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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by MrMango

  1. Its wheels up for me on Saturday, and I have rented an apartment in Jomtien Beach. I have been told that it takes about a week to get DSL (I have already paid for a phone line). Then I can hook up my VOIP unit with a U.S. number and people can call me just like I was in the States. My service also has another feature - It can ring 2 phone lines. My U.S. number, which will not answer, as it has not been hooked up, and I will add my Thai mobile number when I have bought a SIM card in Thailand. Then, anybody can call me and I will answer in my mobile. The down side to this arrangement, i
  2. I would like to apply also - I arrive on Monday and can start on Tuesday...
  3. You sound like my mirror image - I lived in Tahoe off and on since the 70's (Homewood) and have been using Vonage for a couple of years now. I have also rented a apartment starting January 25, and will install DSL immediately. I can then test my Vonage service to make and receive calls from the U.S. and Oz. The one problem that I had bringing my Vonage to Pattaya last November, is most Hotels that have wired broadband share the DSL with other rooms, so when somebody is downloading porn, the Vonage does not have enough bandwidth to operate, and service is spotty. About the first of
  4. Today, I was thinking about starting a Blog of my trials and tribulations of moving to Pattaya. I am a terrible writer, but does anybody know of a free site that I can write this, plus add pictures? I think my Grand kids would get a kick out of reading it sometime in the future.
  5. The Eastiny Residence Hotel on Soi 10 has it on the 7th floor. Should be about 1,000 Baut/night. New, pretty nice.
  6. The Eastiny business card reads: eastinypattaya.com
  7. Can you buy a DSL modem in Pattaya? I am coming from the U.S., and I have used a Cable modem here (much better and cheaper with no contract), and have not seen any for sale here.
  8. Come on guys, Lets let this thread die..... PLEASE
  9. Just remember - If it has Tits or Tires, you'r gonna have problems...
  10. Best airline that i have ever flown. Used to fly 12-15 times a year SFO HKG, and about half the time they would upgrade me, sometimes to First! I never paid more than $600 for a round trip ticket... Their lounge was also great, and none of the Birds were below a 8. On United, all of the Birds needed a walking Stick.
  11. With my superior negotiating skills, I was able to hire a speedboat for my Tilac and myself for 1700 Baut. I turned out that my Tilac 9She was from Isaan) had never been in the ocean, much less a speed boat, and promptly turned green. We arrived in about 1/2 hour to a nice beach, but there was nothing to do but sit in beach chair and get hassled by all of the beach vendors. After a couple of hours, we left out of boredom, and returned to Pattaya. We could have had the same experience in Jomtien beach without the boat ride. Next time, I think that I will take the ferry to the li
  12. I think that the journal will be all of the posts to the boards. They will be funny reading after everything is sorted out.
  13. Pardon for hijacking your tread, but I am moving to Jmptien Beach, and I heard that there is a Bar there where you can play pool with naked bar girls. Sounds like fun - Anybody know if it?
  14. Isn't this the lady boy/Gay part of the Beach?
  15. Boy are you a slow learner. With over 1300 posts, you would think that at least the Baut Bus question would have been answered... Somehow, I think that this post is in jest, IMHO of course...
  16. Well guys my move to Pattaya has started. I have just rented a Studio sight unseen, in Jomptien Beach. Brand new inside with a full kitchen, 2 pools, and a balcony with an ocean view. Now I really need you help. I have read that there are several suppliers of DSL, with one being more reliable and quicker to install – Anybody know which one, and can I call in advance to get the in stallion started? (The neighbor apparently has a wireless router connection that can be tapped into) Thanx for letting me lean on you, and I’m sure that there will be more cry’s for help for my adve
  17. I would not try it. Surprisingly, Thais are very shy and modest about nudity in public. I was in Pattaya about a year ago, and a couple of German tourists went topless on the main beach, causing quite a stir with the locals, and as I remember, the boys in Brown had a talk with them.
  18. Welcome to the Land of Smiles nilsatis Hotels: you can find a good one for about 1,000 Baut a night. I stayed at Estiny Residence Hotel on Soi 10 last visit in November - Brand new, Pool (Small), broadband in room, with breakfast for about 1,000 Bt per night. The beaches here are not the best, as Pattaya dumps raw sewage in their bay, but go over the hill to Jomtiem, and they are pretty good. As for the Elephant rides, I have done this a couple of times. Once to the sanctuary and once somewhere south of town with gardens, etc. The best was to the Sanctuary where they take you
  19. I am planning my big move the end of January, and plan only to take the clothes on my back and my laptop, as well as my ATM cards, of course. I am in the process of selling/giving away all of my possessions in the States, and have left with my daughter old photos, etc. I will be born again, so to speak.
  20. For me, short time is 30 seconds. I ran into a whore in Las Vegas. She showed her tits, and said "You can have all of me for $200 per hour... I said great - I'll take 30 seconds worth..
  21. Can you tell us what price that you paid for the room? Sounds good to me...
  22. I am moving to Pattaya the end of January, and I am semi retarded (Oops, I meant Retired). I will post my exact costs for the first full month, if anybody is interested.
  23. A perfect solution - Viagra and Ambien - That way, you don't roll out of bed when you are sound asleep...
  24. I totally agree with themook - You sleep like a baby without any of the side effects of Halicon. I usually get mine filled in the States, as I get them with my health insurance.
  25. MrMango


    If you can find this - Buy two - I'll take one for that price..
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