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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About DrPat

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  • Birthday December 31

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  1. An excellent idea! I cannot see any logical objections to maintaining a list of non-smoking venues.
  2. If you have a cold, or something similar, try tying a Sugar Glider round your neck. The smell of eucalyptus will do no end of good.
  3. In my student days I worked in a UK disco where there were some bizarre drink regulations on religious holidays. This was especially noticeable at Easter time when there was no alcoholic drink to be served after 10:30 on Good Friday, unless you were having food as well. Then at 11:00, no drink at all to be sold and no music allowed. Consequently some ‘act’ was booked, such as a magician or hypnotist, who did not require music. Then at midnight we were into a different day, so the bar opened, the music went back on and it was business as usual. Regulations were also enforced every Sunday, w
  4. Alternately, you could burn your passport and claim to be a Syrian refugee. (Sorry, I'm just in that sort of mood).
  5. This TV series about the Australian Embassy in Bangkok, originally shown on UK Sky TV, is being repeated on UK Freeview (Channel 11, Pick TV) starting this Friday, August 28 at 9:00pm. The write-up for the first show is: ‘Behind the scenes at the Australian Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand, following the misadventures and tragedies that befall expats and tourists.’
  6. LBFM is what I ask for in every bar and GoGo I visit. I always assumed it was ‘Large Beer For Me’, but I have to admit that instead of a beer I’m generally presented with a delightful young lady. I promise I’ll give it a try when I run out of females. Before then I’m not even slightly curious.
  7. Don’t know if any regular users of Emirates from the UK to BKK have noticed the changes they made to Skywards miles in February. The changes mean that the miles awarded for a return economy saver flight from the UK to BKK has been reduced from 6,000 to 4,200, whilst at the same time the miles required to upgrade a one-way economy flight from Dubai (DXB) to the UK has been increased from 32,500 to 57,500. This means in order to obtain a single one-way DXB to UK upgrade will now require more than double the number of UK to BKK return flights, fourteen rather than six. A couple of yea
  8. Oh! That's where I've been going wrong. I thought LDOP stood for 'Let's Double Our Payment'. Edit in: With regard to GFE. I always thought that the G and E stood for Go and Everyone. Please don’t tell me my life’s work has been based on a misunderstanding.
  9. Is that made with phresh phannies?
  10. I THINK they paid, but can't be sure. The driver seemed to be straight, telling us that he knew what they were up to. I guess the police would only be interested if something was actually stolen.
  11. Myself and my Thai GF picked up a songthaew on Second Road yesterday at about 3:30pm. At Pattaya Klang the songthaew pickup up a ladyboy along with three other, fattish (real) females. All of them were carrying bags of one description or another. Although there was plenty of space the LB stood on the footplate right next to where I was sitting and one of the females sat alongside my GF. The LB was clutching a large handbag / shopping bag which kept on bumping into me so I moved slightly further along the seat. The LB immediately forced his way into the small gap I had made, handbag still bumpi
  12. The bulk rate is above 53 to the GB£ again - closed at 53.4 today. I’ll check the credit card rate (my preferred exchange method) when I’m back in BKK next week.
  13. Not your wedding, I hope. That would be a double tragedy. Despite the low quality of the merchandise, you have to admit that the 'postcard routine' is a stroke of genius.
  14. There is a tailor on Second Road just around the corner from South Pattaya Road, literally a couple of doors from the junction. If memory serves me correctly, it's called ‘Yes Boss’. I have no knowledge regarding the quality of the clothing he produces, but what a business man! I was ‘lured’ into his shop by the rack of postcards outside - postcards selling for 4B. Going into the shop to pay for them, the conversation progressed along the lines of, ‘Hello, sir… Enjoying your time in Pattaya… How long you here for… Have you thought about having a suit made..?’ I didn’t buy a suit, or an
  15. I only use CitiBank ATMs (in BKK), no ATM fee. Otherwise I always go inside the bank. Never been told or asked by bank to use ATM.
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