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Everything posted by eltib

  1. whew February 8 - March 5.. That's a long time with no posts...
  2. eltib


    I could put one of those things on my toilet just by getting a Y adapter. The only problem I have is in the winter... The damn water is too fucking cold. I found out plastic threads are not really that water tight when I was replacing sprinkler valves in my yard. Don't you have home depot there? They sell an elastic tape called "Plumbers tape." Heck you should be able to find that in any hardware store in the plumbing dept. Wrap the threads 4 to 8 revolutions, and you'll have a watertight seal. It's cheap too. Shouldn't cost you more than a pound.
  3. Oh yeah...It's free markets when Boeing is bitching about Airbus subsidies. Yet our own government allows outsourcing US jobs to India, and China. But yet they refuse to give Airbus/NG a contract which will create the SAME amount of US jobs Boeing has offered for making a 767 tanker. Kinda funny, but it is a subsidy and corporate welfare to Boeing. Wanna bet Mc Cain doesn't bitch about it this time, since he leads in delegates? The Vietnamese didn't do a very good job on him in the Hanoi Hilton. Most of the engineers that have built those KC135s have either retired or died
  4. Tom, Boeing should have been disqualified from even competing on this contract, based on what happened in 2003. I wish Northrop well, but with guys like Calvert sitting on the ASC, it may be an uphill battle for team Airbus/Northrop.
  5. Don't you wish I worked at Burger King? Like you I'm on the Government dole right now, but at least I'm still looking for work. And I applied for a job that paid better than any fast food joint today. I have orientation next Monday. I'll give you a hint the job requires I have a clean driving record. I will also be certified to carry passengers in the vehicle I drive. Maybe it's not IT, but pays as good as the shit IT jobs I've applied for. I see you answered my second part of my question too. Obviously she's both if she's not worried getting some disease from fucking TGs in the ass. Tha
  6. Heh....You should see that hand when I'm playing guitar... "People say "It moves so fast It looks like Hummingbird wings!" Loser? I doubt it very much Big D. That's a term women toss around here regularly, when they don't get out of a man what they want. I'm in better shape than you'll ever be. It's the mentality of men like you, the reason they come to me, and say "You're smart for never marrying." Heck, even a female headhunter that tried getting me placed in a contract position told me I was "smart" last Tuesday. I don't even see what the hulabaloo is over fucking a whore? It's ch
  7. Heh, I just got done doing that watching a Nikita Denise porno......
  8. Remember Humpty Dumpty? All the Kings horses and all the kings men, couldn't put the 787 back together again! If Shanahan couldn't fix it, what makes Boeing think Van Gels or Chambers will? Especially Van Gels since he's outsourcing AP and AR to India next year.
  9. Sorry Tom.. I didn't know about those other guys.
  10. I don't find any of Tom's logic "turning a mole hill into a mountain." Though you like talking about "TGs giving you blowjobs and licking your asshole" when someone turns up the heat on you. Cambridge my ass.... I doubt if you even finished High School, or got a GED.
  11. READ Your asking Tom a question, and he's not being negative about "not filling a 747." Yet you seem to think SQ somehow you will fly 380s out of JFK if they can't fill them. I don't see how myself if they can't fill a 747. But now I've read further about the "ugly behemoth" But once again you failed to correctly quote Tom. Maybe Tom needs he Pi-Pi whacked for being a bad boy....Oh Shit... I'm sure he gets it done every night by some stunning beauty.
  12. Hey you're claiming to be an aviation expert? Granted Mr. is a pilot. That makes him an expert. But even I worked for the industry for over 22 years in IT. It wasn't always IT related, because I had to familiarize myself with the programs I supported at Rockell and Boeing. It was part of my job.
  13. Tom, Once again Big D is fixating. He'll probably try chartering a 380 with his measly pension he gets from the likes of Hub, and I.
  14. Looks like they'll have to rename the Dreamliner a "hangar queen."
  15. Tom, it sure looks like the 170,000+ employees left at Boeing won't be getting 20 days of extra pay this year for failing to meet their targets. Look at the end of the month on the EIP to find out. I have a second interview coming up this week for the University of California Irvine for a same position that I did in Boeing. Pays about $2.25 per hour less, but better benefits, and more job security. I also found out about the Northrop job that fucking Indian snake charmer was told by Northrop management that "they felt I was not qualified for the job", yet he continued to tell me
  16. Heh, What about the parts in a Revell Kit that didn't seem to exactly fit? That then have to be shaved down. When I was a kid, I hated Revell model airplanes because of the detail. Found myself literally having to force them in place. I loved Aurora kits because it didn't have this. No little men sitting inside airplanes or retractable LG and control surfaces. But Revell probably bought Aurora with Aurora's money like McD did with Boeing... BTW guys... Took a look at my retirement account at Boeing, and I noticed it's the dreaded time of the year to sign the Code of Conduct. Glad I
  17. Heh.... Maybe you won't have too. Maybe we'll see him getting his vehicle towed away on that new show, called Parking Wars filmed in the city of Brotherly Love.
  18. Who gives a rats ass about orders? If the damn 787 has been pushed back a further 3 months, one wonders if it will ever fly. Those orders can always be canceled remember? Say like when FEDEX cancelled it 380 order, and went to 777s? 787 Delayed again
  19. I guess we'll be able to read it on Pattaya Mail or Pattaya City news when it happens. Looks like the BiB will be getting some much needed revenue from the fines, if you consider 1000 baht allot.
  20. I think that "eating popcorn emoticon" will be needed if that happens. It's available on the PI at night site, why not here?
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