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Everything posted by eltib

  1. You made a post about me "blowing away some Boeing execs" because of my previous posts. And like I said there are many disgruntled employees that file lawsuits. Some with lotsa info that win, and others with nothing that lose. Fortunately, you'll have to wait and see if I go that far, for I'm not disclosing anymore info pertaining to a lawsuit. Don't worry Hub. If I had as many guns (which I don't even own one) as big as my guitar collection, I would be able to start a small war. Wow!! what an amazing comeback... Give Mango a cigar..
  2. First of all I don't care much for the A380 either, it's too big an aircraft for me even to consider flying. I prefer the A320/330/340 family. Not ignoring them Mango, the guy is just ranting away without any credible sources. And I mean ranting. I could do that if I wanted to, but I've only given a taste of what I have. Can he show those are genuine emails by exposing headers, and IP info? Those contracts have no official company letterheads on them. Why is the guy ranting on a webpage with all these misdeeds of Airbus, instead of suing them? In my case I've actually posted actual emails
  3. Probably because the comments I made about Wolfowitz, or the realism of the film "Death of a President." Believe me, nothing more would please me if somebody took both of them out. But in Bush's case we'd have to deal with Cheney as President. And that's a lose/lose situation. Wolfowitz's demise would not cause any political ramifications.
  4. Guess what? I don't disclose everything I have, like he did. And my issues are based on ethical practices, that Boeing will never get the message until a jury awards a plantiff an excessive amont of money. Thanks for the comparision, but you are way off base.
  5. Well you sure act like him. He doesn't understand anything himself. To the contrary, not when your ignorance or arrogance has clouded your judgment, to the point where you will not comprehend what people are telling you.
  6. Once again insults because you can't argue that you aren't George Bush. Mango, It's really funny that I had to reinforce my quote above, but as soon as a topic returns to civility, you start attacking people to create sensationalism, once again.
  7. I guess you can consider helos aircraft. I haven't been on a 767, A300, or F-27, so I don't make my list too long, I'll add which others I've been on, in addition to your list. McD DC6, DC7, DC-8, MD-80s, DC10 Boeing 707, 720B (best Boeing jets I ever flew, built like tanks) Lockheed L-188 Electra Turboprop Fokker 100 (DC9 Clone) A-330 Convair 550 Turboprop God I'm shpwing my age!
  8. Hey asswipe, I just got a job that's closer to home, and once again I'm not disgruntled. Disgruntled employees practice Mossberg justice. The best of part of it, it is NOT in IT. I should have moved out of the IT field long ago when they first started outsourcing jobs. I also won't have to worry about it being outsourced, since it's in the Warehouse and Transportation industry. And you have on many occasions insulted myself and others too, so stop being a hypocrite. You can talk about your flying experience so now lets see some photos of you flying an airplane. This way I don't have
  9. You cause offense? God you're a joke like their PR rep Ken Mercer who comments on every lawsuit " It is without merit." That is until the evidence is presented in court, and a jury sides with the plaintiff. OK, then the US government is a disgruntled customer, because Boeing tried to bilk $20B from the US taxpayer on the 767 tanker. And the emails between Boeing execs showing Boeing's unethical behavior are all moot. Go take some legal courses, into how email is a legal document. Unless you know what I have, you don't know squat. And I have plenty of emails showing unethical behavior,
  10. Scalawag, so what about the date. If you read both links, you would see the use of composites were used as radar absorbing materials originally and nothing more. Whoever got the idea that you can achieve cost savings from a 100% plastic airplane is somewhere else. My friend said "he would never fly the A380 because it was made totally from composites." That was until I corrected him and told him the 787 was the plastic airplane. And what is Boeing using to secure vital parts on the 787? Plastic fasteners.
  11. OK, I'll put an intelligent post to mind. I wonder if Boeing is going to train its customers mechanics in the art of composite repair? And help them set up their own maintenance facilities to do it. Or is Boeing going to establish a mod / maintenance center for all these 500+ 787s, and charge a pretty penny to the airlines, which will be reflected in higher ticket prices to the travelling public? Whatever, it sounds like this airplane will be like the Edsel in the long run. It will probably go that way too. Air Force base does composite repair for B-2 and F117s How really safe are
  12. Go back and read the additions I've added to it You can see how much data I've collected in the past 11 years. That's all data, no programs.
  13. I'll reinforce your statement with some names. I've also included some notes from natinally published newsclips I've collected. Phil Condit He also developed a reputation as a womanizer, often with Boeing employees, and an appetite for the high life. In a hiatus between one of his four marriages, Condit took up residence in the Boeing suite at Seattle's Four Seasons Olympic Hotel, where he had the suite remodeled at company expense to add a bedroom, say some people who are familiar with the matter. Harry Stonecipher - this is an opinion from one of the many newswriters covering his
  14. Sorry, I don't take it in the ass when I'm right. blow me.... In fact I don't take it in the ass at all.
  15. TBH, after all the ethical lapses I've seen in the company... The answer is no. They will happen again, like a dog eats it own shit. My negative bias towards Boeing is not through unclear thinking, but a few incidents I've had to endure besides these. 1, They only enforce their policies and procedures when it benefits Boeing. a, Harry Stonecipher created a code of conduct, and then had an affair, and sent raunchy emails to a female VP. Had it been any other employee, they would have been fired. Instead they let Harry resign. Here's a writing I found one day that Mr. Stonecipher left.
  16. Once again, stock price is based on investor confidence. If investors lose confidence in a company, the stock heads south. I'll tell you what aluminum flexes, and while this composite stuff cannot bend by human force, air pressure will dominate human force. Has Boeing pressure tested the material in a altitude chamber to see how much force is exerted on the material, through air pressure? Wacmedia is supposedly quoting an article from last week. Your link is from almost 2 years ago. If there is truth to Wacmedia's post, let him post the link, and this argument will be over.
  17. Sounds scary to me. I think they might need some of this to hold it together.
  18. Well if Boeing says September 2007, I still say Feb 2008. Thanx for redlining those Wacmedia. Allot of those issues were present in the old MD95-717 model that only sold 125, and was eventually cancelled. Goes to show too many cooks spoil the broth.
  19. That's 6 months away. I give it another year before it will be flying.
  20. Don't give the Thai banks more than you're required to give. It's just as easy maintaining a US bank account, and getting paid interest for it. The Thai banks will pay you $0.10 which is worse than a US checking account.
  21. I read somewhere that they expect the Thai baht to continue gaining against the dollar for the early months of 2007, then it will start losing ground again in April or May. But that wait is to be seen. Pelosi said impeachment is off the table back in October, but as a IA, and she being the same, we tend to change our minds. Count on one thing, Bush isn't going to have his way for the next 2 years, for the remainder of his term.
  22. Then he has to worry about a Spanish developer not completing the project. Anybody that's been to Cancun probably has seen The Dunas? It's a resort in Arabian style that was abandoned midway through construction. Anyway I'd say don't pay more than 2 million baht tops. That's about 50K USD.
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