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Sinistersinner last won the day on May 6 2013

Sinistersinner had the most liked content!

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223 Excellent

About Sinistersinner

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    Advanced Poster

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    United States

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  1. Dude, Rather than slaging off anyone who is asking questions, Lose the attitude, and try to answer some of them. You are asking a lot of money for this Business, and people who might be interested, have every right to ask questions about the business etc.
  2. Might I suggest checking Dancewatcher's as they have lots of places all over Pattaya. They might be able to help you. In all the years I've been on the Pattaya Boards, I've really never heard any negative press on them, and the services they provide.
  3. Wow.... I really know absolutely nothing about golf (even though i live in a golf course community lol) but that is an awesome accomplishment for anyone let alone a 17 year old... Good For her.. I am sure she has made her Country Proud!
  4. Is this type of tour available through most airlines currently flying the A-380? Granted there is a lot of Press on the plane and the luxurious features available to those who can afford it, But seeing it in Pictures versus the real thing is the difference between night and day.. I usually Fly First Class on EVA just for the long haul part of the flight, But know just from the word on the street that EVA's !st. Class albeit very nice, is still a far cry away from what is offered on other aircraft such as the A-380
  5. Always have fun in your Bar... You and TL, are doing a great job!
  6. I think it has happened to a lot more people than they will admit too..... Like you (the OP) said, it's always best to check the details over and over again.. Fortunately for me, I've caught a few mistakes before I hit the "Buy now" Button.. Good Luck to everyone.....
  7. Do a search for Preecha Seafood.....Right on the Beach, Still my favorite Restaurant in Thailand.....
  8. Yes..... I happen to love the Lead Pencil work those guys do.. Ive got some absolutely awesome pictures drawn, that are so good, they look like Black and White photo's.
  9. I agree, the food there is awesome, and the prices can not be beat...... each time that I have been there, I try to have something new, and each time I have been more than satisfied....
  10. Surprised they didn't want to charge you for the piece you took a bite of.... LoL
  11. Absolutely....... There are very few charities I am a part of, but the Wounded Warrior Project is one I contribute to monthly.... Thank you for your service.
  12. Absolutely.. Ive never had any problems with Computers, Camera's, or my iPad/iPhone 4, since they span the voltage levels of most countries allowing them to be used without any type of adapter.. Enjoy your trip
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