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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

gs joe

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Everything posted by gs joe

  1. Hope in time your Wife will as well 55555555555555 Joe
  2. Hope I've got this right and this is a photo of Mr Bushcraft , it was taken at loy katong 2010 , he told me as the girls make a big efforts , he did as well , a ture gent Joe
  3. I was thinking you now have a sponsor . Joe
  4. Have seen quite a few smart dress guys in bars , fucking about and being a pain , Joe
  5. Was in a go go on soi 8 , when a tall , not well built , but not out of shape , young guy came in just in a beach towel and sporting a shoulder bag , he was on his own , you could see he was up for a laugh , the girls all had a smile for him , as did the management , would the rule be apply in this case ? Joe
  6. Is there a spell check on new reply to topic lay out ? Joe
  7. As I had just got back at to Pattaya @ 1am , got there late , but the atmos was still good ,the girls where all high on enthusiasm and even though it had been a long night , was made very welcome, was glad I made the efford Joe
  8. All beggars are mafia you can get a suit made for 1000 baht and every girl is on the game , Joe
  9. Pleased to say will be there , Who or What party is it ? or is it a surprise thanks for the photos . Joe
  10. That reply puts me in mind of an old song . WHERE'S ME SHIRT ? Ken Dodd - 1965 Well it all began in the year of one When Adam was the first man And a girl called Eve, so we believe Was made to be his woman She led him up the Garden of Eden, by a tree Then she offered him her apple And he cried out suddenly (eee-eeee-eeeee) SPOKEN (Liverpool Accent): Where's me shirt? Where's me shirt? I feel a proper twazzer without me shirt I've got me tickling-tackle and me nicky-nocky-noo But I must confess I feel undressed Like this, in front of you SPOKEN (Liverpool A
  11. Mick do think your outlook has change since you made the move ? Joe
  12. Idiot Abroad - Swim with Dolphins (Season 2, Episode 3) was on Sky TV last night , on his way to Australia he has a stop over in Bangkok , and arrives during sangkran ,tells the tales of a few days in Thailand , any see the show ? Joe
  13. Would say its how you live , more than where that puts you in danger , Joe
  14. gs joe

    Oral sex

    Nothing wrong with dining on vegetarians , I like my meat corn fed , Joe
  15. I have the impression the girls have boyfriends by degree , I'm also sure they know how to edge there bets , and stroke the ego of previous customers ,its not only the long term punter that are deluded , Flirting tends to work best when there are three in the equation . Joe
  16. In the UK the term gentleman's club is also used to describe lap dancing clubs , I'm sure sure the OP emporium will offer more , good luck with the venture . Joe PS don't gentleman prefer blonds ?
  17. They could walk away in both scenarios , but need or greed stops them . Joe
  18. Knowing the OP Im sure he gets it, and think its a good post , there are actions I've witnessd by fellow punters that have put me off the bar , Joe
  19. Interaction and cash , isn't that in part of the job description ? whats more dignified , jumping for ping pong balls , or smiling while some drunk tries to fist you ? Joe
  20. Thanks for that , Joe PS gift will be left for Porn
  21. What day and date will Loy Katong fall on this year ? Thanks , Joe
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