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Everything posted by gimmble

  1. He cant answer as he is tied up with the queues at immigration cheers Rodney
  2. I was told by a bank back in August that the max amount permitted to be withdrawn from an ATM is 20,000baht. I had no problem in the bank withdrawing 50,000baht from my card. cheers Rodney
  3. Unfortunately I am not in Pattaya at that time, if the buffet works out for you, I suggest thinking about running it every day as there is a total lack of a good buffet breakfast around that price. cheers Rodney
  4. I never said these clubs were wall to wall pussy I did say Kineree was wall to wall pussy when I went there with many 10/10 There was over 70 girls working that day. cheers Rodney
  5. Of course youré lazy. Now you want to gauge the calibre of girls from one photo Come on and get real, your just posting crap for the sake of posting cheers Rodney
  6. Such a small minded opinion, I found my GFE at Rioja during my last trip and Kinnaree was just thumping with wall to wall pussy. Instead of trusting a photo, get off that lazy bum of yours and make the trip yourself to form a informative opinion. cheers Rodney
  7. Here is a pic of a "hot air cooker""
  8. Hi Paps, Whats the difference between Pink and Red salmon? cheers Rodney
  9. I just go to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital, quick and efficient, cost around 600 baht cheers Rodney
  10. I gave up on looking for bacon in Pattaya, dont know why things have changed but TIT cheers Rodney
  11. I just had another look and the $530 fare is now gone, these deals dont seem to last long so I suggest at $700, snap it up now as it is also a great fare. cheers Rodney
  12. Yes, it was return including taxes. cheers Rodney
  13. I was checked once many years ago, about 10 but never since. There is nothing to declare on incoming cards so why would they check you? cheers Rodney
  14. The Jetstar flight is direct which is always a bonus cheers Rodney
  15. So I have the bug back, not the stomach one but the Pattaya one and have been looking at airfares. Jetstar have direct flights from Melbourne, Australia return leaving March 27th for $529.24 inc all taxes YES THATS CORRECT $529.24 inc taxes Beats the $1594.00 just paid for peak season !!!!!!! Cheap Cheap Cheap cheers Rodney
  16. Hi Mate, I suggest the Pattaya Memorial Hospital, you can email them for a guesstimate. cheers Rodney
  17. I have lived and work in Pattaya for 2 years, it is still 15 years till retirement but if I had the $ now, I would semi retire their, maybe 8 months Pattaya and 4 months Australia every year. cheers Rodney
  18. The pic no longer exists in cyberspace and cannot be shown. The spiining effect is the forum software trying to open up something that does not exist. cheers Rodney
  19. Thank goodness for that I can now sleep better at night knowing you will need a degree to cook rice cheers Rodney
  20. :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup Good to know, some jet fuel is what I might need to clear the head. cheers Rodney
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