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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by davethailand

  1. Might have a chance to have him do a gig here in Pattaya, any fans?
  2. Darryl Read and his Beat Extentialists join our Biker Night to kick off the Burapa Bike weekend. His band also include Tony Stevens (Foghat/Savoy Brown), Deano Roucco (drummer to the stars) and of course Darryl Read (Ray Manzarek of The Doors/X. T. Rex). Also of course there will be music by Lam Morrison & The Rock Machine. Darryl Read (born 19 September 1951) is a British poet, singer, guitarist, drummer, writer and actor. He is among the forerunners of punk rock.[1] According to 2008's Pretty Vacant: A History of UK Punk, his second band Crushed Butler "was, in many ways, Britai
  3. On behalf of Mary in The Blues Factory I'd like to inform everyone of a small party that we're putting on for her tonight in the bar. There will be music by Mary, Snowman and The Blues Machine and of course Lam Morrison and the Rock Machine, there will also be a buffet. If you're a Mary fan then please stop by to wish her many happy returns. Hope to see you there.
  4. The Blues Factory is again proud to announce that the new and up and coming band "Goobergun" from the UK will be back performing in the bar on Tuesday 8th February as they continue their Asian tour. Goobergun. They will be performing along with Lam Morrison and his rock n roll band. Doors open at 9pm with all drinks (except remy, breezers or cocktails) at 100bht except draught beer which is 50bht until 1000 pm. Music from 1000pm with Goobergun taking the stage sometime after. Hope to see you there.
  5. I understand your gripes but maybe there was a mistake and Mr T or the driver thought that Canterbury Tales was in Walking St, also he had to drop you off as cars and bikes aren't allowed in Walking St until 3am.
  6. I think you've answered this yourself too be honest, A Taxi driver would probably know a hotel but not a guesthouse like this. A lot of Thai's can't speak English especially drivers same as a lot of farangs can't speak thai. Glad you got there in the end though.
  7. Went in early November and I can't fault the place, very nice inside and the burger was the best i've had so far in Thailand.
  8. Have to say that you got me. I was in a stroppy mood, Apologies mate and Happy New Year to you also.
  9. Good stuff mate, didn't mean to be rude, indoors after a few whiskeys and pissed off because some bitch has nicked my phone. Never mind, Merry Xmas mate.
  10. The Blues Factory will be having its New Years Eve party this Friday night (31st of course) and their will be great live music by Pattaya's 2 best live bands who are- The Blues Machine featuring Mary and of course the BB King award winning blues guitarist Ken “Snowman” Minahan then after midnight as always “The Rock Machine” will take to the stage featuring Pattaya's Rock Guitar sensation Neung and of course "The Guitar King" of Thailand Lam Morrison. We will also have guests popping in to jam on the stage with the bands. Come early to ensure a seat! cheers and Happy New Year. :)
  11. The Blues Factory will be having its Xmas eve party this Friday night (24th of course) and there will be music by Pattaya's best live bands who are- The Blues Machine featuring Mary and of course the BB King award winning blues guitarist Ken “Snowman” Minahan then after midnight as always “The Rock Machine” will take to the stage featuring Pattaya's second Rock Guitar sensation "Nueng" and of course "The Guitar King" of Thailand Lam Morrison. We will also have guests popping in to jam on the stage with the bands. There will be a buffet laid on also so please Come early to ensure a seat! Li
  12. Tonights the night for Goobergun Live along with Lam Morrison and the rock band. Hope to see you there.
  13. Can't ask for more IMO, nice one but watch out for the people that will eat the lot then call it rancid.
  14. The Blues Factory is proud to announce that Goobergun will be back for their last performance in Pattaya on the 21st December. After a successful tour in Vietnam, Taipei and Thailand they will be moving on to China so before heading to Bangkok for a gig in the Hard Rock they're back again for their final performance with us in The Blues Factory. Those that attended their show on the 9th Nov will know that this is not to be missed and for those that didn't you won't be disappointed. Also featuring of course the Guitar King of Thailand Lam Morrison and our great rock Band. See you there,
  15. Can't argue with that. I could print a very long list of places which have served me shit stuff, I rarely complain on the boards about it though. :)
  16. Tigglebitties is a great bar and its also my local so nights off I normally spend there, didn't eat there for Thanksgiving as my wifes brother in law whose a US guy thats lived in Pattaya for over 30 years always cooks a massive dinner at his house every year. OK I'm not American but its a nice thing to go to once a year. Ended up in Tigglebitties from around 10pm till drunk o clock.
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