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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by danboy

  1. I have a look in Heavens Above pretty much every trip but have yet to have a good time or barfine from there. I thought it was just me Have to agree with Lovedogs post. BTW, Those toilets must have the worst layout in Patts
  2. I assume he means busted by the missus for shagging a Thai girl
  3. Come on Reading! Don't want any sheep shaggers in premier league
  4. Anyone who is offended by the OPs joke needs to have a serious word with themselves!
  5. I wouldn't be too trusting of the reviews on Agoda. I know for a fact that they edit some of the less flattering ones!
  6. Huh? So the Irish guy is just "foreign scum"? I'm glad you pointed that out before I felt any sympathy for him!
  7. 1000baht BKK to Patts 900baht Patts to BKK
  8. Great map! Not done the darkside yet, maybe I`ll give it try next trip armed with your map
  9. One site you might wanna try is Southall. Usually as cheap as any and I`ve never had any problems with them http://www.southalltravel.co.uk/
  10. It looks just the same as Addicts now, personally I preferred the old look but I may get used to it, time will tell Does this new set up come with any fancy new features? It appears some avatars have disappeared
  11. I`ve never flown from Manchester so don`t know about that, I always fly from Heathrow so I can get a direct flight. As for hotel the Queen Vic is good(as long as you`re not the shy type) but the 1900baht for airport pick up is a bit steep. I use Mr T taxi service, very reliable and only 1000baht from airport to anywhere in Pattaya, just e-mail him. mr_ttaxi@hotmail.com Enjoy your trip
  12. I too would like to hear more detail about this! This sounds too bad to be true! How did management explain it? What did the BIB do? I recently had money stolen from an electronic in room safe so no longer trust them so rely heavily on the "security" of the safety deposit boxes and if I can't trust those then I'm fucked!
  13. Just returned home yesterday from Patts(Sandy Spring) and can assure you it is 300bt per night discount. Also the 350bt membership card now lasts 2 years
  14. You might want to double check, mine is valid for 2 years(but it is a new one)
  15. And it looked like the girl had fun too when she landed on her head
  16. About the membership scheme http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/index.ph...c=54902&hl= And yes girl friendly
  17. Opened a Kasikorn account yesterday all very easy and over in 15 minutes but there was a 700baht charge which I believe she said was for the ATM card
  18. I can`t get used to this early closing malarkey! Damned those BIB
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