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Everything posted by danboy

  1. She looks mighty fine doing the BJ on a prop on camera but the real deal in the bedroom is a completely different kettle fish! Trust me
  2. Yes I can confirm 300bt a night discount and starts from day one or at least thats what they tell me (am staying there now) Regarding the other "Spring Hotels", I believe they are all owned by the same group so it sounds feasible
  3. Just a bit of news regarding Sandy Spring as I know there are a few fans on this board. They have a new membership scheme (well new to me anyhow) where you pay 350bt to become a member and for that you get a discount of 300bt per night so if you plan to stay for 2 or more nights it really is a no-brainer. Membership lasts 2 years so theres some big savings to be made and you can join when you check in and start saving straight away. Not sure why they don`t mention it on the website
  4. BTW, the LK Empress is actually on Soi 12 on the corner of Beach Rd
  5. I was cut off in my prime at about 3:00am this morning! I covered a lot of ground trying to find another watering hole that was still open but to no avail! It would seem they shut the lot
  6. Comes a little too early for me but Happy Birthday Ping
  7. Thanks for the advice, I think I`m gonna try the Garmin route
  8. Got I-phone 3GS (not jailbroken) How much is it to download and would I need to have my data roaming switched on in Thailand for it to work?
  9. Got a bit of a road trip coming up on my next visit, now I`m not too bad at navigating in farang land but I was considering buying a cheap sat-nav just in case. Question is where in Patts can I buy one and would it be easy for a farang to use, ie: have English language
  10. Is this true? That would make a big difference to the price
  11. Hot ladies and drunken falangs! Looks like I missed a good party, cheers for the pics!
  12. All I know is he's called the Glitterman, he's a member of this board and unfortunately he's a Brit
  13. Hmmmmmm nice! Anyone know her name? I`d like to make her acquaintance
  14. http://www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2011/03...-pickpocketing/ Just two points to make here. 1 Taking 770,000baht with you while mongering at the coconut bar? Is that really a good idea? 2 How ugly is that ladyboy?
  15. I don't think the immigration guys realise they live in the land of smiles. I have never seen a smile from any of the sour faced cunts!
  16. Nice video Especially like the mini baht bus shooting across the bottom of screen, nice touch
  17. I think someones been on the magic mushrooms
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