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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Parkwahn last won the day on October 29 2013

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  1. Overweighted, elder , sweating farangs... Brilliant , one was whining about the heat the other day... I guess you mean the ones in the 100 baht Indian tailored fake silk Hawaiian shirts...
  2. 11/10 City, they should win it but lots of games and nit sure their squad whilst best is as one... Hope it's close this year,
  3. 10 baht , I refuse to be a Loop I walk then wring the sweat out of my clothes thus saving on water , hang them up and they are dry in the morning ☺️
  4. Maybe the soul mate searchers will check it out ? ?? After many failed marriages and on the fag end of their lives , why not ??
  5. Buffaloe validation, does the Loop need to see papers ? I mean how would you know whose Buffaloe it is ?
  6. Good post, it always amuses me stating ' it's up to the individual what they spend ' or what they do.,, That's a given, the point being nothing would be discussed as its no one else's business.... Another trotted line ' I don't care what others do I am too busy enjoying myself ' then spend the night guessing what jobs patrons of go go bars do.. But it takes all sorts ... It's none of my business though....as kermit said...
  7. I must apologise , I am an idiotic cab driver ... sorry if it flew over your head
  8. I could not agree more hence the thread, I have been called daft for buying a lite ale or two in Shhhh when some bars are doing two for ones ? It got me wondering if there was a point when a person from being a cheap charlie became a loop, is there a scale whats the middle ground called ?
  9. Glad to hear you were not sick and in bed Friday night, I got told you were sick for 48 hours ? Hope all well now mate,
  10. Yes a nicer word than calling someone lame as they may have had more financial success than the duped ...
  11. I heard it takes 48 hours ? But I have been told some ludicrous things by some right clowns, so who knows.. Good work putting it up though, Kudos to you.
  12. I read with surprise people are fools , loops for spending money on what they choose, whether beer, food , houses, condos, Brat buses etc etc.. So a Leow Life is circa 40 baht in 7/11 at what price does someone become a Loop, they don't sell it in Marine last time I was in a San Mig was 165 baht that was about 4 months ago. You can get a residential property in No one condo on Soi Arunthai for circa 600k baht , at what price are you a loop ? If you buy in Northsore at 7000,000 are you a fool ? And the list goes on , when are you astute when are you a loop ?
  13. Easy mate, that could be someone's bethrothed and may well be heading to uk soon...
  14. Lol United looked fired up, not many teams will beat Everton like that the 5 in midfield swamped them. It's even money for me, be interesting how both teams handle the challenge ....
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