing. A unique approach is what is required. I have seen too many examples before of bars in crap locations that are packed each night. So I am not as sold on the location concept. More important is the ability to create a totally unusual experience for your customers that is positive, memorable, and will garner as much publicity as possible among your potential customers.
  8. Never considered investing in a bar. I really don't like to do major capital improvements to a property I cannot own outright. Seems like money poorly spent. But if I could buy bar, nightclub, guesthouse arrangement for cash, may be a possibility. I did co-own a bar/nightclub in Bali and a factory in Jakarta. Quite a bit friendlier to foriegn investment in Indonesia. I am starting a business in Cambodia now.
  9. It seems to me success in a bar/nightclub enviroment requires a unique approach. I have sold several nightclubs/bars in Las Vegas when I was in real estate. Also wrote lease agreements for several others. All the clubs in Las Vegas make considerable money, millions of USD each year. But each one is very unique. A different layout, different themes/activities, etc. I could not imagine making millions on one bar in LOS. But if you take away the generic look of most bars and develop a niche, like high end liquor, custom cigars, best lesbian foam show,table side massages, etc. I think you could ha
  10. Nice website. Who did it for you? Looking to hire a web designer for my business in Phnom Penh.
  11. This airline has really decent prices from LAX-BKK in July (under 1,000 USD). Any intel on them? Will it be as comfortable as EVA or China air? Anybody use them before?
  12. I would never lease a guesthouse. For a building of this scale buying is really your better option. You have way too little control over the future of your establishment. Plus the owner can always sell to someone with other plans. Voiding your contract. In this current market, interest rates are way too good to be stuck in lease mode. If you have a small amount of base capital, look to buy. And remember to end up paying about 60% of asking price based on P/L sheets and a valuation. If you are not familiar with commercial real estate venacular, P/L are profit and loss. Valuations are done by lo
  13. I looked into doing this in Indonesia. My recommendation would be to target certain areas of the country where the craftspeople live. Your girlfriend should be of some help. Also you might try a university professor who teaches Thai art history. Should be one or two in Bangkok. Get the locations matched to the product you want to sell. Then you and gf head to each location and negotiate with them directly to purchase. Will increase your profit margin exponentially. You will never get an acceptable margin buying from wholesalers and shipping, imo. Remember your FOB has to be calculated into the
  14. Don't be suprised if you see a new police owned bar featuring Russian women coming soon.
  15. Don't feel bad, bill. Am doing exactly the same thing for my Jan. trip. If that is what it takes to get a reliable driver that knows where he is going, so be it. After giving up several days of work, $800 for airfare why bitch about a little more baht to get a comfortable ride to your hotel? As well as not being stranded at the airport.
  16. Thanks guys. Appreciate everything. If you happen to be around on the 26th of Jan., beers on me!
  17. Trying to figure out a problem. When booking on the Air Asia site, I enter my US contact info. Then click to pick a seat. I get the same message saying my phone numbers should have area code first, etc. So I reentered my US phone numbers not using - or any symbols. Still getting same problem. Anybody know why or how to correct it?
  18. Again. Why is anybody using a US carrier to go to Asia?
  19. What you are describing is very common in Asia with ESL teachers.I have seen many basically trapped in the country due to such a low wage and high living cost.They can't afford the plane ticket home.So a savings is definately a necessity.The health care anywhere in SEA is always head and shoulders above the US.So I cannot imagine going bankrupt as the result of an illness. Which is the norm in the USA. Those who survive and thrive anywhere outside of thier home country usually work it like this.A multi-stream income system.One legit job, say teaching or tech type gig. Enough work hours to keep
  20. Merpati I have flown at least 20 times Jakarta to Denpasar.Excellent airline.What ius definately missing from the list is Spirit Airlines.A US carrier based in Fort Lauderdale,FL. They are the most dangerous thing with wings.
  21. Seems kind of high.Isn't Thai cheaper?Only PAID $788 RT on EVA with taxes.That's out of LA.You New Yorkers usually get a better deal than us left coasters.
  22. Will be most likely booking Mr.Dream for a run to Pattaya.Arriving on a flight from Taipei at about 1130 on the 26th of Jan.2010. I know it is far ahead, but if anybody wants to share the ride, let me know.
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