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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by SmellyFarang

  1. Unfortunately, it looks like it will be several more months before I can even plan my next trip. But maybe another BM can do some "field tests" of this baby and post the results a bit sooner
  2. Interesting article regarding a relatively simple way to filter out the vuvuzela noise from the World Cup matches: Curious if any BMs with a component graphic equalizer (or software) out there can try this out.
  3. I'm sorry, but I have to serve a DMCA takedown notice that use of [sARCASM] [/sARCASM], express or implied, is copyright and patent-pending SmellyFarang, Inc. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter...
  4. I think if you actually spent a couple minutes to read the article and the facts it present, you'd agree that the "troll" is this asshole Paul Ekman profiting from the terrorist fear mongering and selling his fake "science" to gullible goverments ... thereby diverting funds & manpower from much more credible forms of security.
  5. Interesting article about airport security "behavior detection officers" "Airport security: Intent to deceive?" http://www.nature.com/news/2010/100526/full/465412a.html So what do you think? Is this actually a real "science" that's making people safer, or just another example of wasted money on bogus "feel good" security (while over 80% of airline cargo continues to go unscreened in passenger airliners to this day)? And hey, why stop such a great idea at just airport screening? Why, the government could employ these "behavior detection officers" in all aspects of soci
  6. 2:39 is wwwwaaaaaayyyyyyy too long a video without any nudity ... especially with such a hot asian chick
  7. In other words... "Yes, I have $260 - but no, I won't loan it to you"
  8. Wow! So help me guys - how should I spend all my new-found riches? And can anyone loan me $260?
  9. Well Obsession, for over a year now people have watched your ranting & ravings on several boards in the reviews I posted for the 2 stays I did at Dancewatchers condos. Many other BMs on these boards have also posted consistently favorable reviews of Dancewatchers condos, but you seem to have developed a special “obsession” with my reviews in particular. You constantly persist in describing Dancwatchers as being “overpriced” even going so far as to intentionally lie about the prices on Dancewatchers website. But you have never, not once, ever posted the contact info for this magical oa
  10. Yet another perfect example of how you are such a wretched little creature hell bent on some personal vendetta by intentionally misleading other BMs. My comment regarding using ear plugs comes from a review I did from a stay OVER ONE YEAR AGO when the mall construction at that time was directly across from my balcony window and before the mall added noise dampening baffles to their air conditioning units. You know this as you've commented on my posts that clarified this before, but yet here you are, again, intentionally omitting that relevant bit of info for the obvious purpose of inte
  11. Somewhat old news from a couple months ago: Hey, if it works for Nike, Apple and others to save a few bucks by bypassing those pesky slave-labor laws in the USA, why not the airline industry too? But no worries; what are the odds that you were on one of those 65,000 flights (in the USA alone) that shouldn't have been allowed off the ground?
  12. "Just how much more can airline travel suck?" you were asking yourself. Well, progress marches on...
  13. VT6 is my favorite location in Patts these days. My last trip in Dec had some noise from the mall construction, but the main annoyance was occasional construction noise from other condos being fitted out in the building (it's a relatively new building, so there's more noise than the older places like VT2A & VT2B in Jomtien where I also stayed before). 500B/day is an amazing deal compared to the other prices I've seen from a few companies that rent in VT6 - I've paid as much as 2,000/B for one day for a tiny room (not from Dancewatchers that time Obsession, so settle down and put your
  14. I never did a full month in a single condo and instead tried a few different condos in a few different buildings that first trip, so I don't remember what all I paid for each. But I did see that they have different prices if you'd doing monthly instead of daily/weekly. Your best bet is just to look at the current price list on the condos listed on the website www.dancewatchers.com
  15. The sound of stiletto high heels echoing through the hallway as they walk by your door at 3am does it for me...
  16. *Sigh* Yet another obviously flawed study: http://www.fastcompany.com/article/the-mos...-neuromarketing Nowhere on any of these lists do I see "Hey hansum man!" or "I go wit youuuu" So what would be on your Top 10 list of addictive sounds that trigger your Pavlovian Response and remind you of Pattaya?
  17. From a Feb 2010 report in The New England Journal of Medicine: http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/NEJMp1000069 Some sobering, current stats: And a fresh reminder to everyone to play safe...
  18. Translation for those not sitting in a pile of their own excrement, crack pipe clasped feverishly in their hand: "Not only am I troll whose word is worthless, I'm too much of a sniveling coward to accept a simple gentlemen's wager ... so I'll instead crawl back under my troll bridge" Let's try a final reality-check to your blatant lies and rants: 1. I've answered most people's questions honestly, though for some details like pricing I've pointed them to the source so they could get current, correct info. 2. You post absurd lies like quoting people the price of a different, more expensive
  19. Update: In Dec 2009 stayed in a similarly located condo facing the mall and am happy to report that the mall's construction has progressed to the point where the noise was greatly reduced. They've also installed baffles on the large airconditioning vents which also cut the noise quite a bit. Below is the review I posted on the other condo I stayed in Dec: "Review - New Vt6 Condo From Dancewatchers.com" And a special thanks to Obsession for diligently alerting me that I needed to update my comment about the mall's construction noise in my original TR.
  20. Hmmmmm, the tourettes syndrome boy's sudden silence is deafening and as intriguing as it is telling ...
  21. This is what I would describe as an "oh shit" epiphany : : : http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=9f4_1266638306
  22. Well Obsession, if you are so confident in your self righteous yammerings, why not put it to a vote on the board for a reality check to see how many BMs think: Which BM's comments have been more helpful/appreciated? 1. SmellyFarang's 2 trip report threads reviewing his stay at Dancewatcher's condos 2. Obsession's insightful, dire warnings exposing SmellyFarang's evil hidden agenda It would be interesting to see the totals after, say a month, and listed in the "Members Only" section to help avoid any less honorable BMs from ballot stuffing with fake logins. It would be even *more*
  23. I don't know why you have this psychotic fixation on Dancewatcher, and I don't care. The last time you went on this flame binge against me you used the excuse that you thought I was Dancewatchers and was spamming a fake review. As you said, you later offered an apology witch I accepted at you word. But since you’ve again gone on fresh binge of hysterical flaming & taunting you’ve shown everyone that you’re the kind of ethically bankrupt slimeball whose word is utterly worthless. Even when MM recently told you, multiple times, to drop it here you are again just a few days later wi
  24. WOW! Just out of curiosity I looked up my report from this time last year about my first stay at a Dancewatchers condo: "Review: 1 Month Condo From Dancewatchers.com" 3,256 views! Even assuming that 1,000 of those views are from Obsession, frantically monitoring the thread moment by moment to hysterically flame any BM posting any positive comments, that STILL leaves over 2,256 views and I think makes that thread the winner as far as what other BMs considered the most interesting/helpful thread I've posted. Just out of curiosity Obsession, have you EVER posted ANY thread that ANYO
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