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Everything posted by danboy

  1. You must be the only person I know who goes to/lives in Pattaya for the Russians, Americans, Canadians and Australians! And I thought you never got any attention in Heavens Above
  2. The owner of the FLB looks a bit shifty to me, I think maybe his eyes are too close together!
  3. Is it changing hands and re-opening or is it gone for good?
  4. Damn those pesky crocodiles! http://www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2011/09/14/crocodiles-loose-after-flash-floods-hit-pattaya-zoo/
  5. Something you don`t know? Say it ain`t so!!
  6. Yet another prima donna! She is of course strictly amateur when it comes to tantrums!
  7. Not sure if it`s true or not but I heard Mark`s taking a break.
  8. Now let's see, Public relations skills. check Marketing experience. check Now assuming you are easy on the eye(any chance of a pic?) I'm sure you could walk into a job at any Gogo in town.
  9. Wow the big Five-O already eh? Congratulations!
  10. Agreed! That was just wrong!
  11. http://www.break.com/usercontent/2007/4/13/european-sharking-272571
  12. I like that shirt too but unfortunately I've never seen rugby shirts in Patts, I'll just have to fork out for the real deal in blighty!
  13. Wow! You don`t get many of those to a pound!
  14. This is sure to crank up the bad blood between Cardiff and Swansea fans a couple of notches!
  15. Do they charge extra to eat in the AC section?
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