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Everything posted by danboy

  1. Does anybody know? Now don`t laugh but I was once told it was Fat LadyBoy? True or not?
  2. Personally I'm trysexual.......... And yes I am perverted!
  3. Haha! So this is how you've been passing the time since quitting the demon drink then eh laddie! Instead of getting leathered on special brew, your off mooning the neighbours and leaving skid marks on their windows! The devil will find work for idle hands(or arses)! 555555
  4. Not sure if the boards are clicky, but I reckon there's plenty of rattle!
  5. Nasty story! One thing puzzles me tho, why an Englishman in Thailand would have 20,000 EUROS??
  6. Nice pics! Cake is a great looking "girl", I'll have to meet her next trip.
  7. I think all Thais will understand if you just say "7-11", whether they speak English or not. Mr T always good service for me!
  8. So your opinion is always correct then Wow! Your shit really don`t stink
  9. If anybody wants to celebrate Paddies day I think Ireland would be a good place to go
  10. in England we write our date differently to the US. For 08/12/11 read 8th of December 2011
  11. I rented a truck for a few days in December. Got it from one of the guys that operate out of Xcyte car park (I think there are 2 operating from there) on 3rd road. I think I paid either 1400bt or 1500bt per day (for 4 days). Good truck, did about 600 miles and no problems. Good service!!
  12. Now that's a very happy ending!!! A huge thank you must go to Tracy Cosgrave for riding to his rescue and also to his Thai landlord for safeguarding his (not inconsiderable) posessions! I take my hat off to you both!!
  13. For once he doesn`t look too out of place, among all the wacky racers
  14. I know exactly what you mean. When out with a few girls they just speed talk in thai and every now and then my girl will just turn to me,smile and say you ok? You want more drink? As long as the drinks/food keeps coming, they seem happy to exclude farang from the conversation.
  15. 9. If you start a thread questioning the sexuallity of other guys.......... then you're definitely a fudge packer!! 555
  16. Probably an area best avoided if everyones on yabba!
  17. Interesting story.....gotta love the headline too http://www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2011/01...s-karaoke-raid/
  18. Yep! Seen it all too much, gets on my tits!!
  19. the girls at Bliss are all experts at BBBJ! 555
  20. Checking in to my hotel room in Patts and wondering who what I`m gonna do first
  21. No way Jose! Flown with EVA many times and IMHO way better than BA or Thai
  22. I`m pretty certain the cover charge was just a New Years Eve thing, but out of order IMHO
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