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Everything posted by MrMango

  1. MrMango


    Really? this thread has everything from Levis to movies - Where your outrage there? Again - Put up or shut up...
  2. MrMango


    I challenge you to put up or shut up - Post a credible source for your absurd claims.
  3. MrMango


    Please Ruskie, don't tell me you are buying into this doom if the world prices oil in dollars - I have been round and round on the other thread debunking this mith.
  4. I lived in Mexico City int he 80's and believe me there are plenty of Jews there - One of them was my partner there. They are very good business people there, and I still count him as my best Friend. I emailed him this joke and I'm sure that he had a good laugh over it.
  5. Not quite true - It was reported in this Sunday's Honolulu paper that he inaugural flight was canceled due to a mechanical problem - Must be a major embarrassment to them. I'm sure that it was a teething problem and I welcome competition to this route.
  6. You are right there - Just ask Touristman about me...
  7. Thanx for the info - my mistake for not reading it closer. When I had a bar many years ago, people get hooked not only on the brand, but also on bottle, cans, or draft, and price is secondary. It appears that not all people are concerned about "price points"
  8. Chris you have me confused - Heinekin 1/2 @ 35 Baht = Reg. price - 70 Baht, got that. Heinekin Draft !/2 @ 55 baht = Reg price = 110 baht. Maybe I have had too many to understand...
  9. When I lived in Jomtiem this was my favorite bar - You still sell the Tshirts? You also might want to post a bigger picture of the cutie.
  10. Let me see if I have got this - She and her husband own a bar in Thailand, and were forced to take out a large loans. How, pray tell, can Foreigners do this? I have not talked to a single bar owner in Pattaya that have taken out even small loans. Sounds like the usual liberal BBC dribble to me.
  11. Irishman - You fly a non U.S. flag, but you get a U.S. Pension - Good for you! The rest of your post is not exactly correct. Medicare has 2 parts (Now 4 parts). One is hospital which is free to the recipient, and the other is the outpatient Doctor fees. These may be canceled if you do not pay the $100 or so, monthly fees. Your hospital costs under part A are never canceled.
  12. In the U.S. the AP reported that the Government canceled the 30% Baht reserve rule after the markets plunged in Thailand, Singapore, and even the U.S. to a limited extent, to ADR securities. Funny, but I have not seen this on the boards at all - Is it true?
  13. When I lived in Jomtiem, I simply direct deposited it into my U.S. Bank Acct. and used my ATM card to withdraw funds. I would double check on who pays for the Swift transfer fees if you try to direct deposit.
  14. Who is making misleading posts? You posted: (Note how polite you are, and not using your normal pejorative names) mr mango, if you dont mind me asking, where in pattaya do you live and where or what in pattaya is your business Which I answered with a full reply, knowing that you will through everything back at me: Doing a little opposition research that you can use for derogatory posting against me in the future? Then you posted: Not at all An obvious lie, as then you posted: However given your answer, it is now obvious that you have absolutely no experience o
  15. For me, only when it is so humid, that the streets are flooded, and all my clothes are soaked from the rain.
  16. I waited 3 months for TOT to install my Broadband in Jomtiem. After many calls and visits to their offices, I gave up, and moved.
  17. Hi Jilsandler - My ex German wife bought several hundred thousand pounds of your products... (Thats why she is a ex)
  18. Boy, it did not take you long to use your oppision rerearch against me! This one is easy - I simply used your numbers when you told Dave he was paying too much, compared to your operation. I haven't followed you anywhere. If you note, I joined the boards long before you. I am just calling you out when you make misleading, self serving posts.
  19. Don't mind at all - I lived in the Jomtiem Condos by Soi 10 in Jomtiem Beach and I am in the electronics business concentrating on Australia. Doing a little opposition research that you can use for derogatory posting against me in the future?
  20. Maybe so, but the Birds are a LOT better looking....
  21. You are right - We disagree. It may be technically asking a question, but by parsing words very carefully, it infers that it is a up an coming area, but doesn't actually say so - Thats deceitful in my opinion. You are like Bill Clinton when he stated "It depends what the meaning of "is" is...
  22. How about the heading of this thread? You continually try to give the false impression that your little Soi is going to be the next major entertainment area, which in my eyes is either deceitful or stupid. It is a nice little neighborhood, like many in Pattaya I dunno - I remember walking it in a few minutes. Walking street that you keep trying to equate it to. I never said that I did not like the Soi, only the false impression that you are trying paint about it. It's about fair and honest information and opinion, not posters who have a vested interest tr
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