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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Sailfast

  1. The round trip I was on last month was pretty much full both ways. I think they have reduced the trips to every other day or so. I hope they can keep it up, it's a nice flight. The Thai flight crew was top notch. Food was only OK though. Singha was perfect Sailfast
  2. Depends on the situation. Pattaya: -The wife does not care what you do. -The wife likes to partake in the action. -You plan on doing some covert ops :). I found much more competition for afternoon s/t on Pattaya. Phuket: -Beach/diving/sailing/jet ski, cleaner ocean & beaches. -Much more scenic. -The night life does not really get hopping till after 11. -There are more young people in Phuket so the girls can afford to be a tiny bit more selective. -The girls in Patong REALLY hastle you for lady drinks late at night. Don't get my wrong, there are a million girls in Ph
  3. Not a letter, but... A box of suits shipped on or about (the tailor shipped them) the 18th arrived the 28th. Standard shipping, so not bad considering the holiday weekend here in the US. Sailfast
  4. Grand Business Inn. Soi 11. 1200 per night. Give them a business card and tell them you want to open a corperate account. This hotel is very nice and about six months old. You might get breakfast included. Sailfast
  5. I hope they use protection. I would hate to see the fuckers reproduce with each other. Sailfast
  6. Price was still 1350 two weeks ago, or was it three weeks ago? Sailfast
  7. HEY, Just because we heades straight for "bed" doesn't mean we went to sleep. Team USA just prefers the company of naked Thai girls to the Team Euro boys :) GREAT DAY and thanks to everyone who helped make it happen. I'll be back Sailfast
  8. There are Hobie Cats for rent on the beach in Pattaya, but the water is not exactly clear. I have been in contact with Gulf Charters in Jomtien and will probably be chartering with them in a couple of weeks if they have anything available. I have not made a reservation because I want to check out the boats first. If you are really into sailing, and relaxing there are probably better places to go than Pattaya. Sailfast
  9. 7000 is a good figure. On a crazzzzzy day I can spend 8000+, but, don't think I have ever crossed the 10K threshhold, even w/ nice dinners and two girls on my arm. 5000 on a less crazy day. This figure includes my hotel costs. I try to pay less than 1500 baht, NO guest fees. Guest fees can end up to be a budget buster and double your hotel bill I bring about $500 US in travelers cheques as a back up. I bring $500 US in cash and save this till the last few days of my trip. I save the US cash and travelers cheques until towards the end of my trip. I use my ATM ca
  10. Thanks for the reply. Do you remember how much you paid? Sailfast
  11. Will the what I refer to at the ASP photo (ass, sack & prick) be copied to every thread on this board? [Or BMTV - that's Bum, meat & 2 veg translated into limey] [Or BKD - thats Bum, Kanakas & Doodle translated into Aussie] Is not the sacred game of GOLF no haven from chick with dicks? To each his own, but, I'm scared. Sailfast
  12. Good job Winston. Now can you translate that all into Jordie (sp?)? Sailfast
  13. Try Priceline.com. I don't use it, but some of my friends have had very good luck finding decent hotels in NYC cheap. Sailfast
  14. Thai Air recently called to tell me that they cancelled the Monday Nov 21 flight home...crap another 12 hours in paradise! Sailfast
  15. Um, hold off on the kateoy-caddy "mate" All refrences to cross dressing and the like are related to my handicap in the game of golf. The rules state that, unless I improve my game in the next 30 days (highly unlikely) I should be wearing a dress. Now if I'm going to wear a dress, I might as well match and look sharp The rules say nothing about or or or However, Caddie(s) of the female gender (born, not manufactured) who are gregarious and aiming to please would be wonderful. Thanks for sorting out the clubs. Looking forward to meeting you and buying you
  16. You don't really want to get me started on BA again do you?? Thai Air JFK-BKK Direct...$903.00 17 hours AND I get full mileage! BA gave me 30% miles for a discounted fare of $1300.00, no food, no...ooops here I go again...lol The shirt isn't for me, it's for one of my married friends I am traveling with. Last time (in April) he told the wife he was going to Wisconsen, USA for a business trip. There is probably still 10 feet of snow there in April! I don't know how he pulls this shit off. 32 days and counting. See you all at the FLB on Nov. 6th Thanks for the help.
  17. Hi, Sailfast's group will need three sets of clubs. Can you get my shafts in a leapord print to match my g string? Thanks, Sailfast
  18. I just opened a Paypal ATM account for one of my fellow travelers use. His wife thinks we will be golfing in the UK Has anyone used Paypal in LOS. The US website is vague as to what countries it will work in. Also, anyone know where he can get a shirt that says: "My husband golfed St. Andrews and all he brought me back was this bloody T shirt"? Sailfast
  19. I'm considering having a new jib made for my C&C 30 MK1 It seems like I can save a fair bit by doing this. Nice 135% in US w/ sumbrella on leach and foam in luff...1800US El cheapo in US, no luff foam, (probably comes from asia.. 6 week wait) 1200US Rolly Tasker in LOS about 1200US (seems to be same as 1800US model) and they say they can pack it so it will check in as carry on luggage. Anyone with experience in this? Also, I am chartering with Gulf Charters in Jomtien this November...Any thoughts? Thanks, Sailfast
  20. farman, I really don't tend to moan until I GET FUCKED. I'm funny like that. In case you didn't read the whole thread, I was responding to Eneukman when he said: "Your comments verge on being defamatory so either back up your comments or withdraw them." Sailfast
  21. Are you a major stock holder or something? If you are not going to defend them then why so many questions? Anyway I will answer. Yes, they had my cell phone number. The one hour layover was for the flight in Heathrow. I never made it that far. I did however get to spend over four hours in Tokyo Narita, thank you very much BA. I must not have made myself very clear when talking about booking flights on other airlines. I was refering to booking a flight on another airline AFTER my BA flight got fucked up. In other words, fuck you very much BA, give me my money back, I have foun
  22. OK I will back them up. 1) Myself and my mate drove several hours to NY. Slept in a hotel overnight. The flight was postponed several hours. They did not call. I was told at the gate. 2) I was offered a MUCH cheaper flight through Tokyo as the ONLY alternative. I could have booked this flight myself for HUNDREDS of $$ less. I chose B.A because the flight MUCH shorter with a one our layover instead of a FIVE hour layover. 3) I could have gotten a similar flight to the one that was delayed, but left sooner and was 4 hrs SHORTER through another airline but since that airline
  23. I'm flaming them because they fucked me..hard...not just me but my friend also. Anyone who thinks this has something to do with US corperations is on the wrong track. I have had nothing but good luck with Virgin Atlantic and many other "non US" airlines. It's not that BA fucked up, it's that they told lies over and over in order to keep from making good. Then they had the nerve to call me a liar. So, anyone who feels the need to turn this into a US/UK debate can kiss my (Irish) Ass. Sindre, I probably did have bad luck, but they had ample chances to make good and they simp
  24. And they will probably end up flying you through Japan. Then you will have to listen to the cabin crew attempt their version of humor over the loudspeaker for the next 28 hours. Probably with no food if you have any special dietary needs. Don't even bother asking for any type compensation after they FUCK EVERYTHING UP because they will promise you the world and never, ever, ever FUCKING ever deliver. They may, however, tell you whatever lies they feel will shut you up for the time being. THEN they will CALL YOU A LIAR RIGHT TO YOUR FACE. You will then WASTE hours of your time on th
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