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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Sailfast

  1. I pay for my group on my card (three times so far). I don't get the miles for the trip. The passenger gets the miles IF they fly. I have not taken a flight that I was booked on and not gotten the miles even though I paid. Fuck you very much British Airways you scum sucking shitbags (this is the policy of most airlines, I just HATE fucking British fucking semen snorting Air... asslicking you should never fucking fly with these pussbags ...ways). Did I mention that they will LIE to you over and over and over and over again? Did I mention that the "manager" if you can call a used asswipe
  2. Interesting. Looks like he spent an awful lot of time at the orphanage. Sailfast
  3. LOL! No one has ever called me a "Muppet" Is that like Kermit, or The Swedish Chef? What kind of muppet are you? Love Sailfast
  4. It will be Gangsta Muzak When you start to call the music of youth "crap" you are getting old. At any age. Nobody said you have to like it. Nobody said you have to agree with it. Just keep your mouth shut so you don't look like a fuddy duddy Besides, some of it ain't that bad. Sailfast
  5. It will be Gangsta Muzak When you start to call the music of youth "crap" you are getting old. At any age.
  6. Well I took your advice. I turned in my badge and stepped out of the pit to the other side of the table and won 10 billion dollars in four hours. Monsters!....under the bed...vampires...Lesbian vampires Pamala Anderson and Lucy Lu licking tequila of each others nipples and begging me to join them... I have a 10 inch cock! AND a working roulette system! If I was having any more fun I'd think I was dreaming Sailfast
  7. Sound advice. Don't forget that you will still be able to afford those nice vacations to LOS :) Now, can someone please tell me how to retire to LOS in the next 4 hours before I have to go to work tonight? Sailfast
  8. Try 600 baht guest fee!!!!!! Very nice hotel, great location, reasonable room rates, clean, modern, great customer service. Never, ever, will I stay there again! Sailfast
  9. I'm wearing heals w/ mine! If I can find a pair w/ soft spikes that is! Sailfast
  10. I stayed one night and ran. It's NOT that cheap and the rooms we where in where dirty. Yes, there are bugs. My friends stayed the same night and where equally unimpressed. In fact, staying at Nana was my idea and they still rib me for making the reservation. I understand that some people love the place. Up to you. This is just my opinion Have fun, Sailfast
  11. Winston, That was back in mid Jan, 05. Let me give you the full story. I was traveling with two other friends and it was our second night at the RG. One buddy had fallen in Love in BKK. The other had met Ms. right the night before in Pattaya. So, the five of us where heading out to for the night and the security gaurd was walking with us out to the road to "help" find a baht bus (like you won't get killed by one if your not careful). We where out by the road when he gave us this little speach, stating that there would be a fee if there was more than two hotel people stayi
  12. I was told by security that if I had more than one guest there would be a fee. Sailfast
  13. Sailfast 27.999999999999999999999999999999hcp I may suck, but I refuse to wear a dress without proper heels. Shirt size XL Sailfast's buddy: rayray1271 15hcp Shirt size L Sailfast's other buddy: dward2929 22hcp Sirt size L Any ideas for decent club rental? We are traveling light. Doesn't look like the C.M. golf trip will work for us. Maybe next year we can plan better. I still have two others I am trying to talk into playing. For some reason they think getting laid is more fun than golf...hmm Thanks, Sailfast
  14. I can't see replacing booze with cigarettes and coffee. You will die young and sober Sailfast
  15. Take a lesson or two then go out with a friend who plays. It is NOT how good you are that makes the speed of the game. You can suck and still play quickly. The problem is that many golfers don't know or care how to play quickly. Some examples: Cart golf: Players refuse to walk to the ball. Fix: One player take the cart while another grabs 2-3 clubs and walks to their ball Ready Golf: The rules of golf state that the person farthest from the hole puts first. Fix: If you are ready and your partner is still thinking, go ahead and hit. The Mope: This guy does not eve
  16. Sounds like an excuse for a drink Just out of curiosity, how are you getting to Pattaya and how much? See you in about 75 days. Sailfast
  17. Nov 5th. We get in at 5 pm. Thai air out of NY. Need a lift? Sailfast
  18. I'm staying at the RG in Nov. They quoted me 2500 for a minibus to pick up 5 guys. sailfast
  19. I have three definates. 1 XL and 2 L. Playing for the Stars and Stripes. They are giving me funny looks at the driving range now that I take every other practice shot with my pants down around my ankles. Do you need any other info? Sailfast
  20. sniff, sniff, I smell troll poontang. Who is it Tab? Sailfast
  21. Residents Garden Hotel has two bedroom units. I have only stayed in the one bedroom units so I can't vouch for the two bedrooms. The one bedrooms are nice and the hotel has a lovely atmosphere. Sailfast
  22. This sounds like just the plan I need. Someone else just mentioned U-tapao airport in a private message. I had never heard of this airport before. I will check it out. Thanks everyone for their input! Sailfast
  23. Looks like my November trip will be Pattaya for a week, then off to Phuket for a week. Is it better to book my Phuket tickets after I get to LOS? Expedia is showing Thai air flights for about 5800 baht. Two of my idiot friends are bringing the t/g's. This might be a silly question, but can they get their tickets cheaper? Thanks, Sailfast
  24. The address Winston included: ottesen@loxinfo.co.th has worked for me this past week. If you can't get in touch by email, I would suggest jumping on the next plane over and speak to him in person. A few beers and barfines while your in town wouldn't hurt. Sailfast
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